G GigaDrive Banned Jul 10, 2004 #1 http://www.circuitcity.com/detail.jsp?c=1&b=g&u=c&catoid=-9262&qp=0071208803406&oid=96605&m=0 OMGWTF
Late Stage Marxist Member Jul 10, 2004 #2 I was expecting to see a scale of 10. XD EDIT: " Based on 7 ratings "
P Particle Physicist between a quark and a baryon Jul 10, 2004 #4 http://www.circuitcity.com/verity_search.jsp?productType=1&search=PSP&qp=0&c=1&b=g&u=c OMG!!!!! PSP is vaporware!!!!!
http://www.circuitcity.com/verity_search.jsp?productType=1&search=PSP&qp=0&c=1&b=g&u=c OMG!!!!! PSP is vaporware!!!!!
Dice Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist Jul 10, 2004 #5 The Circuit City website gives us messages from the future! THANK YOU MARTY MCFLY!