D Dead well not really...yet Jun 16, 2004 #1 http://content.collegehumor.com/media/movies/killerlizard.asf what an embarassment, rofl
S Substance Member Jun 16, 2004 #5 Hahaha, absolutely brilliant! Sounded like everybody had a good time watching his convulsions off stage.
Hahaha, absolutely brilliant! Sounded like everybody had a good time watching his convulsions off stage.
S Stryder Member Jun 16, 2004 #7 Ohhh my god, it's not often I laugh that hard at the internet. Nice one
D DaveH Member Jun 16, 2004 #10 btw, I saw a short clip on Leno that was from the internet... showed a gazel running and a lion sitting, then the gazel breaks its neck running into a tree, right in front of the lazy lion. Anyone know where that clip is on the web?
btw, I saw a short clip on Leno that was from the internet... showed a gazel running and a lion sitting, then the gazel breaks its neck running into a tree, right in front of the lazy lion. Anyone know where that clip is on the web?
M Malleymal You now belong to FMT. Jun 16, 2004 #13 Diablos.... how do u get smileys?? mine comes in as text.. oh never mind
B Brendonia "Edge stole Big Ben's helmet" Jun 16, 2004 #14 Wow. That made my day right there, thank you kind sir.
A Agent Dormer Dirty Drinking Smoker Jun 16, 2004 #17 Reminds me of how my sister responded to a lizard on her leg.