...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I'm listening to the new album right now. I absolutely love Fall of the Plastic Empire and I really love Leave No Ashes so far. It's got this hauntingly 80s punk sound to it with a kick of grunge thrown in. It's a three piece band, and they may get pretty big soon. They just finished touring with A Perfect Circle and they were downright amazing. I never gave much of a shit about opening acts, but damn...they were just that damn good.
Anyways, new album totally rocks. Any other fans here? I think the band is downright phenomenal, they've quickly shot up my list and CD's always playing in my car. It's a strangely intoxicating band to say the least.
Anyways, new album totally rocks. Any other fans here? I think the band is downright phenomenal, they've quickly shot up my list and CD's always playing in my car. It's a strangely intoxicating band to say the least.