thanks to jb_spel at
Some new rumors on the new Zelda has arrived:
1) The game is said to be released in summer 2005 in Japan and at the end of 2k5 everywhere else.
2) Link might, for once, not be confronting Ganon but a new, evil army called "The Horde".
3) Possible titles include "A Link to the Darkness" or "Legacy of Link"
4) Myamoto has apparently again re-iterated that just because this game uses realistic graphics does not mean that Zelda may never again return to cel-shading in the future.
The very poorly translated article:
One starts to know some about new Zelda to appear a little more on GameCube. All d'abord, the game should leave in summer 2005 to Japan and end l'année everywhere in the world. However, all modifications of date, former or later, is possible. What is interesting, c'est to know that: The play proposes an original scenario where Link will have for once not to face Ganon but a called mysterious army "La Horde".
One has heard for a few weeks at Big N the titles "The legacy of Link" or " In Link to the Darkness" but let us guarantee qu'il will have a modification there. However, by analyzing these titles, one knows that the play will be centered on the character of Link and qu'on will s'aventurera in a dark universe. This next Zelda wants to be very modern, limit avant-gardist and perfect transition with the play such qu'il could l'être on the next consoles new-gen. A very new and very fresh demonstration should be proposed d'ici the end of l'année.
Last thing, and not of least: Miyamoto made well include/understand qu'il can remain several facets of its legend. So new Zelda (not that one, one is d'accord!) could very well again use Cell-Shading. In fact, l'ambiance graphic is corrolée with the maturity of the character. It does not matter graphics as long as the play shines of thousand fire. But it is clear that the return of Link such as everyone l'attendait risk really to make more than sparks. A fire of passion in the heart of Nintendophiles? One will speak again about it in the months to come.
Some new rumors on the new Zelda has arrived:
1) The game is said to be released in summer 2005 in Japan and at the end of 2k5 everywhere else.
2) Link might, for once, not be confronting Ganon but a new, evil army called "The Horde".
3) Possible titles include "A Link to the Darkness" or "Legacy of Link"
4) Myamoto has apparently again re-iterated that just because this game uses realistic graphics does not mean that Zelda may never again return to cel-shading in the future.
The very poorly translated article:
One starts to know some about new Zelda to appear a little more on GameCube. All d'abord, the game should leave in summer 2005 to Japan and end l'année everywhere in the world. However, all modifications of date, former or later, is possible. What is interesting, c'est to know that: The play proposes an original scenario where Link will have for once not to face Ganon but a called mysterious army "La Horde".
One has heard for a few weeks at Big N the titles "The legacy of Link" or " In Link to the Darkness" but let us guarantee qu'il will have a modification there. However, by analyzing these titles, one knows that the play will be centered on the character of Link and qu'on will s'aventurera in a dark universe. This next Zelda wants to be very modern, limit avant-gardist and perfect transition with the play such qu'il could l'être on the next consoles new-gen. A very new and very fresh demonstration should be proposed d'ici the end of l'année.
Last thing, and not of least: Miyamoto made well include/understand qu'il can remain several facets of its legend. So new Zelda (not that one, one is d'accord!) could very well again use Cell-Shading. In fact, l'ambiance graphic is corrolée with the maturity of the character. It does not matter graphics as long as the play shines of thousand fire. But it is clear that the return of Link such as everyone l'attendait risk really to make more than sparks. A fire of passion in the heart of Nintendophiles? One will speak again about it in the months to come.