Ok tried redownloading the file and I'm still getting error code 2 after selecting start game from the opening window. Any idea how to fix this?
Are you using launcher.exe or online.exe?
Ok tried redownloading the file and I'm still getting error code 2 after selecting start game from the opening window. Any idea how to fix this?
Anyone happen to know what the recommended and minimum required hardware is for this? Curios if my Asus ultra portable has the horsepower to run this or if I'll only be able to play on my desktop.
Are you using launcher.exe or online.exe?
Online.exe gives me the error 2 message. Launcher.exe has no response at all when I click on start game.
I had the exact same issue, seems it was my antivirus software. I tried configuring the antivirus and it worked on and off but didn't properly solve the problem. I've removed the software and gonna try reinstalling it later
I use avast. Never had any issues before. What did you do to reconfigure?
I was using Avast as well. First thing I did was disable Avast and then did a fresh install whilst it was disabled then it worked perfectly. Once I exited the game and Avast came back on the error occured again, meaning I had to disable Avast everytime I wanted to play. You can add the files to the exclusion list but I found it didn't really work.
Well that's odd. So I have to disable my antivirus anytime I want to play. That seems unsafe
Well that's odd. So I have to disable my antivirus anytime I want to play? That seems unsafe
Whelp, the game stops responding after the loading screen when I try to join the game after selecting my character. I tried all of the files in the folder and the same thing happens.
Are you using fullscreen? If so try windowed.
Strange. That worked, but I don't like how it's off-center. It cuts off some of the screen. Do you know of any fix?
Edit: I've played the game last year, only difference is I have Windows 10 as opposed to 8.1 and a GTX 970 instead of a 760. Worked fine before in fullscreen.
Yeah it's not recommended. Trying to find another way around it because it's not the best method to play the game. Don't know if it's just Avast or all antivirus software, but there must be a way of having the software ignore the program. The exclusion list didn't work for me so need to try something else.
It's probably a gameguard issue. Just add psobb.exe to your antivirus exceptions.
Ok I added the entire folder to my exclusion list and it seems to be working. It looks like Avast thinks PSOBB.exe is a virus and it quarantines it unless told otherwise.
Is there any way to view current FPS?
forgot how awesome it is starting a unfunded force![]()
The "full inventory Meseta" thing is still happening.![]()
Just to give you a heads up, the PSOBB.exe raises a false positive in Avast. Just incase anyone keeps it in silent mode and spends ages wondering why the file won't copy to the game directory =/
Anyone else crashing out? Have made 3 toons so far, HU seems to be working fine, the 2 RA's however, the game crashes on me whenever I try to attack something.
Are you using fullscreen? If so switch to windowed, if not i'll investigate.
Using windowed, toned down the graphics settings as well
Hmm, might wanna try reinstalling.
What OS and antivirus are you using?
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What the heck is Episode 3?
Is it like Half Life?
Quick Question...
What the heck is Episode 3?
Is it like Half Life?
Already tried reinstalling, using Win 7 and Norton