Mustang said:I always have found that warm soda sucks.
Could just be me though?
IAWTPDCX said:What went wrong with Crystal Pepsi?! I loved that stuff.
Khalid-S said:It's Diet Coke with more calories? Or is it Coke with less calories? C_C"
Winged Creature said:didnt pepsi have something like this a few years back?? Pepsi max?
Otaking said:They release this shit but don't give me my Crystal Pepsi back? Dammit....quit whoring out the soda market to the current trends the world is going through. This only adds fuel to the fire of my Crystal Pepsi Revival Campaign.
But to stay on topic....the stuff definitely tastes different to me. Anything other than the original is weird to me. I definitely agree with the aftertaste thing.