Lion Heart said:but yikes, look at my two shots of comparison.
I know, it looks like PSP :/
Lion Heart said:but yikes, look at my two shots of comparison.
That's not a fair comparison since one is up close and the other is far away. That was also a compressed version of the screen shot, here is the full version:Lion Heart said:Edit: wow the graphics seem bad. I was avoiding any spoilers of this game but i caved...well it looks worse than 2k5....
speculawyer said:That's not a fair comparison since one is up close and the other is far away. That was also a compressed version of the screen shot, here is the full version:
BTW, it is nice to be able to see all 22 players on the screen at once with HDTV.
speculawyer said:BTW, it is nice to be able to see all 22 players on the screen at once with HDTV.
:lolDenogginizerOS said:Does the game make tha buzz sound like the old, old electric football games? Because when I look at this screenshot, it makes me think of those old electric, buzzing football games.
sooperkool said:I thought release day was today?
Skiptastic said:I just got a new job that is going to require I work mucho hours, so please take Skiptastic and the Indianapolis team out of the league.;_; [face_cry]
Big Zep said:Off to get back with impressions in 30-45mins.
Big Zep said:Best passing in a football game ever...pretty much, shit is super fun in practice mode.
Big Zep said:Best passing in a football game ever...pretty much, shit is super fun in practice mode.
maynerd said:What's so good about it? What makes it the best?
Impressions on the running game when you have time pleaseBig Zep said:Best passing in a football game ever...pretty much, shit is super fun in practice mode.
GameSpot Player ReviewDifficulty: Just Right
Learning Curve: 1 to 2 Hours
Time Spent: 10 to 20 Hours
"Instant classic" 8.9
greatGameplay 9
Graphics 8
Sound 9
Value 9
Tilt 9
By FraserAlexander
Posted Jul 17, 2007 8:33 am PT Marino to Sharpe over the middle for 12....and it looks bloody awesome!
I've already had a lot of fun moments with this game, and seen some legendary plays.
Last nigt I threw a bullet w/ Dan Marino to Shannon Sharpe and Jack Tatum nearly picked it off, but instead tipped it up and one of my none-intended recievers sprinted towards the ball and came up with it on his way down to the ground. In another game I executed a flee flicker to Rocket Ismail for a 53 yard touchdown which was all set up by pulling the safties in w/ short passes and running up the middle - so they bit on the hand off...hard...and the crowd went ape.
This brings me to a point about the game, which is that it no longer feels limited - if you have a big gun like Marino, you can throw the ball 65 yards in the air with wobble and all. A screen pass can be zipped out there in no time giving you a one on one with an unlucky sucka. I love defense too, because the hits can get pretty vicious, or if you have a reliable guy like **** Anderson, about three times a game he can read the play and wrap a guy up, he can't light them up like Butkus, but it's great seeing him execute.
The game has detail too, I was playing in the rain at the beast stadium (which degrades slowly as do the uniforms) it was awesome. As the players got noticeably wetter and wetter the hits were resembling a close up of an ultra sweaty boxer getting drilled by a knockout quality hook - a spray of water as feet are pumping for that extra half yard. Contrary to popular belief you can create or recreate any player you want. Yes there is a database of names, but you can type in the names you want also - some just may not have the field annnouncer recognize them and call out the number instead. But the database is quite substantial. Also you can edit their appearance to a degree that could take you 45 minutes if you're stingy on a single player. The sports ticker was impressing friends that were over, since they were real-world news stories popping up near the ticker giving the headlines, but you can go on live and actually pull up a story too...for instance i pulled up a dwight freeny signing to the colts for a rediculous sum of money and got a 3 page story. The graphics are very good, but not gears of war. They do however seem much better depending on the stadium - my home team is the assassins' in their default stadium which looks nice, however the lighting isn't nearly as good there as it is in many other places. Full outdoor places look the best IMO. The animation is simply the best out there though, and really makes this game shine so that you have fist pumping moments as you pull off some great plays. The game is not 2k5 v.2 - I've had 3 field goals blocked!!! On all-pro I got picked off 4 times (my fault, i'm still learning to read the D- who can also disguise thier plays) The sound is good, it's got great atmosphere, and I love hearing the crowd Boo me on away games, the stadium animatronics and announcer, plus dan and peter really help make the game come alive. Value is great IMO. I KNOW that I will spend at least 80 hours playing this game, which is more than I can say for 90% of the titiles that I buy (I'm talking to you Splinter Cell DA). I'll probably infact tilt closer to 150 hours or more because they really nailed the gameplay on the field.
To me this is a must have titie, and feel like the more people play it the more it will be appreciated. It has the danger of getting lower scores if very little time is spent with it, but if you keep playing you'll never have the same game twice. Even if this game doesn't sell well, it's an instant classic and will be refrenced for quite some time just like techmo bowl has been. For me a MUST BUY, and for everyone else a MUST TRY.
Big Zep said:About to finally play some defense...I picked some generic and tier DB's on purpose to find out how the control is. Especially the swat moves.
you can make minor OL changes like "pass protect left" at the line
Talladega Knight said:Rocket Ishmail is in the game? Wow, they really spent the big money getting the big names didn't they?
vumpler said:I have to say the DB manual coverage feels like balls.
dollartaco said:If you're looking for a copy in Philly, check the GameStop at Broad and Hunting Park.
Big Zep said:Defense will take some time to adjust....for everyone.
And Marino's arm is nuts...everything about the way he holds it is accurate.
Lion Heart said:Did you turn off auto-strafing. Someone mentioned it above, it should be turned off immediately
Big Zep said:Defense will take some time to adjust....for everyone.
And Marino's arm is nuts...everything about the way he holds it is accurate.