Nintendo Tracked Down Alleged Switch Pirate in Arizona via Reddit Posts and Repair Orders

As reported by Game File, Nintendo sued James “Archbox” Williams, from Surprise, Arizona, for allegedly violating its digital copyrights by selling pirated copies of Switch games.

According to the lawsuit, Nintendo hired a law firm called Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp to investigate online pirate video game stores and found a user called Archbox it traced to Arizona. It then spotted a Reddit user called Archbox (Archbox was a moderator of r/SwitchPirates). Based on their posts, the law firm was able to identify Archbox as James Williams. Williams, it turns out, had various Nintendo accounts associated with email addresses, which were tied to repair orders.

“Defendant became a leading (if not the primary) moderator of the SwitchPirates Reddit community, which he helped grow to nearly 190,000 members," Nintendo’s initial complaint reads, as reported by Torrent Freak. "Since 2019, Defendant has posted thousands of comments and messages to the SwitchPirates Reddit Group.”

“Defendant’s posts have included, by way of example, messages directing users to the Pirate Shops […]; and offering technical advice and encouragement to other users about how to use the Pirate Shops, how to download and install Circumvention Software, and how to play pirated copies of Nintendo Switch games.”

ninja gaiden vintage GIF by G1ft3d


Nintendo is feeling a little bit like the IRS mixed with the FBI and a touch of the CIA....the MIA...Mario Intelligence Agency

Earlier this year a switch modder/pirate (yes he was an idiot) was sued by Nintendo. Nobody quite knew how Nintendo identified him based on Reddit alone but again...dude was a bit of an idiot...and they tracked him down by his own repair orders sent into Nintendo plus other research a hired law firm compiled on behalf of Nintendo.

Then they offered him a way out...and he didnt respond. Hall of fame first ballot level genius if you ask me...

But this really goes to show the lengths Nintendo is currently going to shut down all Nintendo Switch emulation / leaks in advance of Switch 2

Wild times


Mister Wolf

Smart. Snuffing all of this out before the Switch 2 reveal. Now that Switch 2 has been announced backwards compatible, someone will be looking to emerge as the new pirate king and financially capitalize.


One of the green rats
Got send a message , and it's not people downloading kid Icarus. It's people downloading the new Mario and Luigi game. Soooo fuck em 🤷‍♂️


Nintendo spending millions on all of this and it will basically amount to a handful of people getting made example of with little change anywhere else.


Nintendon't play that hacker shit. Yall better just buy the SNES carts and go on about your day. No one reports on the slip-n-falls. Toasters in the bathtubs. These hackers are probably prone to some bad luck. Everything is a zero-sum game to Mario. You will be destroyed.


Nintendon't play that hacker shit. Yall better just buy the SNES carts and go on about your day. No one reports on the slip-n-falls. Toasters in the bathtubs. These hackers are probably prone to some bad luck. Everything is a zero-sum game to Mario. You will be destroyed.
The counter terrorism hacker group 4CHIN should stop Miyamoto's stairlift when it's half way up the stairs to remind the terrorist cell NINTENDO that enemy action will not be tolerated.
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