Nathan's Famous 100th Hot Dog Eating Contest

WatchESPN / ESPN3 @ 12:00 PM EST
10:00 AM - Live in Coney Island
10:45 AM - Introduction of Female Contestants
11:00 AM - Women's Contest
12:00 PM - Main Event
12:30 PM - Introduction of Male Contestants
12:40 PM - Men's Contest Begins
12:55 PM - Trophy Presentation

WatchESPN / ESPN3 @ 12:00 PM EST
10:00 AM - Live in Coney Island
10:45 AM - Introduction of Female Contestants
11:00 AM - Women's Contest
12:00 PM - Main Event
12:30 PM - Introduction of Male Contestants
12:40 PM - Men's Contest Begins
12:55 PM - Trophy Presentation