Back at the old GAF I made a thread in about february of this year asking folks to make a list of games they owned WHICH THEY INTENDED TO FINISH , and get them finished in a time limit they set themselves. Preferably not buying any new games until these goals were completed.
Back when I made my own list I believe it had the following titles-
Mario and Luigi for GBA
FFX2 for PS2
Viewtiful Joe for gamecube
Metroid prime for gamecube
Pikmin for Gamecube
Zelda for GBA
I believe I wanted to purchase a few games as well. Since that original thread was made I have bought a few games and rented a couple others ...
. I purchased Ninja gaiden and I actually did finish it off, great game. I rented Twin snakes for gamecube and beat it in that rental. Unfortunatly none of the games on my little list up there have been completed yet. FFX2 , haven't played since christmas, mario and luigi I"m in the final dungeon but I need to gain a couple levels I think but I don't really feel like it. Zelda I'm still at the same spot , I've decided I dont' care if I ever beat metroid prime and pikmin .. well it still hasn't been touched.
Recently , despite stil having a small backlog I purchased KOTOR for xbox , which I am slowly playing through and Rallisport 2 for xbox, which I am nearly 50% finished with. I friend bought me Farcry and I'm about halfway through it as well.
Is anyone else getting progress on their own personal shameful backlogs ?
Back when I made my own list I believe it had the following titles-
Mario and Luigi for GBA
FFX2 for PS2
Viewtiful Joe for gamecube
Metroid prime for gamecube
Pikmin for Gamecube
Zelda for GBA
I believe I wanted to purchase a few games as well. Since that original thread was made I have bought a few games and rented a couple others ...
Recently , despite stil having a small backlog I purchased KOTOR for xbox , which I am slowly playing through and Rallisport 2 for xbox, which I am nearly 50% finished with. I friend bought me Farcry and I'm about halfway through it as well.
Is anyone else getting progress on their own personal shameful backlogs ?