Biff Hardbody
Not mine, but post yours here! I know some of you lucky bastards will get it today. From OS...
love it. First game I played you can tell there was a major physics upgrade to the game, everything from the deep ball flight, the tackling - just like, 800 subtle differences you pick up on right away.
'I' formations have weakside runs - praise god, you finally can't stack the strong side on those. Having a capable back in Lydell Ross (89 OVR) and a FB in Brandon Joe (96 OVR), I now can run with either, to either side of the field and expect considerable games or considerable failure.
Sweeps work! I've been all over this. When you pitch out, your blockers are 10x more aware of what's going on in the play. No more running around blocking no one, and no more instant loss when you accidentally picked the sweep play trying to run the off-tackle. The FB gets out and blocks, the WR's make fairly decent blocks - there's some serious opportunity here for yardage.
RB's take different paths on handoffs. This is minor, but you don't see a RB or FB take the same path on the same play every play. Sometimes it seems you take the ball really close to the QB, sometimes the QB extends his arm out further - just different ---- like that.
Play actions are harder to pick up. Instead of always handing off with your hand on a PA, the QB actually extends the ball out pulls it back - very difficult so far to pick that up. Also of note, I haven't faked a handoff to date that's gotten me hit before I could even get passing icons up.
QB scrambling is much more realistic. No more sending the everyone downfield and taking off, as the defense reacts a lot better. I've still had moderate success in doing so, however you must elude a tackler to do it this year as the DE will often peel off and take a competitive angle on you to limit your carry.
Draws work too! Now, I haven't whipped off a big one and I'm still playing whatever default difficulty is, but even on a play that appears to fool no one I'm still picking up a yard or 3 by falling forward at the line.
The bump and run defense so far is considerably weaker than last year. Last year you had to motion to get away from bnr coverage, this year it's more of a cover-the-flats better type of thing. I just played Cincinnati in week #1 of a dynasty, and even Cincinnati's WR's were burning me off the line on bumps.
It also appears that the DE loop isn't nearly as effective. A pet pieve of mine was watching a DE run down 10 yards and come up to sack me, but this year the T seals off his corner MUCH better.
Ran a game with Air Force against Army, and the flexbone was working to full effect. Even plays like the WR insides and FB handoffs from the flex were gaining yards. In fact, it seems many of the plays that sucked [censored] last year have came back in a fashionable appearance.
Texas State had a double option play from pro form, where you hand off to the weakside of the run, that RB runs and then has an outlet to pitch out to backfield partner for more yards - deadly play so far.
HFA is awesome, I think this feature will be a big hit.
Dustin Fox (91 OVR), still can't cover a WR to save his [censored]. This tells me EA did their homework.
Way too many unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. I often hit R2 in an attempt to strip the ball, and if it was a big play the guy who stuffs whatever was run will get up and do something that sometimes gets him penalized.
Lot of shoving after plays, the Texas State/Nicholls State I had 3 unsportsmanlike penalites for getting up and shoving the ball carrier. This slider will get an adjustment, I can feel it now.