All encounters are tailored to PS3. Enemy designs, environment and count have to be the same across platforms so that PS3 256Mbx2 is the line that cannot be crossed. Of course PC will have better looking stuff, just nothing that's not in the PS3 version like weather and number of enemies on screen all limited to PS3 to keep the experience the same across platforms.
For example it is unlikely you will see an encounter with 2 wiverns 2 drakes and death + mobs in the PC version but not in the PS3 version even though a regular 2015 PC is perfectly capable to handle it at medium settings. Which is a shame.
Just some stuff from the developer team interview in Dengeki PlayStation:
- no voice chat
- you can swap vocations at any time
- All the gear and equipment in DD/DA are present in the game, along with a lot more new stuff - more than 1,000 pieces in total; you can also craft new gear with materials
- players can log in and switch between multiple servers
- players can create multiple characters in a single account
- on PC specs; obviously players with high-spec PCs will be able to enjoy better graphics, but basically if youre running a decent 3-year-old PC that met the recommended requirements of most games then youd likely be all right
- the game design is catered towards long-term continual play; there are levelling dungeons and areas, item-based hunts/quests, as well as random/limited quests/events that pop up when viewing notices in the lobby
- can form parties with pawns or other players; like in DD/DA, the pawns are AI-controlled, but you can easily ask another player to join in
- there will be three expansions to the game
- DDON is not linked with DD/DA storyline
- while the Dragon was an antagonist in DD, it is not so in DDON as the players will take up the role of Arisen who are protecting the White Dragon
- yes you still get a main pawn
- the pawn-Arisen relationship is still in the game; you can dress up your pawn, equip your pawn with poor armour/decent weapon etc.
- Fighter = short-range attacker, Hunter = long-range attacker, Priest = healing and recovery, Shield Sage = tank
- in-game party of a maximum of four members; you can play with pawns or other Arisen (mix and match pawn-Arisen combination as you like), or even play solo
- you can still rent out and hire pawns, this feature is still retained from DD
- character generator is also like DD/DAs customisation system, but with more additions; make handsome guys, cute girls, whatever you fancy
- pawns can also craft gear; think of hiring and renting out pawns that specialise in crafting
- armour system is maintained (the clothing and armour layers) with the added fun of customisation!!!!
- the skill system from DD/DA is retained; need to purchase new skills with discipline points
- no, there is no Ur-Dragon-like boss
- but there are raids with eight players!
- more vocations to be added in the future; rather than base and hybrid vocations, lets just say that theres a wider range of vocations compared to previously
- you can even get the NPC armour like Iris and Leos
- emotes and clans will be introduced
- the team is confident that if youve enjoyed DD/DA then you will enjoy DDON
Looks super rough and last-gen.
All encounters are tailored to PS3. Enemy designs, environment and count have to be the same across platforms so that PS3 256Mbx2 is the line that cannot be crossed. Of course PC will have better looking stuff, just nothing that's not in the PS3 version like weather and number of enemies on screen all limited to PS3 to keep the experience the same across platforms.
For example it is unlikely you will see an encounter with 2 wiverns 2 drakes and death + mobs in the PC version but not in the PS3 version even though a regular 2015 PC is perfectly capable to handle it at medium settings. Which is a shame.