Hoga am happyBarbarossa's zerehs
DEF:36 STR+4 VIT+4 Haste+3%
lvl 75 legs
Mission1 : Fight waves of Fomors and Imps + Kill Imp NM
Mission2 : Protect the NPC + Kill Pirate NM
Mission3 : Kill Pirate Boss + monkey
"Ahr Ahr" Pants dropped from third mission, that can literally be spammed.
Any chance or point to do mission1 or 2 again after you beat 3?
spammable to a point where the person doesnt have more IS or cant buy any more imp. coinage from the ah...but ya hq3 may drop down fast.
hmm sleepga, poison pots just in case.Always saw imps open with AM but after that I saw single target nukes usually in the tier 4 and tier 3 agas. The NM was the only one that debuffed really and he put a sleepga 2 on the whole group that led to a nice wipe our 3rd attempt. ><
Failed 2 more attempt on the 1st round, but find out more info.
1. As someone mentioned above, killing the imp NM doesnt make u win the battle, b/c we did chainspell + stun then raped it in 30secs after the 3rd waves of fomors and still have to keep fighting.
2. Each waves of mobs seems can spawn only twice(or maybe 3?), that's if u don't kill all of them in almost the same time. if u do kill them at the same time, like blms using -ga3, then it will simply move to the next wave. At my 3rd attempt, 2 of our blms were down at the 3rd wave of fomor, then our nin need to kite the last fomor so we can recover. After the fomor was dead, the NM poped, then we did the chainspell + stun and killed it. That's how i found out of this.
3. The best setup probably are rdm/drk(SP+Stun if u go for the NM), 2 blms and 3 other jobs. And just have the rdm cast SS, blink, phalanx, use -dmg% equips then go aggro all the mob and gather them, so that the blms can use -ga3 for killing them all at once. btw, yes, camp at the top and pull them to there when u are rdy, dont try to fight at the bottom.
4. Be careful on the imp. either the NM or small ones. I believe sleepga2 from the NM or AM + -ga3 from the small ones are the main reasons that most ppl fail on this BC.
Good luck on beating this one, hope my info helps. And forgive my bad English.. ^_^
some details you might like to know before entering the BC:
- if you wipe and Reraise, fomors and imps will istantly aggro. I dont think it's blood aggro (Imps don't), it's just they sense yoi and come back to finish you off. So it's better to raise when you're the only one down.
- Buffs will be off upon entering. Buffs will be removed if kicked out.
- No matter if you Reraise inside, if you wipe it's Home Point for everyone unless you brought a 7th friend to wait outside of the BC. I'm not happy
How far up the stairs? If you're anywhere near the stairs, they'll aggro you, you can however wipe up top of the ship and you can just hang there forever. Tell your group if they're close to death, run up the stairs, and that works just dandy.
Tythera said:Did the second Ashu Talif assault today (someone flagged the wrong one >.>) and when we won there was 3 treasure chests instead of the usual 2. Pictures below!
So far it's only given me shell twice and I keep zoning before getting to see how long the effect lasts. 45 minute recast so haven't been able to pop it too many times yet.
Edit: Popped it again and I got blink. Took off my Utsusemi and gave me regular mage blink which wore off in 2 hits :?
Kandinsky said:Check your DB Len, see you guys in 3 months or something lol![]()
how dare you!RuGalz said:You can't quit!
OMG@Morrigan's and Marduk's
SpiderJerusalem said:its like limbus but with a set time and when you go in it locks out your subjob, your equipment, your ja's, you can't cast magic, you have -30 on your stats, you have hp and mp down....so then you have to kill stuff to get these potion things you use to get stuff back
omgwtf:lolSpiderJerusalem said:its like limbus but with a set time and when you go in it locks out your subjob, your equipment, your ja's, you can't cast magic, you have -30 on your stats, you have hp and mp down....so then you have to kill stuff to get these potion things you use to get stuff back
Argyle_Ramuh :
This thread made me lol and I only bothered reading the first page.
What is so funny about RDM tank?
We are about the best tanks there is.
Cerberus, Wyrms, Bahamut V2, etc...
We have ditched 2 PLD with Aegis, shadow mantle (they come as BLM and SMN now lol) and op for RDM/NIN tank on HNMs instead nowadays.
In terms of sheer hate,
NIN/BRD (if you can hit all members in pt with mazurka, think Tiamat) > RDM/NIN > NIN/DRK or PLD/NIN
But in situations where you fight mob far away eg cerberus, bahamut v2, then RDM triumphs in all aspects.
Argyle_Ramuh :
IDK, they were Japanese, one was trying to tank Fafnir and one was trying to tank Cerberus. In short, it was laughable. Though I laugh at most crappy tanks so I'm sure there's some good RDM tanks out there. It simply doesn't sound good to me, but maybe I'm underestimating it.
Not the greatest of gear, but it serves me well enough for tanking HNMs.
Jorm. For this experiment, we brought along a NIN/DRK to compare hate levels, as well as ALL BLM crew, that is right..... NO SMN or /THF to TA us.
Needless to say, RDM/NIN triumphs even when all blms go all out, manafont, etc... nuke till their mp exhaust, the mob wouldnt even move an inch.
Killed Khimaira today: we tanked it with rdm/nin + rdm/nin + pld/nin
I'll get back to you with pictures (I didn't take any myself, but a LS mate got a few screenshots I'll get them up ASAP when he sends them to me)
we only had one pld online and we had no other tanks, the khimaira before was killed by a JP LS using (pld pld rdm brd all /nin) so we took the idea from them, myself and one of the co-leaders geared up our rdms and went out to tank.
Honestly I was the "3rd" tank so I didn't tank as much as the pld or the other rdm. At one point I was weakened and the pld died, and the other rdm had to tank solo for 2 minutes, then 3 minutes of duo rdm/nin while the pld was still resting.
I died 3 times during the fight, everytime was from Turbilion while I was casting Ichi :/ that move hits hard btw, and so does Khimaira with -25% physical damage taken I was being hit for about 200-250 a hit
His Magic Damage AoEs did around 400-600 (and the only Fulmination did 700 damage to myself)
I tanked with only 1180hp and enmity+15 the other rdm had about 1260hp and +20enmity. Tanking wise, the PLD tanked 40% of it, the other rdm did about 35% and I did about 25% of the tanking. I was used primarly as the TA target and for refreshing the pld (since our tank party's support was whm whm brd)
overall hate was lost only 3 times, twice to brds and once to a whm, so I think we did pretty good for our first time
afterwards the other rdm was sending me tells
"We should totaly pimp out our rdm's for tanking! That was so fun."
Equipment: I used my "soloing" macro line since it's the only macro line I have that does't equip me with -enmity equip
Terra Staff
(no range items)
Warlock's Chapeau (used Duelist when low on MP)
Dusk Gloves
Crimson Cuisses
Crimson Greaves
Harmonia's Torque
Eris' Earring x2
Jelly Ring (probably gonna use Coral ring next time for the magic damage)
Merman's Ring
Intensifying Cape
Warwolf Belt
Food: Dorado Sushi
Dispel+Sleep, 80% of the time pulled hate off the other tanks when used, it's really incredable how much hate those spells pull when your wearing +15enmity instead of my normal -20enmity
one problem I had was that my stoneskin was only giving 250 damage absorb instead of 350 (cause I wasn't wearing any +mnd and only have a base of 60mnd when /nin) also I'd like to have abit more HP (not hard if I get a few pieces of equip + merit HP beyond Lv2)
Equip I want in to improve on: Dusk Pants + Dusk Feet (for HP/haste) some HQ eris earrings would be nice (or 1 HQ + Cassie Earring) and get something in my range slot (either the Rosenbagen or the Lamia Kamen) and get myself a Cerberus Mantle :O
and because it's funny I evaded 8 attacks and parried 1 during the ~1.5 hour fight
Well a few days ago, there was an emergency maint and we had small numbers @ faf. I decided to go /brd and test out how hard it would hit me. I started off @ tank pt, got aerial armor and everything lol. Then I was moved to the blm pt after another rdm/whm arrived.
With Pro 5, Taco, & mediocre defense gear (loljelly ring, umbra, terra staff).. I was getting hit for this much:
These are crits.
Now for regular hits:
It was all very amusing. BRD sub puts all tanks to shame hate wise. I kept hate with 3 BLMs casting and MB'ing @ will.
Keep in mind, mazurka's hate equals half a PLD's invincible so with capped mazurka recast (17sec i think?), hate wasn't a problem at all.
The dmg I took was fairly low when it comes to a mage getting hit @ fafnir. Regular hits did 150-200.. crit dmg around 250+ . That's exactly how much a PLD would do if they didn't shield block.
You see, the thing that bothers me about /NIN is no spike hate. When someone in the alliance gets hate from a nuke or big MB, you can't just remove it from him instantly. A RDM/NIN that says he can keep hate from a BLM bursting for 2500+ DMG is full of shit imo. But with mazurka and these new enhanced abilities of PLD lately, its possible for them to remove hate from BLMs.
BRD sub and some more def and hp gear might have some potential when it comes to speed kills @ faf. My LS focuses on 10 minute kills if we have a full alliance there. Anything more than 15min kills and we'll start calling our blms gimps lol.
Edit: we got full drop on this faf btw.. and the talon i got from this was a lucky one. 1/1 genie ^^
lol@ cure bomb in the 3rd screenshot.
Imo, ANY job that have utsusemi /NIN can tank Fafnir. Even BLM/NIN, with the right support.
Lets see you try your RDM/BLU/BRD w/e on say Tiamat, Cerb, Bahamut V2 and Jorm etc.... from 100% > 0% with NO PLD or NIN to support you.hehe Prolly need outside healers to cure bomb you as you will turn into MP sink which is totally inefficient. Bloodtanking is so 2004 Blaize, I am really surprised you brought this up.
No one is saying /BRD is not good. But it just isn't efficient and plausible in most situations if you are MAIN RDM.
In order to generate that kind of spike hate/cap hate, your mazurka would need to hit most of the people in party.
No clue how your LS fight Bahamut, but we sure as hell don't let mages even near enough to catch a Sweeping Flail. Fighting right under Bahamut's toes is just suicide if you want to mazurka your whole PT as NIN/BRD.
Next, Jorm and Cerb. Again, mages stay really far, out of range of Paralyga and Ulvulation. There is no reason why mages should get hit by these and waste time paralynaing themselves. Totally inefficient if you ask me.
Tiamat and Fafhogg yes... we all stand at feet for obvious reasons. Those 2 mobs, NIN/BRD is superb at tanking, as you mentioned can recover easily from Roars due to the sheer hate of Mazurka.
However, if you really understand the mechanism of the game, roars should be kept at minimum or never should happen at all. As you should remember from the PM I sent you regarding wrym roars hate reset, it happens when you feed them tp on ground.
Each touchdown by wyrms, their tp is reset to 0. When we fight wyrms in small numbers (Tiamat, Ouryu w/e), we take every precaution we can and success is guaranteed from how efficient we work. As for spike hate, WHO THE HELL NEEDS IT WHEN HATE IS STAYED FOCUS ON TANKS ALL THE TIME?
RDM/NIN can AND WILL hold hate even if your BLM MB 2500. You have no clue how much hate cap RDM/NIN can achieve. Go try it out as I advised you on PM.
Our experiments on RDM tanking is on a whole new level. We control the environment as much as possible to push it to the limits.
For eg.
Name me one tank job that can let a whole alliance of BLM (yes, we use all BLM's onry for testing), nuke till their MP gone, manafont, etc.... without a single drawin/hate shift on mobs where you fight at distance.
I repeat what I said in previous page regarding tank and hate:-
Was off for a couple of days from game, got really trashed and drunk on both Christmas eve and day, had to take another 2 more days to recover
OK, first off..... /GOODBYE PLD/NIN tanks, Hi2u RDM/NIN
Yes, there I said it.
Mgarardi(Eden member)
This is quite interesting, while fighting aspid, all of our tanks dc'd myself included. Good thing it was only aspid.
Tanks only. So just filtering say and shout should work?
That was me lol <3
Taj said:![]()
At this point, he got confused (the word latter must've thrown him off!) and decided that I had blundered through PlayOnline, and accidentally called a GM. Him, being the kind soul that he is, told me this and said he'd help me get back in game. I forgot to screenshot this part, yes I fail.
At this point, he flooded my client with null packets which caused a buffer overflow (wow, exploiting your own client, awesome!) which I have to admit was really funny. The following took place after I logged back in:
After that, he temp. banned me without saying anything. Enjoy!
RDM/NIN tank is becoming a detriment in most ways to the balance of the game. This is of course strictly my opinion and I don't know how many agree. It is to the point that RDM/NIN can replace PLD/NIN is far too many instances, and while RDM is supposed to be a jack-of-all-trades job, I am starting to feel like it is far too good at certain tasks, instead of being average or above average in most respects.
I think there are some basic ways to prevent it as a tank, without taking away from its capability. Perhaps a hard enmity "cap" on spells like Dispel, Bind, Blind, and possibly even Sleep/Sleep II (all common hate tools used by RDM/NIN, having low MP costs and recast timers when haste is stacked). The ability to generate enmity, coupled with the defensive, and damage-negating abilities, enfeebling magic, the ability to cast self-barspells, haste, and refresh(!), while taking advantage of copy images, make this combination incredibly powerful, especially as a solo tanking job in large-scale fights. Terror and similar monster weapon skills, made to intentionally prevent these instances of players overpowering mobs are scoffed at by a tank with the ability to generate so much enmity and take single-digit damage on a regular basis. I have considered other alternatives as well, but I felt this one was the most worthwhile to post as it seemed the most "logical", knowing SE's track record of adjusting enmity (the Utsusemi modification, and the recent Sentinel upgrade).
I feel the developers should already be aware of how this job, when used as a tank, scoffs at other jobs designed to perform best in these situations, such as PLD/NIN or NIN/DRK (NIN/BRD in many cases as well). RDM/NIN takes away from these jobs in essence by being a well-rounded class on paper, but too powerful in play. PLD/NIN, even with the relic "Aegis" (I own one of these) only seem to play catch-up to what RDM/NIN is capable of doing in such short time with Fast Cast, Stoneskin, Phalanx, and Bar-spells.
Please consider "nerfing" something about RDM/NIN. I don't much care what it is, but this is getting quickly out of hands. It has, in my opinion, gone beyond players using the game-breaking combinations to their advantage and has reached the level of "ridiculous".