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New games you would like you see made


I would like to see a world series of poker.You can play in all the different tournments.Take on the roles of previous champions.To be this would be great on gameboy advance.


I want a Civil War FPS, and not the shitty Gods and Generals game. Infinity Ward did a good thing with Call of Duty, now they need to make a Civil War game.


heh...I personally wouldn't mind if all war-based games just dissappeared for a year or two :b

that's just IMO...not trying to throw the thread OT or anything :b


The same ones I've wanted for years:

- Lumberjack Olympics

- World's Strongest Man

borrow the gameplay from EPYX's Summer/Winter/World/California Games series, make them bargain titles, and voila, million seller.


Looking for Pants
cleanup said:
I would like to see a world series of poker.You can play in all the different tournments.Take on the roles of previous champions.To be this would be great on gameboy advance.

Why not just play online in FreeRoll tournaments?


-An MMORPG on the GBA/DS/PSP (with a keyboard adapter or something)
-side scrolling 3D remake of either Mario 1 or Sonic 3
-2D side scrolling RPG (haven't seen one since Zelda 2 or SOTN, if you want to argue that as an RPG)


A superhero based strategy RPG in the same vein as Fire Emblem with the theme of the Avengers or the Justice League with several other heroes who can join your ranks as honorary members. Imagine Green Arrow or Spider-Man joining your ranks for a time. Fire Emblem handled its story incredibly well and there's no reason why a good comic writer couldn't do the same. Flying heroes, ground heroes, super speed, each could be handled appropriately with their own sortie of attacks or powers (magic). Plus, the whole perma-death thing would mean you'd have to treat the game as team-based. All the possibilities are there and then some. Then of course there's the rogue's gallery of each heor to work with. Multiple villains. Sidequests. Heroes leaving your party to attend to certain things for a battle or two. Unfortunately for me, that will never happen.

How about a shooter where you can control two ships at once. We've all seen that awesome video of that person playing Ikaruga with one hand per ship, but why not apply that same ideology to one control pad where the right hand controls one ship with the right analog stick and the R1 and R2 buttons while the left hand did all of that on the left side as well. I mean, the way you could construct the levels in that type of game opens up a load of possibilities already, much less the attacks one could perform with two ships and varying types of weapons.

That's all I've got right now... I'll probably think of more later.


Klonoa 3

How about a shooter where you can control two ships at once. We've all seen that awesome video of that person playing Ikaruga with one hand per ship, but why not apply that same ideology to one control pad where the right hand controls one ship with the right analog stick and the R1 and R2 buttons while the left hand did all of that on the left side as well. I mean, the way you could construct the levels in that type of game opens up a load of possibilities already, much less the attacks one could perform with two ships and varying types of weapons.

didn't The Adventures of Cookie and Cream employ a similar tactic?


The Adventures of Cookie and Cream - from the IGN review.

The tricky bit is that, depending on how you play the game, you may be using one controller to move the two characters. Solo, you use one analog stick and set of shoulder buttons to move each character. There's a multiplayer setting that uses the same configuration, though -- two people hold one Dual Shock. It sounds clumsy, and that it is, but that's part of the fun, especially when you work your way through into the later levels and encounter some really tough puzzles and time limits. Playing with two people also makes the boss encounters much easier. Controlling two characters on your own through the regular linear levels isn't so hard, but the unusual strategies you need to use to battle the bosses are more easily executed by two.

way more

A 2-D Mario game which would have randomly generated levels that could sprawl forever. This could also work for Zelda and Metroid. Maybe add some rpg elements in.


The tricky bit is that, depending on how you play the game, you may be using one controller to move the two characters. Solo, you use one analog stick and set of shoulder buttons to move each character. There's a multiplayer setting that uses the same configuration, though -- two people hold one Dual Shock. It sounds clumsy, and that it is, but that's part of the fun, especially when you work your way through into the later levels and encounter some really tough puzzles and time limits. Playing with two people also makes the boss encounters much easier. Controlling two characters on your own through the regular linear levels isn't so hard, but the unusual strategies you need to use to battle the bosses are more easily executed by two.

That actually sounds pretty cool in a weird quirky sort of way. I don't know -- I was just picturing a game with the speed and hectic nature of Ikaruga and then a person being forced to control two ships on one controller... like a magical ballet of bullet dodging and destruction.


A ghetto themed fps shooter, a game like this would be a real breath of fresh of air for the genre with so many generic scifi and WWII ones out. There's Kingpin 2, but even if that makes it through, I doubt it will be like what I have in mind.

Another shooter I'd like to see is a fantasy based fps or should I say first person caster/slasher. I think a game that plays similar to the Battlefield 1942 would be great, but instead of fighting in some abandoned town or something, you'd be fighting on a huge grassy field in a fantasy fiction style battle. I think something like this would be a great reason to bring the Hexen series back, I think this would also be another good breath of fresh air.

I've said it time and time again, a Morrowind style rpg based on Star Wars. I love Star Wars and I love rpgs that have real-time combat, how could you go wrong there? I'd like it alot if it has a whole selection of classes to choose from two, although I'd just settle for the basic jedi quest and be happy.


First, i'd like to see an action-adventure game where the full game can be played co-op, no split screen, in the vein of Devil May Cry/Castlevania: LOI. Or a full co-op mode for Metal Gear Solid, that would rock.

Also, i'd like to see a fighting game (preferrably Virtua Fighter 4) where you could pick one character, and give that char the fighting style you want, instead of having to play each seperate char to get that particularly style. For example, if you really liked Jacky as a character, if you got tired of his Jeet Kune Do and wanted to try another style, you could use Shun-Di's drunken kung-fu, instead of actually having to use the character Shun-Di.

Sarah is probably my favorite fighter in the game, but i've gotten a bit tired of her emphasis on poking/flamingo stance. I ended up playing Lion and Aoi, but I wasn't particularly fond of them (the characters, not their fighting styles). I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool if I could keep Sarah but have Aoi's reversal-heavy style?


For a Finer World
I would love to see a GTA-style game where the player would have more interactions with his surroundings that just kill/buy. Why has no dev tried to tackle the problem of having good, in-game conversations?
I want to see Massive Entertainment do a Herzog Zwei remake on console. Ground Control II already plays very similarly, and with the change being that you directly control the dropship/commander robot, it'd be perfect. I'd like to see the commander unit (you) be able to 'plug into' victory location/mini bases to gain more powerful defensive and offensive capabilities. Not necessarily new, but it needs to be done.
Things I'd slike to see:
A WW2 RPG. There are all kinds of WW2 shooters. Lets try an RPG now. Get some of these people to read 'Cryptonomicon' by Neil Stephenson for ideas of what to go for.

A FPS which is set in a Final Fantasy type of world with similar aesthetics and that sense of epic proportion.

I want more platforming, fun flowing levels, challenges requiring quick precision, some puzzles in FPS. I don't want generic hallways. I don't want stealth and slow ass lethargic feeling interaction(like in COR).


For a Finer World
I don't want stealth and slow ass lethargic feeling interaction(like in COR)

Amen to that.

Stealth has been overused.

Pseudo-interaction in COR style is even worse than just playing cutscenes. "Accept mission, yes or no?" - What kind of a choice is that when you know you HAVE TO DO the f'n missions...


hobbitx said:
Another shooter I'd like to see is a fantasy based fps or should I say first person caster/slasher. I think a game that plays similar to the Battlefield 1942 would be great, but instead of fighting in some abandoned town or something, you'd be fighting on a huge grassy field in a fantasy fiction style battle. I think something like this would be a great reason to bring the Hexen series back, I think this would also be another good breath of fresh air.

Have you ever played Savage: battle for Newerth on PC? Pretty close to what you are describing


WWII FPS (i know, but wait) where you can play as a German.. Not only in multiplayer but Single Player also.

No, not all Germans were camp guards.

A strategy game like Total War (but with the depth of Europa Universalis while playing on the "map") but it takes place during 1500-1800+ in Europe, Asia (etc.)
30 year war, Napoleon wars and so on.,


Queen of Denmark
A new 2D Mario on the GBA.

A 3D Mario game that is more like Mario 64 and/or the backpackless levels of Mario Sunshine.


Forsete said:
WWII FPS (i know, but wait) where you can play as a German.. Not only in multiplayer but Single Player also.

No, not all Germans were camp guards.

We might see something like this come from, say, Japan in due time once they learn how to make proper FP games (and they've already done this idea of sorts with Ring of Red, as you play as Japanese Nazis there), but you'll never see PC America or the UK make a game like this for fear of all the whining and potential lawsuits that may result. Maybe a smaller European nation could pull through

Another idea: A 2D fighter where the characters have guns and shoot instead of use martial arts. Put in some kind of magazine counter to limit people turtling or something
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