Games like The tomorrow CHildren, Rime, Ori, Sunset Overdrive, D4, Until Dawn, Transistor, Bloodborne, are all new IP's and have unique hooks to them.
I feel your grabbing at straws here when it comes to the outlook of the three companies. You havn't even touched on what is being done on these systems that has become huge.
Streaming and sharing the gaming experience with other's. That's what's helping grow the market, in the past couple years twitch, and youtube have exploded in gamer's showing their games and giving smaller ones more exposure.
Before for indie games unless a big publication made it a big deal, you would overlook games or not even know they existed.
Now Sony and Microsoft have a way for everyone to share, play and view games, and alot of the smaller games are getting more exposure. The ones that are helping grow the market that you think isn't growing.
You keep bringing up past generations, but are not telling the whole story. Nintendo is also not exempt now in terms of "growing" the market.
They produce similar product lines that are also available on their handheld. You say SOny's golden years of the PS2, PS1 era didn't have the problems PS4 has now.
I call bullshit on that. Go look at the first year launch. Mostly sequels in already established franchises. Twisted Metal black, Gran Turismo 3-spec, MGS2, Final Fantasy, GTA3, tekken.
They are all from previous franchises, wasn't till second-third year we saw the creative new IP's like Dark Cloud 2(another sequel), Dragon Quest, Shadows of the Colossus, God of War, DMC, Mark of Kri, Ratchet and Clank, Yakuza, among many others.
Times change and so does the industry and it's consumers. People want their devices to do more, and their games experiences to be shared outside of just conversations.
We now have AAA indie developed games coming from small studios, and smaller team made games coming from industry vet's.
Which actually hearkens back to the PS2 days when we had budget 20 dollars games that had the values of 50-60 dollar games.
I think your just Jaded by what has been coming out this past year, and your not alone. But don't let one year slate of games ruin your outlook on what's to come. And the smaller games coming out almost outweighs my excitement for large AAA games.