Nintendo Switch Online App Launches on 21st July, Splatoon 2 functionality revealed.


With the conclusion of the Splatoon 2 Nintendo Direct more information has emerged regarding the Nintendo Switch Online Service and its App. Although the paid membership is still launching in 2018, the app itself will launch on July 21st alongside Splatoon 2.

The Nintendo Switch Online smart device app is designed to enhance your online experience for compatible games on Nintendo Switch. This app will launch alongside Splatoon 2, in advance of the official start of the Nintendo Switch Online service in 2018.

The app itself will work in different ways with compatible games, for example with Splatoon 2 it was announced that the app will give users access to a new feature called Splatnet 2.

The app will work with compatible games in different ways. In Splatoon 2, for example, it will give you access to SplatNet 2, where you can see your online battle stats, your gear, and much more.

More Information from the dedicated Splatnet 2 web page:


SplatNet 2 is an ink-redible service that allows you to view battle results, online records of the weapons you've used and stages you've played on, alongside your progress in Hero Mode. You can even share these records on social media!

Just how fresh are you?

In addition to online battle results, you can check out the weapons and gear that other Inklings you've played with have used. You can check out records for any weapons you've used or stages you've played on as well. It'll come in handy when you want to analyse your strengths and weaknesses!

And it's not just stats for online matches; you can also check out which stages in Hero Mode you've cleared and how quickly you got through them! Make sure you show off your freshest records to your friends via social media!

You might even get some special rewards based on how much ink you've sprayed in battles...

Find out what stages are coming up!

The stages in Splatoon 2 change every two hours and you can view all upcoming online stages for the next 24 hours in advance.

Welcome to Annie's ‘SplatNet Shop'

Annie is planning to open an online store called ‘SplatNet Shop'! When it does, you'll be able to order gear using in-game money, and then pick up your purchases next time you play!

The store is still getting ready for its grand opening at the moment, but should be available in a future update so check back soon!

Online Lounge

If you want to connect with other fresh players, then the Online Lounge feature is for you.

Use it to invite friends to battle online, and enjoy voice chat with them through your smart device while you play.

Invite friends

Invite friends to join your online battles using your smart device. You can quickly invite them via social networks or messaging services, or by simply selecting someone you've registered as a friend on your Nintendo Switch.

Voice chat

You can enjoy voice chat with friends in the Online Lounge.

In a private battle, everyone can talk together before they split off into teams. Once the teams are formed, it'll switch so you'll only talk to other players on your team.

The system will automatically switch who you'll chat with depending on the situation!
Yup awful as expected, the stat tracking stuff is all well and good but why do I need my phone to invite people and talk to them? At that point i'm better off just using discord for voice chat since it works on mobile and PC.


Can you not set up games in the actual game on the Switch itself?

Doesn't sound like it.

I still can't believe this is their solution. I also can't believe friend codes are still a thing.

eh, Switch friend codes don't work like the old ones. It's a normal friend request/accept situation now. The code just makes sure everyone gets to have whatever display name they want, even if it's a common name. Similar to Blizzard's battle tag numbers.


Unconfirmed Member
This is still a bad system and it doesn't seem to be getting better. Seems to confirm there's no solution for mixing game audio and voice chat either. (Besides the ridiculous adapter headset from before)
Feels like I'm taking crazy pills. How the hell did not only someone propose this idea, but it was developed, QA'd, and now marketed without anyone standing up and saying that this is a mess??
I still can't believe this is their solution. I also can't believe friend codes are still a thing.

Friend codes only exist to give everyone a unique ID so that you can change your actual profile name to whatever you want, change it whenever you want, and not have to worry about it being unique. To that extent, I am ok with it, especially since they offer a variety of ways to add friends now.


This all seems very unnecessary but I feel like it's also not going to be as big a deal as people think. If outsourcing these features to a smart device somehow improves in-game performance, I guess I'm for it?

At least they are trying to do somewhat unique stuff with the app. The concept of being able to shop for items on your phone to pick up later could be cool.


Doesn't sound like it.

eh, Switch friend codes don't work like the old ones. It's a normal friend request/accept situation now. The code just makes sure everyone gets to have whatever display name they want, even if it's a common name. Similar to Blizzard's battle tag numbers.
My phone hasn't been able to run the last 2 mobile apps Nintendo has made. If matches can't be set in game and this is the standard going forward, I can never play another nintendo game with online play again. Good job idiots!


I still can't believe this is their solution. I also can't believe friend codes are still a thing.

Friend codes actually aren't so bad on the Switch, since it's tied to your profile and doesn't work on a game by game basis. That way you can have whatever username you want and change it at will since the profile is tied to the code, not the name.
Yes, you can. They showed a Friend Battle menu tile in the Nintendo Direct, and you'll have the option to set up Private Battles. It'll probably work exactly like it did in Splatoon 1.

So what exactly is the app 100% necessary for? Just setting up lobbies and chatting with friends?


Junior Member
Okay, so SplatNet 2 is tied to the Switch Online app. I always wondered why SplatNet 1 wasn't an app in of itself.


Yup awful as expected, the stat tracking stuff is all well and good but why do I need my phone to invite people and talk to them? At that point i'm better off just using discord for voice chat since it works on mobile and PC.
I've been hoping discord came to all consoles for a while now. If we ever do get cross-play the com. issue will already be resolved.
It's the most fucking idiotic part of an otherwise stellar console.But it is what it is, complaining about it at this point won't change anything.


My phone hasn't been able to run the last 2 mobile apps Nintendo has made. If matches can't be set in game and this is the standard going forward, I can never play another nintendo game with online play again. Good job idiots!

this is not going to be anywhere near as resource intensive as those


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Did they mention how they will handle the sound merging from in game audio and conf call audio?

Through this peripheral we saw, or isn't it mandatory?


Okay, that's what we all thought since it was first announced. Now, it being necessary to do that is a pain in the ass, but people are still kinda overreacting to this.

You can still play online, play with friends, buy gear, etc. without the use of the app. It's really just for added convenience regarding those functions.

I don't know if you can play with friends without the app.

Listen to the bit here
It's the most fucking idiotic part of an otherwise stellar console.But it is what it is, complaining about it at this point won't change anything.

I don't necessarily think that's true. It's possible Nintendo changed their approach to classic content on the online service because of the negative reaction it got after the January reveal. They never confirmed that that's the case of course, but it could've had something to do with it.

This is a terribly stupid way to handle an online service, and it's worth speaking out about. Especially when, as you said, everything else about the Switch seems pretty well-thought out.
And that's why they won't change, people just accept it.

Not this time. Whatever their next console ends up being, this shit won't be in it due to the warranted backlash it's had. Unfortunately they'll come up with some other crazy shit that's beyond comprehension to make up for it.
The main utility I could see myself getting out of the online app is that since it's on my phone I wouldn't have to be actively playing my system to get game invites, which would be useful.

I still think the reason this app even exists is because Nintendo wanted to keep the Switch OS as light as possible so they can allocate maximum resources for running the games. But they would probably never come out and say this.
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