So i went and picked up POP (USED, yeah i know but still) for GC from EB today for 10.54. So i got home just now to look at the disc. Someone wrote there name with a freaking sharpy on the disc, now only on the top most part but the bottom inner circle. Now i ask you how the f can i get this stuff off the disc? I know i'm being a little anal about this but i want perstine mint condition not this crap. I need to find a way to get it off of there. I know non abrasive cleaners for ceramic stoves might work, but am afraid to try it.
Also how do you keep your cases clean, so they have that fresh soft plastic feel. You know over time they get icky and dont feel as nice as they do once you get them right out of the plastic wrap.
Also how do you keep your cases clean, so they have that fresh soft plastic feel. You know over time they get icky and dont feel as nice as they do once you get them right out of the plastic wrap.