This reminds me...I wonder if this game will be as good as it looks, or if it'll be like most "awesome/quirky art" games and just use the visuals to mask shit or uninspired gameplay...
I don't think it would look horrible at all, more like a "flat" version of Viewtiful Joe. I don't think it contributes any particular eastern or rice paper feeling. If they at least would tone it down or something...
I like the rice paper filter. It is an important element of the overall look.
I wonder if this style will appeal casual gamers, though. I see another Ico in the making, i.e. a great game that will sell poorly...
w/o the paper filter it wouldnt look right. this is probably the most artsy game i have ever seen, it looks brilliant. personally i think the gameplay would be standard action/adventure fare, which would be fine.