Good point, I guess. I've just been surprised that every screen released, with the batches getting larger and larger, have been of the same type. I understand that the environments change later in the game, but I don't see much reason to think the subject matter will.Sal Paradise Jr said:It's not going to be 100% "gangsta"!!!!
Like there is really going to be hardcore gangbanging on the streets of San Fran or Vegas?
That's not to say those cities are not w/o gangs, just in general when compared to LA.
Pimpbaa said:Damn, I can't wait for this game. I just hope it comes out on time, and relatively bug free (too much to ask?).
^^^I'd imagine that a lemming would be an expert on all things about "narrow-minded people"...
But don't try to imply that the millions of people who bought GTA are lemmings.
The narrow-mindedness comes into the equation when people refrain from playing games because they don't care to learn about it's appeal. Ie. I claim that I don't want to play Tech Romancer because it has robots and robots are geeky. That's a narrow-minded approach that ignores the appeal of the game.
Thank you, Captain Obvious...If you look at the best selling games, they buy it because it appeals to them.
Korranator said:If you are still interested in playing the same game over and over with new settings, then you are a lemming who is attched to a name brand.
If you are still interested in playing the same game over and over with new settings, then you are a lemming who is attched to a name brand.
Korranator said:If you are still interested in playing the same game over and over with new settings, then you are a lemming who is attched to a name brand.
Have you actually kept up with this game? Because with the released info so far it's in no way the same gameplay. Just check out that site that was linked to on the first page.
hgplayer1 said:Ive never actually played any of the GTA games but the theme of the game never appealed to me at all. When GTA3 became so big because of the controversial content it kinda got me interested and I was very close to buying it but I could never find it cheap and I had stopped renting long before that. By the time it was in the bargain bins I had lost all interest in the game.
If I were given the game as a gift or something Im sure I would play it to see what all the hype was/is about but it doesnt seem like something I would want to spend money on.
Did anyone that got hooked on the series not have any real interest in the game until they actually played it?
Unless there happens to be something Im not seeing in vids or pics or reading in reviews of the game it seems to me like the actual gameplay would get old really fast.
Finally the graphics whore in me just says stay away.
I can see how it became such a big hit on the PS2 cause once the hype started it was just a matter of a huge userbase renting or borrowing the game from a friend to get them hooked.
belgurdo said:People don't play the series for the violence. If they did then similar stuff like True Crime and Manhunt would have sold in the millions as well. They largely play it because of the free-roaming and side stuff.
u_neek said:Woohoo, (still) more of the same shit!!
Assman said:Are people that ignorant these days? Same game over and over again? Let's all play the name game here!
Zelda series
Final Fantasy series
Metal Gear Solid series
Mario series
Jak and Daxter series
Gran Turismo series
The list goes phucking on and on.
If you had the option to beat the hell out of her then = GOTYsp0rsk said:i guess if the main character was avril lavigne maf would be able to relate.
SolidSnakex said:It's no use, some people just believe the only reason the series ever got popular is because of it's violence. Yet they never can expain why even more violent games haven't recieved the same amount of success.
hgplayer1 said:you mean to tell me the fact that you could run around and jack peoples cars and mindlessly and randomly kick peoples asses in the game was in no way a factor in why the game became so hyped? if so then why did it seem to be the impression that was left on me when i never went out of my way to really look up info on the game?
Gattsu25 said:cute.
you answered your own question there: you never went out of your way to look into the game...the only things about the game you even remember hearing about were things that furthered your incorrect pre-conception of it
to put that in simple terms: you are ignorant (optional: to the game's true appeal) said:What games do you play then?![]()
Gattsu25 said:great/good story, great voice acting, huge level of player freedom, and [3=decent, VC=great] atmosphere are there
really, the only way you can find out if you'll like the games are to just play them...i personally though GTA3 would have been the biggest waste of a franchise name till i played it
Grow up.Xenon said:.... and defenses go up.
If someone said "I hate the mafia, I can't relate." Would people assume you have something against Italians? No. Why is this a racial thing at all? I think it's more of a cultural thing. But I guess some people can't make that separation. I find that a little sad.
Malakhov said:What are gonna be the new gameplay changes?
All we're getting since Grand Theft Auto 3 is a different setting and some minor ameliorations.
Vice City is like Grand Theft Auto 3.1
And this one looks like Grand Theft Auto 3.2
It's getting old.
Malakhov said:What are gonna be the new gameplay changes?
I never implied such a thing. However, don't call people who have lost interest in the series "narrow-minded people". When in fact they are familar with the series.
Your analogy is flawed since the people like me in this thread who have lost interest in the series, are familar with the series and have played a number of it's games.
You can now swim, you can change your physical appearance by eating, working out, excercising, from normal, to either skinny, ripped or fat, which will affect your stamina and strength in some way. Pedestrians now react in certain way to your appearance and actions. Gangs, enemies and alliances are now determined by your actions. You can now break into homes. There are now large countrysides and deserts in between cities, so it's no longer just a long bridge drive from place to place.
Malakhov said:What are gonna be the new gameplay changes?
All we're getting since Grand Theft Auto 3 is a different setting and some minor ameliorations.
Vice City is like Grand Theft Auto 3.1
And this one looks like Grand Theft Auto 3.2
It's getting old.
OK, my fault. I jumped to conclusions.When have I ever addressed those who "have lost interest in the series"? Never.
For your benefit, I'll spell it out for you. I am referring to those who automatically dislike the game because of some of the subject matter. In this particular case, those who dismiss this game because 1) it may feature rap music or 2) it deals with Black youth and culture
Refer to my analogy, if I claimed that I don't want to play Tech Romancer because it has robots, and robots are geeky, then that is a narrow-minded approach to the game.
jett said:All those changes sound really nice...but the fact that the game comes in a DVD9 makes me a little weary. Lately I've been having some problems with my PS2.![]()
hgplayer1 said:you mean to tell me the fact that you could run around and jack peoples cars and mindlessly and randomly kick peoples asses in the game was in no way a factor in why the game became so hyped? if so then why did it seem to be the impression that was left on me when i never went out of my way to really look up info on the game?
Ive read a few times about the humor in game being a reason why game is fun or how the music adds to the appeal or how open the game was to exploration but it doesnt seem like those have ever been discussed as the huge selling points of the game and it sure as hell wasnt the graphics.
SolidSnakex said:Ofcourse the violence has something to do with it, it's just not completely why it's succesful. The biggest reason is because of it's freedom. It's one of the very few games that you can just pick up and play without ever really having to do any set mission. There's plenty of stuff to do around the city to keep you busy without ever even having to do a mission. The freedom just has more to do with it than anything. There have been other free roam games like GTA (The Getaway, True Crime for example) that offer the same level of violence that you mentioned but neither are as popular. The one main different between those 2 and GTA is that GTA offers much more freedom than those do.
Black people; you'd associate with slums and ghettos, pimps, druggies and all the really negative associations (WHICH they've been dealt an unfair hand with).
The REAL problem is that black people ain't as cool as white/Italians perception wise. When you think white/Italian criminals; there is an aura of yeah.. the cool factor. Black people; you'd associate with slums and ghettos, pimps, druggies