Oh I mixed up your posts.?
Me quoting and talking about Batman sales: "The game should probably end up 60.000 - 100.000 LTD, first month isn't that important."
He: "based on?"
Me: "The numbers of Arkham City Wii U"
I never talked about Wii Party U, which could sell 100.000 LTD to boot.
i don't but my sources might.
if you want a clearer picture, it goes a little something like this among console releases for sonic this gen. just talking us here.
1. secret rings
2. unleashed wii
3. colors
4. 06 360
5. 06 ps3
6. black knight
7. unleashed 360
8. unleashed ps3
9. generations 360
10. generations ps3
06 and secret rings sold really well because they were really early in the lifespan of each system. other games didn't sell that well on the ps3 and 360 because there was no fanbase for them, still isn't, and may never be.
Wii U owners just packed the console away waiting for Mario?
I don’t understand how a console with such a barren library has big third party software which sells so bad.
That's some pretty good numbers for the 3DS and Pokémon (not so much the Wii U, but heh, that's not really surprising.... hopefully November will be much better). Curious to see if the 3DS will reach 1 million during this holiday season.
That's why I say the first month isn't that important.Oh I mixed up your posts.
I don't see how the game goes on to sell 100K LTD from a 11K opening... but whatever. I didn't know we had numbers for Arkham City Wii U.
Why would retailers even bother to order any more units of it?
Eh... Batman games don't strike me as long-legged slow burners. I would think for titles like Arkham, first months are very important. Much more so than for titles like Angry Birds.That's why I say the first month isn't that important.
Just an example: Angry Birds 3DS first month 20K, now it's over half a million.
Nevertheless, the numbers aren't good either, despite the fact that they are going to rise. The prices are also decreasing with time and they earn less money per game.
Oh I mixed up your posts.
I don't see how the game goes on to sell 100K LTD from a 11K opening... but whatever. I didn't know we had numbers for Arkham City Wii U.
Why would retailers even bother to order any more units of it?
Every time we get Wii U sales details people suggest going third party, as if that won't actually kill the company.
So third party games didn't do well on the Wii U. Is that a surprise? Games on a console with a low install base sell low amounts? I am shocked!
Yes, Lego Marvel sold better on 360 and PS3 than Wii U...because they have a bigger install base.
Come on...
Yes, the Wii U is doing badly, yes it needs help...but seriously, use your heads more people.
The Wii U SKU of Arkham Origins has a lower attach rate than the PS360 SKUs based on what we know.So third party games didn't do well on the Wii U. Is that a surprise? Games on a console with a low install base sell low amounts? I am shocked.
I’m sure Ubisoft and WB will be over the moon with such low sales. The time and money spent developing the games must have been worth it.
What planet do you live on where titles selling under 2% of the total sales on Wii U is not a problem?
The Wii U SKU of Arkham Origins has a lower attach rate than the PS360 SKUs based on what we know.
A system in it's first year shouldn't have major software releases exhibiting less than 1% attach rates.
Every time we get Wii U sales details people suggest going third party, as if that won't actually kill the company.
So third party games didn't do well on the Wii U. Is that a surprise? Games on a console with a low install base sell low amounts? I am shocked!
Yes, Lego Marvel sold better on 360 and PS3 than Wii U...because they have a bigger install base.
Come on...
Yes, the Wii U is doing badly, yes it needs help...but seriously, use your heads more people.
I never said it wasn't a problem. I said it wasn't unexpected
This is your excuse for the abysmal 3rd party sales worldwide? A tornado would have been a better one
Well I'm glad you expected god awful software sales. 3rd parties clearly didn't.
I never said it wasn't a problem. I said it wasn't unexpected. Especially as Nintendo consoles have never really been the place for these sorts of games.
As the games have online components, people are more inclined to get it on the console upon which their friends have. As such, it's more likely for them to get it on the 360/PS3, even if they have a Wii U
Well I'm glad you expected god awful software sales. 3rd parties clearly didn't.
At this point I think dropping the gamepad in an SKU ala 2DS is probably a wise course of action to get that price down to 199 as fast as possible. But, honestly it will probably introduce an entire new layer of confusion and Nintendo will have to start selling the Gamepad separately and who the hell wants to carry a bunch of those things. They would probably sell worse than the uPAd. They have yet to show a core game that has it integral to the game. Maybe Zelda was the game where that would be the case, but at best that game is 1-2 years off.
You do realize that doesn't make sense?On the contrary. I'd say a system in its first year should be expected to...
The Wii U SKU of Arkham Origins has a lower attach rate than the PS360 SKUs based on what we know.
A system in it's first year shouldn't have major software releases exhibiting less than 1% attach rates.
Are you suggesting these numbers would be dramatically higher (like an order of magnitude higher is really what's needed)? This same argument pops up in the PAL charts thread, retailers will stock what they think they can sell. They'll devote floorspace to what's generating the most revenue per space per time.you couldn't find it in stores the week of release unless it was gamestop or maybe wal-mart or toys r us (i didn't check the other two). target didn't stock batman or ass flag in stores. best buy did, but they didn't display them in the wii u section. that doesn't cover everything, but when wii u branding isn't on kiosks, when a game is in stock but not on the floor, or when it's not even ordered at all, it matters.
and i suppose this refuels speculation about a myriad of crazy shit nintendo is doing behind closed doors. these guys know what's going on now simply isn't working at all. it's strange how quick they were to slash the price of the 3ds and advertise the hell out of every major game, but are just kinda sitting on their hands with the wii u (price drop and new bundles notwithstanding- but they haven't tried to reach out to a television audience that those things are happening).
New Wii U price is affordable enough for few more millions people. Now they need to know the console has great games in its current and upcoming library. Nintendo needs to start their 2013 big advertising campaign, looks like they were waiting for Super Mario 3D World to do so :-/Well the 3DS got priced at a premium after the glowing initial reception, so they had some room there to be very reactionary. The WiiU doesn't seem to have been designed with much price flexibility in mind (unless they ditch the mandatory touchpad aspect).
you couldn't find it in stores the week of release unless it was gamestop or maybe wal-mart or toys r us (i didn't check the other two). target didn't stock batman or ass flag in stores. best buy did, but they didn't display them in the wii u section. that doesn't cover everything, but when wii u branding isn't on kiosks, when a game is in stock but not on the floor, or when it's not even ordered at all, it matters.
Wii U is a disaster for 3rd parties. I'd cancel all my Wii U projects if I were Activision/ EA/ WB Games/ Ubisoft boss. Not worth my time, money and development team disappointment.
Well the 3DS got priced at a premium after the glowing initial reception, so they had some room there to be very reactionary. The WiiU doesn't seem to have been designed with much price flexibility in mind (unless they ditch the mandatory touchpad aspect).
Are you suggesting these numbers would be dramatically higher (like an order of magnitude higher is really what's needed)?
All those third party games that got released on Wii U recently probably were too far in realisation to cancel so it was decided they will lose less money by releasing them.
Well:So watchdogs should still be released.
Wow at those software sales for Wii U.
It's over. Nintendo has a huge decision to make for the future when it comes to consoles.
Wow at those software sales for Wii U.
It's over. Nintendo has a huge decision to make for the future when it comes to consoles.
I know they have to ride this out but can they really ride it out until 2016?
That's just this month. It did like 7M last month so about 8.1M in the US alone.1.1 million for GTAV? Wut? Hasn't it shipped like 20+ million units?
Looking at the worldwide hardware and software sales.
It wouldn't make a difference if Nintendo kills the WiiU business in 2014 or try to push it until 2016. The console isn't even a niche product but already irrelevant.
Well yes but killing it in 2014 kills leaves a bad taste in the mouth of current wii u owners doesnt it?
Every time we get Wii U sales details people suggest going third party, as if that won't actually kill the company.
So third party games didn't do well on the Wii U. Is that a surprise? Games on a console with a low install base sell low amounts? I am shocked!
Yes, Lego Marvel sold better on 360 and PS3 than Wii U...because they have a bigger install base.
Come on...
Yes, the Wii U is doing badly, yes it needs help...but seriously, use your heads more people.
What...all five of them?
What...all five of them?
Well yes but killing it in 2014 kills leaves a bad taste in the mouth of current wii u owners doesnt it?
it's not nintendo who gets to kill their platform but retailers. And looking by how very little software is in stock, they are definitely headed that way,
by January 2016 WiiU will feel as dead as PSP 2013 or Wii 2012.
and Vita follows the WiiU in the same path, both are in serious trouble
The current owners are less important than the message it would send to the industry and potential future customers. Killing off a console early would do huge damage to their brand and instill doubt and distrust in their future hardware. Of course, they may have no choice but to do it anyway.
Yep. Wii U is dead. Expect some crazy shit from them for their next trick.
I know they have to ride this out but can they really ride it out until 2016?
If they're smart, they'd be the first with a VR helmet. It's the next revolution on the way, and Sony has already hinted that they're working on it.
If they're smart, they'd be the first with a VR helmet. It's the next revolution on the way, and Sony has already hinted that they're working on it.
I think 3DS will easily be enough to tide them over financially, but I think we'll see the Wii U successor announced at the end of 2014.