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Nex Machina |OT| Insert 80 Quarters

On Veteran, anybody know if you can dodge Supreme AI's lock-on laser attack (Phase 2) with a Smart Bomb? Or should I just be regularly dashing to avoid it?
Don't think Smartbomb cancels non projectile attacks.
Smartbomb has invincibility frames post-detonation, so while it doesn't outright cancel the lock-on attack, you can 'avoid' getting hit by it. On the other hand... it's not really needed to do so. Ideally you want to dodge in unison with one of the outwards shockwaves Supreme A.I. emits and the lock-on part narrowing on the player always happens after a set number of those. Like so:

I'm a believer of Powershot. It's all I use now, unless I switch to laser/rockets during a boss fight. An offensive and defensive weapon.

Was able to crack 900mil AND beat TLB on Experienced. What a feeling!

Beware of 6-4. You may encounter a bug where enemies take a longer time to spawn, which could ruin your combo. I was streaming and when this happened, someone told me to go back to the spawn point, which made the last enemy appear.

They have already fixed the problem so it's a matter of waiting for the patch.
I'm a believer of Powershot. It's all I use now, unless I switch to laser/rockets during a boss fight. An offensive and defensive weapon.

Was able to crack 900mil AND beat TLB on Experienced. What a feeling!

Beware of 6-4. You may encounter a bug where enemies take a longer time to spawn, which could ruin your combo. I was streaming and when this happened, someone told me to go back to the spawn point, which made the last enemy appear.

They have already fixed the problem so it's a matter of waiting for the patch.
Nice job.

Fun fact: the surrounding blast of the Powershot does more damage to bosses than the direct hit itself. Still wouldn't trade the Rocket Launcher / Laser for it due to the risk involved, but hey!
Just had 2 back to back, 1 billion runs on Experienced. Was able to keep my combo going till World 6.

Couldn't beat TLB, though. "Prepare to die" is where shit hits the fan.

Taking a break but I'm going to stream some more runs soon.
Just had 2 back to back, 1 billion runs on Experienced. Was able to keep my combo going till World 6.

Couldn't beat TLB, though. "Prepare to die" is where shit hits the fan.

Taking a break but I'm going to stream some more runs soon.

Post up a link where you're streaming, definitely interested in watching!
I began to play a few days ago, and trying the first runs in Veteran was almost frustrating (I'm very rusted from my Resogun days). Playing in Experienced was better to learn how to play, this game has a lot of mechanics and razor sharp gameplay. And the OST ist godly :O.
Just started a stream:


Doing some Experienced runs.

Completely sick runs dude. Will definitely have to spend some more time later on watching the whole thing, but the Powershot and Rocket Launcher use alone was really impressive!

So I've been trying to put together a list of all the 1-Ups in the latter half of the game to help me out when I'm doing Survival runs (or scoring runs that turn into Survival Runs). Here's what I have (currently focusing on Worlds 5 and 6):

  • 5-1
  • 5-3 (bottom right corner of left-most room? In video, he gets a multiplier. Will check later.)
  • 5-5 Secret Exit→S-2
  • 5-6 (bottom left corner)

Note that 5-8 and 5-12 Secret Exits seem to have no 1-ups.

  • 6-3
  • 6-5
  • 6-7 exit to Secret Exit S-3
  • 6-8

Note that Secret Exit from 6-11 has no 1-ups.

In other words, in the latter half of the game, if you want to get a 1-Up, the only Secret Exit worth taking would be the 6-7 exit. Given that both Stages 5 and 6 have 4 1-Ups each, once people get a good understanding of where the 1-Ups are, the difficulty for clearing Veteran will fall significantly. Although I don't have the plat yet, I would put the difficulty at maybe 6/10 on the PSNTrophies scale.
Just started a stream:


Doing some Experienced runs.

Didn't catch the earlier one but I did view part of your stream later in the day. I noticed that the sound effects kept bugging out on you. Was it a bug in the game? In any case, it's really a thing of beauty watching an elite player play. Really amazing stuff!

On a related note, steamspy lists the game at 23k now. Hopefully, the ps4 version is selling decently as well. So, between the 2 platforms, hopefully, it's meeting and beating Housemarque's expectations. They are one of the few developers still making these types of games, and they need all the support they can get.
Big update got released on PC (later today on PS4?) including gameplay balancing + bug fixes + start up crash fixes:

Housemarque said:

We have just released a BIG update which balances the game and fixes lots of technical issues such as the start up issues for many users.

We hope this fixes a lot of reported issues and we keep monitoring the game and the community!

If you still experience start up issues or crashes during the gameplay, please state the following info to us:

- CPU (processor model)
- GPU (graphics card model)
- Memory amount
- Windows version (remember to state is your Windows 32bit or 64bit)

PLEASE also send the MINIDUMP file to us which should be created into game's install folder.

v1.05 0051.007 - July 6th, 2017
Gameplay balancing + bug fixes

Please note that this patch disables all old replays recorded with older version of the game.

* Fixed Windows 7 start up crash issues
* Crash fixes in rare cases
* Added minidump support (when game crashes, please send the minidump to Housemarque)
* Added more information to Steam init failure message
* Added auto detection for input type in menus for controller & keyboard+mouse
* Added warning message box about low GPU memory

* Optimized fluid rendering

* Fixed network connection detection when using virtual interfaces
* Tweaked communication logic with the server

* Added initial 21:9 support for testing purposes
- Known issues are:
- Menus doesn’t support 21:9
- HUD doesn’t support 21:9
- Enemy arrow indicators aren’t near the borders of the screen
- Videos are using 1080p resolution

* Rookie: on final death, player drops all equipped powerups minus one
* Experienced: on final death, player drops all equipped powerups minus one
* Hero: Balanced more
* Hero: Added new gameplay
* Hero: Added shockwaves
* Hero: Disable restarts
* Hero: Player always starts with all powerups
* Hero: Player doesn't drop powerups when dying
* Hero: Changed maximum multiplier to 999

* Added extra speed to tokens gravitating towards player from a large distance
* Fixed tokens getting pushed in the wrong direction when spawned inside a wall
* Fixed special ability tokens not being absorbed during level end sequence
* Fixed invincibility from special abilities (Smartbomb, Powershot etc.) disallowing players to move through dark beams
* Standardized player weapon damage against environment blocks + special exits to make upgraded shots feel more consistent (and less grindy)
* Fixed "All Humans Saved" World Complete bonus (awarded when saving all normal + secret humans)
* Fixed "Conqueror" World Complete bonus (awarded when saving all humans + finding everything else in the World)

* Longer invincibility time when respawning
* Added Dash Melee animation
* Buffed Sword
* Small nerf to Smartbomb (recharge time, invincibility time, damage radius)
* Powershot explosion doesn't trigger revenge bullets
* Fixed Smartbomb activation during triple dash allowing 4x dashes

* Added floating animation to humans

* Tweaked some enemy collisions
* Fixed Disruptors spawning outside of gameplay area
* Crusher Ranged enemy telegraphs it’s attack better now. Difficulty based
* Disable dark beam collisions of Crusher Ranged when its arm is not extended
* Tweaked turret collision radius (slightly larger to make it easier to hit)
* Reduced water bot health on harder difficulties

Yeti Kong Boss
* Destroy Yeti Kong's falling rocks upon boss death
* Destroy Yeti Kong's barrels upon boss death
* Tweaked effects for Yeti Kong
* Tweaked Yeti Kong collisions to match visuals better

Helltron Boss
* Small balancing tweaks

Supreme AI Boss
* Balanced Supreme AI
* Fixed starting position of the enclosing beam attack of Supreme AI
* Fixed camera following during Supreme AI intro sequence

Nex Machina Boss
* Fixed Nex Machina being updated during game over screen
* Fixed Nex Machina lazer eye attack timing

World 2
* Tweaked visual look of the worlds (lighting, adding a bit more assets)
* Tweaked gameplay a bit

World 4
* Level 01 - Fixed being able to burrow into undesired area
* Tweaked visual look of the worlds (lighting, adding a bit more assets)
* Tweaked gameplay a bit
* Level 10 - Fixed an issue where some blocks would remain invisible on the playfield after destruction

World 5
* Tweaked visual look of the worlds (lighting, adding a bit more assets)
* Tweaked gameplay a bit
* Level 14 - Fixed an issue where players could enter a part of the level they weren't supposed to

World 6
* Tweaked visual look of the worlds (lighting, adding a bit more assets)
* Tweaked gameplay a bit
* Level 4 - Fixed an issue where the gameplay flow would freeze sometimes
* Level 15 - Fixed beams abruptly killing the player

* Remove all power-ups from player at the moment of final death (so they don't show up on HUD before the continue screen)
* Remapped Dash and Special recharge bar values slightly to match min/max bar visuals correctly
* Keep player hitbox always visible during boss fights

* Proceed from title screen with any key
* Changed keyboard ENTER and TAB button icons

* Added yellow bullets for player 2 in co-op (matches the player color)
* Fixed special weapon token gravitating to player with another special weapon already equipped in co-op
* Fixed crash during Yeti Kong boss battle when other player picks up extra life
* Fixed dash reset on respawn to apply only to respawned players

* Fixed Hero difficulty replays
* Fixed replay issues in rare cases
* Fixed replay issues between AMD and Intel processors
* Fixed Nex Machina boss replay issues

* Added beam hit particle effect when dashing through damage shapes
* Tweaks to bullet fade
* Tweaked level transitions to eliminate some cases where transitions looks bad
* Tweaked Nex Machina boss effects

* Removed "The culling – Assassin" feat as such enemy doesn't exist in the game
* Unlock complete Hero feat when destroying Supreme AI

* Updated trophy icons
* Changed platinum trophy name
* Tweaked some trophy descriptions for various languages
* Fixed various trophies which weren’t unlocked in given time in trophy's description
* Fixed arcade complete trophies not unlocking on Supreme AI death
* Fixed bunch of trophy descriptions on Polish for Steam

* Added some missing Chinese characters
* Added some missing Japanese characters
* Minor localization fixes in various languages
* Tweaked Polish translation

* Added audio effect for pre-death hit for player

* Added ending videos
Thanks for watching, guys. I had a rough night, lol.

Yea, that sound bug is annoying. Throws me off.

Powershot is beautiful. You're able to kill things long distance even if they are off screen.

I need to try some Veteran runs. Been slacking with that.

I may try a Sword run as well. Just for the hell of it.

Keeping track of the extra lives/multiplier is a good thing. Thanks!

I hope this game is doing really well. They deserve it.

If this comes to a local arcade here in NYC, you better believe I'll be there. I may even travel if it's along the east coast.


I always restart when I hit the sound bug. It's so off putting!

Has anybody played through the game after the patch? Have the graphic effects and levels changed much?
Thanks for watching, guys. I had a rough night, lol.

Yea, that sound bug is annoying. Throws me off.

Powershot is beautiful. You're able to kill things long distance even if they are off screen.

I need to try some Veteran runs. Been slacking with that.

I may try a Sword run as well. Just for the hell of it.

Keeping track of the extra lives/multiplier is a good thing. Thanks!

I hope this game is doing really well. They deserve it.

If this comes to a local arcade here in NYC, you better believe I'll be there. I may even travel if it's along the east coast.

Yeah, do a sword run. I know it's an unpopular weapon, but it looks like it's been made stronger in the new patch:

* Buffed Sword
Thanks for watching, guys. I had a rough night, lol.

Yea, that sound bug is annoying. Throws me off.

Powershot is beautiful. You're able to kill things long distance even if they are off screen.

I need to try some Veteran runs. Been slacking with that.

I may try a Sword run as well. Just for the hell of it.

Keeping track of the extra lives/multiplier is a good thing. Thanks!

I hope this game is doing really well. They deserve it.

If this comes to a local arcade here in NYC, you better believe I'll be there. I may even travel if it's along the east coast.

This game would be awesome at barcade.


* Fixed invincibility from special abilities (Smartbomb, Powershot etc.) disallowing players to move through dark beams
This was supposed to be a bug? If dark beams means the beams you can't dodge through, then I thought the whole point was that iframes don't work against them. Pretty interesting.

* Added Dash Melee animation
* Buffed Sword
Hopefully it's actually good now. I'd like to use sword, but it just felt so worthless before.

* Balanced Supreme AI
I really wonder what this means
Yeah, do a sword run. I know it's an unpopular weapon, but it looks like it's been made stronger in the new patch:

* Buffed Sword
Sword is quite a bit stronger. Larger range to its default swings and the dash swing is different too now, in that you quickly slice to your left and right, as well as being able to prolong its duration by chaining your dashes once you have the Triple Dash power-up. Not sure how this new trait holds up against bosses, but it feels like a 'properly' nuanced weapon now.

This was supposed to be a bug? If dark beams means the beams you can't dodge through, then I thought the whole point was that iframes don't work against them. Pretty interesting.
Think that might be a typing error. In the older build you could use the I-frames to move through those darker beams (unintended) and that's something the devs have mentioned they would fix.
Sword is quite a bit stronger. Larger range to its default swings and the dash swing is different too now, in that you quickly slice to your left and right, as well as being able to prolong its duration by chaining your dashes once you have the Triple Dash power-up. Not sure how this new trait holds up against bosses, but it feels like a 'properly' nuanced weapon now.

Yeah, seems more powerful now. I'm able to one slice/destroy the arcade cabinets and the blocks holding the multipliers now. I don't remember being able to do that before this new patch.

Also, in the patch notes, they say that floating animation has been added to humans, but I don't really see that? Do other people see that they float now?

* Added floating animation to humans
Yeah, seems more powerful now. I'm able to one slice/destroy the arcade cabinets and the blocks holding the multipliers now. I don't remember being able to do that before this new patch.
It's something you could do in the old build too, as this was the case with all sub-weapons. Having said that, Housemarque also made those props less beefy this patch when shooting them down with standard fire.
It's something you could do in the old build too, as this was the case with all sub-weapons. Having said that, Housemarque also made those props less beefy this patch when shooting them down with standard fire.

Really? I don't remember that being the case before this patch. I remember it sometimes taking a couple hits with the sword. Well, in any case, I'm glad they powered up the sword. Would be cool if the sword could shoot projectiles too - lol. But that probably won't happen.


Really? I don't remember that being the case before this patch. I remember it sometimes taking a couple hits with the sword. Well, in any case, I'm glad they powered up the sword. Would be cool if the sword could shoot projectiles too - lol. But that probably won't happen.

There was definitely some weirdness with the sword in the previous builds. I saw people bring it up on Discord quite often. This is what a dev said on the topic:
breakable blocks should already insta-break from Specials (Sword included). The problem with the Sword is that it often collides with an adjacent block and doesn't hit the Secret Exit as expected - I'm hoping to address this in a future update
Don't know if it ever got fixed before today's patch though, because I remember trying to break a secret exit with a sword today (before the latest patch) and it definitely did not go down in 1 hit.
There was definitely some weirdness with the sword in the previous builds. I saw people bring it up on Discord quite often. This is what a dev said on the topic:

Don't know if it ever got fixed before today's patch though, because I remember trying to break a secret exit with a sword today (before the latest patch) and it definitely did not go down in 1 hit.

Ah, there we go, because I remember distinctly that they would not break sometimes with just one slice and I think I even ended up dying because of that - lol.
That’s a big patch! Really appreciate them working hard on this.

The Sword was weird pre-patch when it came to breaking the yellow boxes. It felt like the box always had to be on the left side of the player in order to be broken. Looks like it was fixed.

The Sword was everyone’s least favorite weapon but it sure is fun. Dashing through enemies was very satisfying. Some of the larger enemies would make a distinct cry when being slashed. Pretty cool. Not only that but during the later levels, in regards to the big laser canisters (the ones who drop a laser when they die) if you were to kill them with the Sword, they wouldn’t drop a laser! Even if it wasn’t the best weapon, it made some subtle differences.

Now that it’s been buffed, I am really interested in giving it a go. Will definitely do a Sword run later tonight.

In terms of the audio bug, sadly it wasn’t fixed this patch for certain reasons but it should be high priority for them.

Looking forward to running through the game to see if it feels any different.

Barcade would be incredible! Didn't even think of that. Curious to see how many people would actually try it.
In terms of the audio bug, sadly it wasn’t fixed this patch for certain reasons but it should be high priority for them.

Do you know what's causing the audio bug? I don't think I've ever encountered it before, so am wondering what reproduction steps you're doing to get it to occur (if you know).
Do you know what's causing the audio bug? I don't think I've ever encountered it before, so am wondering what reproduction steps you're doing to get it to occur (if you know).

Not sure what causes it..and it's not specific to one World. I know there's a high chance I encounter it during the first secret level in World 3. It's happened to me on World 2 as well.

Reading through Discord right now and the devs were able to reproduce it in World 5 and if that's the case, they are one step closer to solving it.

It's random as to when the audio comes back as well. It may last 3 levels...it may last all the way until the boss right. It can mess up your level ending dash or make you miss a human because you won't hear it being attacked. Yea, you have red arrows that show you the direction of that human but with everything on the screen, I rely on sound for those situations.
Not sure what causes it..and it's not specific to one World. I know there's a high chance I encounter it during the first secret level in World 3. It's happened to me on World 2 as well.

Reading through Discord right now and the devs were able to reproduce it in World 5 and if that's the case, they are one step closer to solving it.

It's random as to when the audio comes back as well. It may last 3 levels...it may last all the way until the boss right. It can mess up your level ending dash or make you miss a human because you won't hear it being attacked. Yea, you have red arrows that show you the direction of that human but with everything on the screen, I rely on sound for those situations.

Hmm, ok. If anything, this just goes to show you how vital sound effects are in a game. Without it, game is just not the same. LOL.
Some clips of the new sword, albeit in the hands of a novice:


Seems to do some decent damage against bosses too if you dash chain, but I need to compare vs other weapons.
Just got up to level 4 with 1 CC and 200,000,000

Love this game. But I suck at the beginning trying to perfect the beginning secret level.

One big thing I do differently now is be mindful of human multipliers. Huge game changer. Disruptors screw me up in beginning levels where timing is key since u dont have certain power ups.

I wish power ups werent random because I value triple dash and dash explosion and think there should be an order to it

Need practice at level 3 and onward. Love the laser and I think sword still needs a buff or quirk. Maybe it should act lile the whip in stardust, where it goes all the way around. Though maybe that makes it a weaker smart bomb

Also, looking at the scoreboard, a ridiculous number seem to be psn players unless the scoreboard is srewed up

Could this game really have sold like so much better on ps4? Of the top 20 scores, maybe 5 are pc
Just got up to level 4 with 1 CC and 200,000,000

Love this game. But I suck at the beginning trying to perfect the beginning secret level.

One big thing I do differently now is be mindful of human multipliers. Huge game changer. Disruptors screw me up in beginning levels where timing is key since u dont have certain power ups.

I wish power ups werent random because I value triple dash and dash explosion and think there should be an order to it

Need practice at level 3 and onward. Love the laser and I think sword still needs a buff or quirk. Maybe it should act lile the whip in stardust, where it goes all the way around. Though maybe that makes it a weaker smart bomb

Also, looking at the scoreboard, a ridiculous number seem to be psn players unless the scoreboard is srewed up

Could this game really have sold like so much better on ps4? Of the top 20 scores, maybe 5 are pc

I personally would love to see the sword also shoot projectiles (ala Rastan with the fire sword - for those old enough to have played this in the arcades). :)

That way, you have your regular shooting projectiles + additional projectiles to supplement the regular one + melee. Maybe have the sword shoot homing missiles or something - lol.

Yeah, scoreboard is predominantly console players. Not sure if that's a reflection of way more people owning this on console versus pc or if it's simply the best players are on console. Who knows. Let's just hope this game keeps selling, so Housemarque can still continue to make these types of games for many years to come.

Oh, and I plan on double dipping and pick this up on pc at a later date. I have it on ps4 right now but also want to play this on pc. :)
Finished messing around with the Sword. Much better than before.

Arcade machines and yellow boxes in one hit.

Arcade machines, in general, don't seem to take as many bullets to blow up.

Tried the Sword against Architect:


Decent damage. Don't know if dashing into a swipe does more or the same.

Going to try some Experienced runs now. Maybe throw in Veteran since I haven't really messed with it.


Love this beginning, btw:

Finally managed to 1CC Veteran last night, and incidentally RIGHT before the 1.05 patch hit. When I got back to the Main Menu, the leaderboards were inaccessible lol.

Here's the vid, full of screw-ups and accidents, but possibly of reference to anyone aiming for a quick and easy Veteran take down for the trophy:


Props to Hispanicguy, Crab Milk Mickey and xaerock for helpful vids/advice! I have to say the hardest part of the Veteran clear were def Supreme AI and the Architect, though that might've changed with the update.

I will also note that my first run of the night was ruined at the very end when the sound bug hit around 6-8. This prevented me from reading audio cues on Supreme AI and killed my 1CC attempt. Super frustrating bug that also survives in 1.05... On their Discord, Housemarque has mentioned that this is a bug with their audio middleware, Wwise, and as a dev I sympathize. Hope a solution is found soon! Will probably start scoring runs once it's fixed.

Last trophy is the 100 feats one, so the plat will be mine soon.
Hey - question for you all. How many hours have you put into the game so far and how many more do you foresee putting into it? I've put in around 25 and I don't think I'm even close to stopping anytime soon. This game has just crazy, crazy replayability.
Hey - question for you all. How many hours have you put into the game so far and how many more do you foresee putting into it? I've put in around 25 and I don't think I'm even close to stopping anytime soon. This game has just crazy, crazy replayability.

I really dont play these kinds of games where you repeat pre-made levels, but I love Housemarque, I loved Resogun, and I loved Stardust HD.

I see myself putting in upwards of 20 hours, but much more if they add good expansion DLC
Need practice at level 3 and onward. Love the laser and I think sword still needs a buff or quirk. Maybe it should act lile the whip in stardust, where it goes all the way around. Though maybe that makes it a weaker smart bomb

Also, looking at the scoreboard, a ridiculous number seem to be psn players unless the scoreboard is srewed up

Could this game really have sold like so much better on ps4? Of the top 20 scores, maybe 5 are pc
Laser already has a decent enough niche, namely having high damage output vs bosses and coupled with it piercing through targets, it comes in handy for Yeti Kong and Architect. True final boss too, but you don't have a say in the matter there anyways. Only thing that might 'need' (using this very loosely) changing is how the cooldown operates, because a split-second tap recovers as long as a full duration beam. Bothersome when you accidentally do it too. Sword on the other hand could potentially be really good now.

Regarding the leaderboards: it's worth noting that the majority of the top spots were very skilled / competitive in Housemarque's past games too - I recognize quite a few Resogun names - so it speaks for itself why there's blatant PS community overlap at play with Nex Machina. Guessing the lack of similar competitiveness on PC might be due to a not-as-established fanbase on Steam, but it could be any number of variables.

Hey - question for you all. How many hours have you put into the game so far and how many more do you foresee putting into it? I've put in around 25 and I don't think I'm even close to stopping anytime soon. This game has just crazy, crazy replayability.
100+ hours at this point. Primarily Experienced too; hardly even touched Veteran or Master (let alone the new Hero) until I've had enough improving the former. Did spend some time running for top 10 spots in Arena, but those are outdated by now thanks to the new patch and in need of retries. No telling when (or if!) the burnout will kick in.

Decent damage. Don't know if dashing into a swipe does more or the same.
I'd say so yes, since the slicing stays active for longer. Standard slice into dash follow-ups also might be the way to go for maximizing damage?


1) The true final boss is insane, and so damn cool.

2) Hero mode has insane revenge skull-bullets that travel so fast.

Absolutely MENTAL. What kind of sicko designed this game, and what kind of sicko manages to (almost) beat it all!
Nu-Hero Mode is bonkers. Hero's revenge bullets in the old build used to be a thin, slow-moving row and it didn't include the new caveats either. Multipliers drop a laser shockwave now and you need to upgrade the power-up bar three times before you're given a shield again, although the rate at which it fills up is admittedly faster. Game speed is still comparable to Redline as a little cherry on top. The devs really pulled out all the stops this time around.
Here's a TLB run I did yesterday:


Hero mode looks INSANE! Really wanna try but Master is no joke.

If the game time is correct, then I'll been playing for 97 hours. That's crazy. Mostly in Experienced. Not burned out yet and if there's an endless DLC, I expect to put 500 hours, lol


Some clips of the new sword, albeit in the hands of a novice:


Seems to do some decent damage against bosses too if you dash chain, but I need to compare vs other weapons.
Ho-lee crap, that is good. Welp, I guess I'm gonna be using the sword from now on, instead of looking for the first opportunity to throw it away.
Grinding out my last 25 feats is slow going...

Something to note is that the Human completion related feats all stack for lower difficulties. So if you're good enough to pop everything in Veteran, you could potentially unlock 20 or so in a full comp run.
Some clips of the new sword, albeit in the hands of a novice:


Seems to do some decent damage against bosses too if you dash chain, but I need to compare vs other weapons.

Wowee. So it kind of looks like it works like boost in Resogun maybe?

That would make it appealing, if I could chain enemies and rip through them. It would also make getting to humans much more efficient.

But still, I worry its not viable since its easy to get put into a dangerous situation, and Im much more content blasting the laser and dashing around
Wowee. So it kind of looks like it works like boost in Resogun maybe?

That would make it appealing, if I could chain enemies and rip through them. It would also make getting to humans much more efficient.

But still, I worry its not viable since its easy to get put into a dangerous situation, and Im much more content blasting the laser and dashing around
Chaining enemies seems far more doable / safer than before and if nothing else it could stand to be a great weapon for Master / Hero difficulty, since Sword kills don't trigger revenge bullets. Very handy due to its low cooldown. I wouldn't worry about its viability once the time is taken to learn its intricacies.


Fuck yeah!!!

I beat supreme AI on experienced losing one life. I usually cant stand bullet hell games and I am bad at them. But this game is so good that I tried to git gud. Also i just realized that the achievement for him is ultra rare so i am not that bad.
Little tip for the day for the score-hunters (or anyone else for that matter) in this thread struggling with human chaining: there's a reason why you would want to collect a secret human in a particular order, specifically in circumstances where you want to buy yourself some time on any difficulty. Look at the following .gif first:


The chain decay kicks in immediately if you pick up a normal human, whereas the bar stays filled up entirely for a few seconds longer upon saving a secret human, which subsequently carries over to the next stage too! In other words: if a given stage is giving you grief with the timing of maintaining a human chain, be it the one you're currently killing robots on or the one immediately afterwards, then there is in fact a trick to decrease the (possibly strict) pressure until you have an 'ideal' rotation on lockdown.
Unlocked the platinum last night! A long(ish)road but one that I had a ton of fun with. Not only is this game the best Dual Stick shooter I've ever played, as an overall package I'm pretty sure it's my favorite shooter ever. The non-stop action and little unlockables along the way keep the brain moving in a way that the typical twitch danmaku shooter just doesn't. If only the experience wasn't tarnished by the audio bug... Think I'll wait until it's fixed before doing some serious scoring runs.

Overall I'd rate the platinum difficulty as a 7 for people not used to danmaku, and a 6 for people who are. The 100 feats trophy was pretty straightforward, so clearly the Veteran clear one is the hardest of them all. However if you memorize the 1-up locations, it's pretty much just a matter of getting through the Architect battle, having a decent run on World 6 and then putting Supreme AI down. Not the easiest things in the world but doable with some practice. Important to use rocket launcher on both of those bosses as Smartbomb doesn't help out nearly as much.
Little tip for the day for the score-hunters (or anyone else for that matter) in this thread struggling with human chaining: there's a reason why you would want to collect a secret human in a particular order, specifically in circumstances where you want to buy yourself some time on any difficulty. Look at the following .gif first:


The chain decay kicks in immediately if you pick up a normal human, whereas the bar stays filled up entirely for a few seconds longer upon saving a secret human, which subsequently carries over to the next stage too! In other words: if a given stage is giving you grief with the timing of maintaining a human chain, be it the one you're currently killing robots on or the one immediately afterwards, then there is in fact a trick to decrease the (possibly strict) pressure until you have an 'ideal' rotation on lockdown.

Dear god, this game is such an amazing experience to discover these tricks

I absolutely love how much goes into the scoring

Human chaining, shooting enemies, using power weapons, dashing, finding secrets, killing visitors.

Its all so damn involved
Only need the 100feats one for platinum, will do some feats every day over the next two weeks to get it. All hard trophies done :D

And also today, I got the Wipeout Omega Platin. What a good day to be a trophy whore! :D
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