Developer: Messhof
Composer: Daedelus
Platform: Microsoft Windows (Steam)
Release date: January 13, 2014
Modes:Single-player (time attack), local and online multiplayer (two players)
Purchase: Steam, Humble Store (Currently three dollars off @ $12)
Nidhogg is the epic award-winning fencing tug-of-war, full of graceful acrobatics and clumsy stabs. IRL yelling and excitement may occur, in this ultimate two-player showdown of fast-paced fencing and melee attacks. Beware, advantages in Nidhogg are often fleeting, as new opponents continually spawn in your way.
Fast-paced and strategic, Nidhogg is designed for head-to-head competition. Each player's objective is to reach the end of the stage, which means squaring off against your opponent at various spawn points along the way. Despite using only two buttons, Nidhogg features an expansive amount of movement and attack options that make each encounter, across various arenas and stages, unique and dramatic. The environment plays into the duels, with factors such as high ground, doors, platforms, and walls all playing into one's approach. Comparisons to fighting games are apt in regards to the mindgames, tactics, and massive replayability of Nidhogg.
Notorious for remaining offline-exclusive for years, the Steam releases features online play. Unfortunately, the online interface is very barebones, but good connections shouldn't be hard to find. Currently, matchmaking is automated, and there's no ping reading or other indication about connection quality. Connections range from unplayable, to pretty much perfect. You can host matches and invite your stream friends, but there are no spectator options. You can safely and immediately ditch a bad connection by quitting from the start menu. To invite friends, select matchmaking in-game, and then invite manually by clicking next next to the friend's name in the Steam chat window; in turn, your friend should also join via the chat window. See below for GAF matchmaking.
In addition to versus, there's an 8-man local tournament option, featuring customizable rules, as well as a time-attack arcade-mode where you face off against CPU opponents.
Videos and impressions:
Giant Bomb Quick Look
Videogamer: Nidhogg Two Player Awesome
Northwest Majors 4: Nidhogg - Mystery Game Grand Finals -- WATCH FOR HYPE: a famous set that really showcases the ecstasy and agony of Nidhogg
Kill Screen: So Good It Might Destroy Modern Society

Please post your steam ID + region so we can make a list of people to play with.
U.S. East
Deputy Dangle, Clawww, electricpirate, PartTimeWarrior, ActionRemix, vocab, Orpheus Telos, Intheflorish, HellenKellerDTF, ItAintEasy, MoreBadass, Alric, Cheddahz, [URL="http://steamcommunity.com/id/Aspirations26"]Aspirations26
[/URL]U.S. West
davepoobond, Skerj, Jtwo
Loctope, the TMO, Wunder, SyntheCypher
South America