Cerebral Palsy
Woot, only 4 hours until Madden.
be online bitch....Cerebral Palsy said:Woot, only 4 hours until Madden.
Malleymal said:be online bitch....
<Slo> sweet, madden
<Moose> what about madden
<Slo> I own it
<Moose> fun
<Slo> Moose, youre getting it right?
<Moose> for 360 maaaaaaaybe
<Slo> so you're not in the league?
<Moose> it doesn't look like its worth getting for xbox
<Moose> sry
Welcome to the NFLKotex said:Is the cone on for the league? I don't wanna go through the whole learning curve if we aren't using it. It seems like I don't have enough time to make my reads and I end up throwing trash :lol
I thought the cone would work with the triggers so you can cycle through left middle and right field
Silent Death said:I'm calling this bullshit. I thought the cone would work with the triggers so you can cycle through left middle and right field. This right analogue shit is just that shit. You have to take your hands off the buttons then bring them back all within a matter of moments inorder to throw correctly. Who ever at EA thought this was a good idea should be shot.
Now trying to use the right analog with QBs that have a small vision cone.. lol
Ramirez said:I do,as I stated earlier,I want the old Madden controls,so that makes me have to just use the R Stick for the cone,Im getting good at it actually.
I think Vick cheese might officially be nerfed,just played some noob that tried to cheese with Vick and he couldn't do any BS,maybe it was a fluke,but I think you will have to be REALLY good at the game to pull of the stuff you could with Vick in years past.
Silent Death said:Yes its official the cone passing is crap. Tried it with the right trigger and still no dice. Also who was the freaking genius who decided to set receivers to the white and black buttons? First of all they are way out of the way and second they are flush with the controller so you have to hit them with the tip of you fingers or risk not pressing the buttons completely. God I'm so freaking frustrated cause if it wasn't for EA I wouldn't have to put up with all this crap and Id be playing ESPN now. As it is I have to fumble with these freaking ape handed control schemes.
I have the same problem with A and B. It's kinda dumb because A is so much easier and quicker to switch to x. I've only practiced a little bit and played 1 game through on All-Pro.Ramirez said:Vision cone is pretty sweet,my only complaint is that I have to use the old style controls (B=sprint on def./A switch players),well on that configuration the "lock on" feature is mapped to the black button and it is not possible to press the black button and the WR button at the same time while trying to actually play the game seriously,major error on EA's part,IMO,but I'm still doing ok just by moving the cone around myself.
Why the hell did they change the spring button on def. this year in both games anyways,stupidest fuckin decision ever,it's been that way for years,why change it now?
But yea,from the quick game I played,it's def. better than the steaming pile NCAA.
FrenchMovieTheme said:jgar... in the hands of another player
i think im going to be sick...
p.s. i decided the tournament wont start until early next week. this will give everyone a chance to do one or all of the following:
1) get accustomed to the game
2) Decide they hate the game and dont want to play in the league
3) Decide on the team they may or may not want
Good game. I wanted a rematch, but I had to go give my friend a ride to the mechanic. He called me up during the game. Oh brother do I need to work on the pass. I guess I have the ground game down, though. :lolLonestar said:Ror, if you're still around and want to play, I'm up for a game. And what a laugh riot it might be!
I keep getting thrown off by trying to do playmaker on offense and a/b on defense.Man its amazing how diff the controls are in this game compared to last.