not tag worthy
Hello GAF.
after a random two years with the Pandemic and what not. I've decided to set my self a challenge of limiting my spending/buying, due to all these things spending nearly got out of control.
I've been in debt before and do not wish to go back. so instead of continuing down that road I am going to do something about it.
but I am not going to live of nothing, so onto the rules
Disregarding Bills or expenses for medical issues (dentist/Glasses am in Europe so won't have costs for everything)
for as long as possible I can
Only Buy/pay for Food,Travel, accomodation.
If I want to say get a new shiny object, I must either do trade ins or anything earned outside of wages. maybe birthday money given to me or some gift cards type situation, I did manage to earn some money doing online surveys but they take flipping ages
any issues with clothes I must first try to repair them (sowing or patching something)
any other clothes Charity shops
under wear,sock and shoes are ok to buy new but must be best quality I can afford but not stupid expensive
hobby wise etc I can only use what I have an not buy needless Items.
I think I'm doing this challenge to try and limit any needless spending and the pandemic just made me think of money being wasted
it may be a waste of time and I will crumble at the first hurdle.
I will try and be more mindful of what I have that I can use and not buy for the sake of it.
basically try and find a different way of doing things.
thank you for coming to my TED talk or something....
but I hope there are like minded GAFers and we can encourage each other or something.
after a random two years with the Pandemic and what not. I've decided to set my self a challenge of limiting my spending/buying, due to all these things spending nearly got out of control.
I've been in debt before and do not wish to go back. so instead of continuing down that road I am going to do something about it.
but I am not going to live of nothing, so onto the rules
Disregarding Bills or expenses for medical issues (dentist/Glasses am in Europe so won't have costs for everything)
for as long as possible I can
Only Buy/pay for Food,Travel, accomodation.
If I want to say get a new shiny object, I must either do trade ins or anything earned outside of wages. maybe birthday money given to me or some gift cards type situation, I did manage to earn some money doing online surveys but they take flipping ages
any issues with clothes I must first try to repair them (sowing or patching something)
any other clothes Charity shops
under wear,sock and shoes are ok to buy new but must be best quality I can afford but not stupid expensive
hobby wise etc I can only use what I have an not buy needless Items.
I think I'm doing this challenge to try and limit any needless spending and the pandemic just made me think of money being wasted
it may be a waste of time and I will crumble at the first hurdle.
I will try and be more mindful of what I have that I can use and not buy for the sake of it.
basically try and find a different way of doing things.
thank you for coming to my TED talk or something....

but I hope there are like minded GAFers and we can encourage each other or something.
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