Is Timesplitters Future Perfect still coming for GC? I don't see it on any site, and I don't think it was at E3. What happened?
Lionheart said:
LittleTokyo said:Does it really matter if it's on the Cube? Online play in the other two versions makes the Cube version quite inferior.
LittleTokyo said:Does it really matter if it's on the Cube? Online play in the other two versions makes the Cube version quite inferior.
effzee said:time splitters is awesme and its shame it wont be online for gamecube.
Bluemercury said:They still have no excuse to make it lan compatible, i mean at least let the pple with BB adaptors play it online with these pc programs......
EA won't mind, they're one of the strongest GameCube supporters out there.Subitai said:I think the developers will insist on a GCN version even if EA doesn't want to.
But...but... EA on XBL! DamnitLost Weekend said:It was planned as PS2 online only all along.
Hitler Stole My Potato said:But who really gives a damn about Timesplitters anyway? The series bites.
TAJ said:It should be most popular on GC, shouldn't it? I mean, Timesplitters's hopelessly outdated gameplay mainly appeals to people who are still sadly clinging to Goldeneye.
TAJ said:It should be most popular on GC, shouldn't it? I mean, Timesplitters's hopelessly outdated gameplay mainly appeals to people who are still sadly clinging to Goldeneye.
Agreed. Time Splitters 1 good, but Time Splitters 2 was highly overrated.Hitler Stole My Potato said:But who really gives a damn about Timesplitters anyway? The series bites.
I agree. LAN code isn't anything terribly complicated or anything.
...why?Littleberu said:The game doesn't even interest me. I was only asking if it was coming to Cube.
Multiplayer was good though...depends what you like.Daxter Too said:Timesplitters 2 was HIGHLY overated. I really hated its single player.
My guess is that he thought it wasn't coming for GC and was trolling in hopes of another GC is doomed thread.Socreges said:...why?
Porthos said:Anyways, TS2 rocked... best console FPS this means better than Halo (arcade challenges and multiplayer options). I hope TS3 turns out good.