I have a habit of buying games and not playing them for a year. I bought Deus Ex HR 2 years ago and just started it last summer. (Great game, minus the bosses, Also I see Calder has been playing it according to PSN as of recent times.) and I just played Sleeping Dogs over the past month and finished it (A feat in itself, these days) even though I bought it nearly a year ago when it came out.
I bought The Last Of Us on release and I've played about 2 hours of it. Maybe in a year I'll get around to playing it fully, I'm just not into a game like that at the moment.
I actually want more Sleeping Dogs! Anyone here play the DLC levels? Worth getting?
I started playing Deus Ex: HR again and was enjoying the repay a fair bit... then Steam goes and has it and some other DE games on sale so I pick it up. Now I'll have to start again on PC to play the DLC.
Personally I loved Sleeping Dogs a lot, especially on PC (so pretty), but found the DLC pretty crappy. The supernatural DLC was boring, repetitive and clunky. :/
Speaking of games that just didn't click, I really need to start Dishonored again. I quit on an early mission in a brothel due to vague feelings of irritation and boredom, despite the fact that open world and stealth genres are some of my favourite.