It's not possible to sustain a brand based on Astroturfing for a long time and finally people are seeing reality
If it were Sony presenting a "last of us part 3" with these graphics at the launch of the PS5, we would have hundreds of columns saying "Sony better close the playstation because they don't know how to make games"
MS astroturfing made sure that this, Craig from Halo, wouldn't mark the Xbox brand on the internet... But in the real world people got it
Xbox and Phill have always been inferior to Sony in everything since the PS4 and guys like Duske Golem "balancing things on the Internet" by making fake news about the PS5 wouldn't sustain the xbox for long... Its expiration date is over of MS Astroturfing
I opened Twitter and we already have "damage control" with "but look, the xbox won't become Sega"
Every time a negative consensus is formed about the Xbox, covered by reason as in the case of Halo Infinite, someone rushes to the internet to do damage control
Is Halo Infinite rubbish?
Alex bugaga runs to make a video saying that "it just needs a ray tracing patch" and that "spiderman 2 4k 60fps with RT isn't all that"
I'm not surprised by this disgusting Xbox going bankrupt, look at the level of complacency around this shit