Iwata (probably) isn't saying that Nintendo hasn't been targeting children enough. He's saying that they haven't been targeting children smartly enough.
Nintendo can close the performance gap easily enough, but what about every other respect in which they'd need to become competitive with Sony/MS?
They're far behind in online infrastructure. As far as Western first-party support, third-party relations, and core perception of their brand go, they might as well be starting from scratch.
Given that status quo, is it really possible for Nintendo to produce a console in a few years that will make PS4/XB1 owners say: "Wow! I'm ditching this for the Nintendo Corebox!"?
任天堂、社長報酬を5カ月間半減 3期連続赤字で
 いまの任天堂ゲーム機の苦戦は、年間の半分の商いがある年末商戦を終えた13年4~12月期決算でも明らかだ。新型据え置き型「Wii U」の4~12月の世界販売は241万台。発売時期の一昨年10~12月に売った306万台にも届かなかった。携帯型「ニンテンドー3DS」も、米国で廉価版「2DS」を投入して巻き返しを図ったが、全体では前年の1271万台に届かなかった。
I'll say No.
They should focus on the core market, because they are the loyal ones in this industry. Not only that, but the games for the hardcore gamers also appeal to kid. Xbox and Playststion don't even try when compared to Nintendo in the topic of trying to win over the children, yet they're the ones that get the kid's attention and asked for as holiday gifts. Xbox and Playstation are the "cool" consoles these days.
Going for the core audience these days is like going for everyone. Focus on the core, we all know the IPs Nintendo has that will appeal to children. Dish out some F-Zero, Metroid, 1080, Wave Race, and some new hardcore IPs.
I think "Our approach to targeting children has been inadequate" and "Further price cuts are unlikely to spark fresh demand for the console" are both at odds with each other.
Don't you need cheaper prices to entice parents purchasing these things for their children? I mean iPads are popular with children, but adults can justify the price because they actually can use those things as well.
I'm sorry, but he's not.
He simply recognized the problem that smartphone have been eating away Nintendo's following between the younger generation. And Nintendo simply can't afford ignoring the problem.
I see a lot of people making the link "we should market more to children" with "we'll market less to adults."
That link is fallacious. In marketing terms you can definitely market more to one segment without reducing of a dime your marketing support to other segments.
I don't see how he stops the bleeding. The phones aren't going away. The kids have them, and they have cheap games they think are good enough.
How does Nintendo compete with that? Marketing isn't going to fix this. It's a fundamental shift in consumer habits.
Japanese kids play a lot of mobile-social stuff. Western kids play Minecraft and Angry Birds and mobile stuff. These are kids growing up recognizing Mario more from merchandise than from his games, or more as "just another gaming character" than as the king of games. I think Nintendo has absolutely lost some of their younger market. Moreover, they learn to purchase games very young, and because the costs are so low they learn that they should be able to expect their parents to buy them the game when they want. The same kid asking for a $30 game would get rebuffed. This reinforces a culture where the kids grow up thinking of gaming differently.
Many people will respond with "LOL BUT NINTENDO MAKES TONS OF KIDS STUFF???? TARGET ME NOT THEM FOOLS", but I think this is a Big Deal from Nintendo's perspective.
Let's assume that "We haven't been targeting children enough" is exactly what Iwata meant, and his intent is to more heavily invest into the children's market.
I feel that the Wii U is a console that's already somewhat catered to children and families. It's deliberately underpowered to focus on lower power consumption, compactness, etc. It doesn't prioritize graphics or a hardcore audience that appreciates current-gen graphics.
The actual audience on the Wii U buys the colorful, kid-oriented games on Wii U in more volume than the gritty, hardcore-oriented games. Non-horrible-selling games on the platform include Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Disney Infinity, etc.
But direct ports like Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Batman: Arkham Origins, and Call of Duty: Ghosts don't seem to fare nearly as well on the platform.
With that said, I do believe there is more that Iwata can do to appease the children's market. I've had experience with 3-5 year olds attempting Super Mario Bros. U / New Super Luigi U, for example, and crying at how challenging the experience was for them.
Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World (at the beginning) are more accessible, but there still can be a level of difficulty to Nintendo's Wii U games that can make them a bit off-putting for very young children who are playing alone / with other very young children. The Wonderful 101, for example, can be quite difficult.
I think, if Nintendo wants to prioritize young children more, they would do well to design more titles that have that Pokemon aspect to them...very simple and immediately enticing to young children, but have a hidden depth that you can unlock over-time. The $300 + $60 premium pricing is also a big issue.
For example, Just Dance, Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, Disney Infinity / Skylanders, etc. are all very simple, immediately appealing games to very young children.
If they don't want to do that (and there are real reasons for that), Nintendo could always approach the kid model through diversifying their revenue streams and greater licensing their IP.
Pokemon is well-managed in that regard, but Mario is somewhat under-utilized.
Question: do you think that Nintendo is doing a good enough job being the premiere video game brand among children.
I don't think he's wrong actually. Young age tablet use is actually a potential problem to their core business as it exists today.
Sure, it's not the answer to gaining huge new audiences, but they do probably want to retain children strongly as it makes up a notably healthy part of their audience, especially with handhelds in the West.
His approach to targeting everybody has been inadequate! Still, he's at least aware that the Wii U isn't in good shape, so baby steps.
Nintendo can close the performance gap easily enough, but what about every other respect in which they'd need to become competitive with Sony/MS?
They're far behind in online infrastructure. As far as Western first-party support, third-party relations, and core perception of their brand go, they might as well be starting from scratch.
Given that status quo, is it really possible for Nintendo to produce a console in a few years that will make PS4/XB1 owners say: "Wow! I'm ditching this for the Nintendo Corebox!"?
I feel like I'm harping a bit too hard, but too many people trying to interpret it another way will derail the conversation. For those of you who have some understanding of Japanese, just take a look at how the quote is being discussed on Japanese discussion boards instead of checking it with your other non-native Japanese friends.
Here's a good one: http://jin115.com/archives/51999684.html
Jin's little ASCII art commentary:
あ、そっか大人はWii fitやるからいいのか
じゃ、よゆーで立て直せますね! よかった!
Some comments:
Just some examples. Seriously, no one is interpreting it the opposite way, nor should they, because that would be odd.
This is good context. Looks like the Japanese don't know what Nintendo are doing either. haha
Frankly I find the constant parroting of this attitude on GAF insulting and ignorant. Why is it only m rated shooters and war games? Where was Nintendo when Trials got big? How about SSX? Nintendo had sports games on the SNES and N64, but they ceded the market to others. Nintendo sat on IPs like 1080, Excitebike and Bond which opened doors to markets that appeal to EVERYONE. Why no mention of that? It's getting tiring hearing about how Nintendo has to appeal to "core" gamers with the least common denominators of videogames like they're slobs who only know how to aim a reticule. The "core" market is more than just teens with bloodlust and gun fetishes.Really? To me it seems these are the games that sell, and all anecdotal evidence I have is that children and young adults prefer to play shooters and other M-rated stuff like GTA and not Nintendo-games (who basically only gets played by old gamers that grew up with the nes/snes).
Today's children love Angry Birds and Skylanders and Minecraft way more than they do Nintendo, which is a problem for Nintendo's IP. A lot of Nintendo's games, while being child friendly and popular with children who try them, are edging more towards being aimed at young adults who played Nintendo games as children, not children themselves.
So yeah, Nintendo probably should target children more, regardless if that means that people won't necessarily get to play Dark Souls Zelda or Mature Retro Game or whatever they think will solve Nintendo's problems.
Iwata (probably) isn't saying that Nintendo hasn't been targeting children enough. He's saying that they haven't been targeting children smartly enough.
This is really sad, but the more I think about it, the more I feel the Nintendo we know and love just doesnt have any place in this world anymore. There is not much money to be made on consoles, and while there is money to be made on mobiles, you need to do a completely different buisness model and gameplay-style than what Nintendo currently does. Which means if they want to stay relevant, they would probably have to leave alot of the stuff that make them so loved in the first place. Quality, tight controls, no stupid dlc, etc. And that is not really a Nintendo I would care much for anymore, and Im sure that applies to most of their fans![]()
I don't see how he stops the bleeding. The phones aren't going away. The kids have them, and they have cheap games they think are good enough.
Bro, yo approach to targeting adultz is laughable.
Lol - seriously, more kid-oriented than their actual games? Are they going to develop games for kids 1-3 years old?
This is really sad, but the more I think about it, the more I feel the Nintendo we know and love just doesnt have any place in this world anymore. There is not much money to be made on consoles, and while there is money to be made on mobiles, you need to do a completely different buisness model and gameplay-style than what Nintendo currently does. Which means if they want to stay relevant, they would probably have to leave alot of the stuff that make them so loved in the first place. Quality, tight controls, no stupid dlc, etc. And that is not really a Nintendo I would care much for anymore, and Im sure that applies to most of their fans![]()
^This dog-thing really needs to become the global mascot for Nintendo's misteps. It's cracking me up for some reason.
Also, yes, can we get some translations?
Hey Japanese speakers, mind translating the comments for the rest of us? Seems like there's some gold in there.
Hey Japanese speakers, mind translating the comments for the rest of us? Seems like there's some gold in there.
I added some translations for those who don't read any Japanese.
But, yeah, responses seem to be pretty much the same as they are around here (except for the confusion about the meaning of the quote).
Just stopped by the coffee shop and, for what feels like the millionth time, saw a little kid, the perfect age to start playing with Nintendo handhelds, watching a video on her Mom's smart phone while her Mom was busy talking with a friend.
This is one of the main opportunities where Nintendo can shift strategies and get back on track.
With simple touch interfaces, Nintendo has the opportunity to reach an even younger market than what they were able to reach with the GameBoy, and they need to regain that little kid market because otherwise there's the possibility that an entire generation of young people could grow up with little knowledge of Nintendo IPs and Mario could become pretty irrelevant.
If Nintendo creates a simple, bomb proof, multi touch device that's hooked into a platform that is as accessible and easy to develop for as Apple's I think Nintendo has an opportunity to wedge their way in there and create a child oriented tablet device that parents could give to their kids to keep instead of having to hand over their own smart phone.
It would be an excellent new market for Nintendo and a way to hook kids early on Nintendo's IPs
Nintendo can close the performance gap easily enough, but what about every other respect in which they'd need to become competitive with Sony/MS?
They're far behind in online infrastructure. As far as Western first-party support, third-party relations, and core perception of their brand go, they might as well be starting from scratch.
Given that status quo, is it really possible for Nintendo to produce a console in a few years that will make PS4/XB1 owners say: "Wow! I'm ditching this for the Nintendo Corebox!"?
I agree. I was saying that going for the core is like another way of getting the attention of children. Worked for Microsoft, and they weren't even trying to do that (at least I don't think). Nintendo naturally have a lot of games for everyone, so the focus isn't needed.Its not a one or the other type thing so they could improve their approach towards both audiences if they want.
He really thinks he can make money by tricking kids, doesn't he?