
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7 (Current)
Tentative Draft Date: Sunday, August 30th at 9:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Pacific
So let's get the bad news out of the way first... it would appear that Cloudy got himself permabanned back in April.
The good news is that he's still acting commissioner of this league and No Quitters will be back for the 2015 NFL season. And I'll be damned if I'm going to let interest in this league dry up before I finally win the big one. So here's the annual league discussion and trash talk thread.
As always, previous players get priority. Invites were sent out a number of weeks ago but you can always check in to your Yahoo! fantasy profiles if yours got buried.
I'll maintain a wait list for potential new players in this OP for easy reference. Post in this thread below if you'd like to be added to it.
This IS an established money league so bear that in mind when expressing your interest. GAF does boast some awesome fantasy leagues that exist solely for bragging rights - although you'll still have to lose your shirt to play in at least one of them.
League Settings
Quick summary - this is a 16-team head-to-head, 0.5 PPR redraft league with a snake draft and weekly waiver priority determined by team standings (last place team gets to claim first). 8 teams makes the playoffs.
League dues last season were $65 with the top 4 teams making the money. Not anticipating that will change - that's up to Cloudy, of course. But that's the ballpark you'll be looking at to participate. Believe he'll be collecting payments via LeagueSafe again unless you're an evil foreigner like myself that must resort to old-fashioned PayPal.
Returning for Another Season
Team Konex / Will Eventually be Named Something Chargers Related {Cloudy aka The Commish}
Ain't No Losing Bihh {kememsi aka FirstPlaceLoser}
Angel's Superb Team {Sinistar}
Bail Kings GAFcoast {Crazymoogle}
Dinner Out {Cloudy's Cousin / Former 2-Time League Champion}
Ember Island Players {GCQuinton}
Foxhound {Bishman}
Good As Gould {rinker}
Hookers And Blow {Azwethinkweiz}
Long Island Broskis {UberTag}
Redbull Express GAF {acksman aka The Defending Champ}
SirGarbagemen {Sir Garbageman}
TD's N' Beer {minx88}
New Recruits for 2015
Gabriel's Team {1871}
Los Fuqboys {Furyous}
Spyders {schwagger15}