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One Direction - Take Me Home |OT| The Return of The Kings, The Beatles hew?


I don't remember Harry's audition that much.


I've only seen his audition countless times

I am a bit of a reality singing show snob. Which is why I have a hard time watching Niall or Louis' auditions.

I probably watched Liam's the most. That was very, very good. I actually think that it they hadn't done groups he probably would have been put through as a solo singer.

The producers wanted groups though and you have to have at least a couple competent singers in groups.


I know, when I first heard Liam singing I was surprised, I didn't expect him to be that good. I thought they were going to keep using him in every song, but now Zayn is the one with the spotlight. Or at least that's how it seems to me.

And speaking about x factor uk, I have a soft spot for Cher Lloyd...
Zayn has a very voice but still has pitch issues often live.

Its good that he has range and a falsetto though. Gives them a lot more options.

I do like Louis' voice as well but it only works well on VERY specific songs.

I know, when I first heard Liam singing I was surprised, I didn't expect him to be that good. I thought they were going to keep using him in every song, but now Zayn is the one with the spotlight. Or at least that's how it seems to me.

And speaking about x factor uk, I have a soft spot for Cher Lloyd...

I purchased Cheryl Loyds single. Its nice.....her voice isn't something I can stan for though.


Zayn has a very voice but still has pitch issues often live.

Its good that he has range and a falsetto though. Gives them a lot more options.

I do like Louis' voice as well but it only works well on VERY specific songs.

I purchased Cheryl Loyds single. Its nice.....her voice isn't something I can stan for though.

I think Zayn's voice got a lot better over the years. Or it could be the studio recording, since I haven't listened to anything live from him.

And Cher... I don't like her music at all, or her voice. Her songs are probably never gonna be on my playlist. But she is interesting, her personality is kinda attractive. Seems like a crazy and fun girl.
Lol I honestly don't know enough about her to have an opinion. I live in the US so never saw her on X Factor and haven't watched any interviews.

I am not sure how much a of a future she has.


omg... i just read the last couple of pages of the pop gaf thread. I don't know if I should be laughing or crying.

....well I will probably hit the sack. Will finish my review up in the morning maybe. I have a class super early tomorrow. NO fondling while I am gone.

So.....last night stayed up fairly late and listened through the entire album a few times and I will revise my earlier statements about it. I DO think it is better than the first album. Will probably post my review in a few hours. Fell in love with a couple tracks.

MARIUS......where is your review..........I can only wait so long.


Dr. Malik

Here it is


REVIEW: Take Me Home

After 8 months of releasing Up All Night, One Direction is back with their sophomore album in hope of keeping the momentum they have and expanding from their UK beginnings. So here goes:

  • Live While We're Young – The first single and track of the album is another one of those songs about partying all night and being young. When I first heard this song it reminded me of an immature version of We Are Young by .fun with a theme that has been done to death at this point. But of course as this album goes you tend to discover that every song has an infectious upbeat sound, LWWY is no exception no matter how unoriginal it is. Lets go crazy, crazy, crazy will get in your head right after you hear the first chorus and it opens up the album quiet well demonstrating the feel it holds. 4/5

  • Kiss You – Kiss You continues where LWWY left off with another catchy jam. It is obvious why this song is set to become a single since it is one of the catchiest songs on the album. If you didn't pay attention to the lyrics thought you would think its just another clean safe song about love but its not. Yes this song provides the answer to what Take Me Home means and that is take me home to sex it up. The slight sexual innuendo on this album tries to hide itself under the radio friendly sound but it shows that 1D can continue to get more risque with an adult theme while still making it feel clean. 4/5

  • Little Things – On the surface this song is not bad, it is 1D's only ballad on Take Me Home that gives them a new sound to explore. Little Things is an acoustic song with just guitars playing in the background and it sounds heavenly just hearing the boys' voices on a slow jam. This song had so much potential and though the chorus works perfectly it is the rest of the song that ruins it with its lyrics. You never want To know how much you weigh You still have to squeeze into your jeans... yeah no. The lyrics are basic pandering for the insecure girls and reminds you that you are not the target demo for 1D and makes you wonder if the rest of the album is going to be like this. 3/5

  • C'mon C'mon – WaiT this is a bop. The producers obviously wanted to wash away the feel of Little Things for those who are not a mess and dive back to the infectious beat and hooks. My only problem with this song is that it feels way to short and I can't help but hit the replay button several times. It is that good. 5/5

  • Last First Kiss – Going back to the love theme, Last First Kiss is a slower jam and as that song title suggest it is about wanting to be a girl's last first kiss. I wouldn't consider this song filler because it still a well produced song and I never tend to skip it but it is not one of the album's highlights though it tries. 3/5

  • Heart Attack – More upbeat than Last First Kiss, Heart Attack is a playful track of being jealous and getting over someone. The highlight of the song is obviously who I believe to be Niall saying 'Ow' throughout the chorus (I still have trouble distinguishing these boys' voices from one another). This was the first song I couldn't get into during my first listen but as most of their songs they tend to grow more and more on you. 3.5/5

  • Rock Me – If you want to know why this song is the best song on the album then look no further than the producer. Dr. Luke gives 1D their Take Me Home anthem with everything you expect from this boyband, cheesy lyrics, a love theme, and a catchy hook. The placing of the song works well as it gives you a break from the pop sound the album was carrying and it gives the album more momentum half way through. 5/5

  • Change My Mind – Going back to slowville, Change My Mind delivers a smooth almost ballad type of track. There isn't much to say about it, though its not bad its not amazing either, its just there. Still not skip worthy since the chorus is catchy and a very sing-a-long type of deal 3.5/5

  • I Would – Cause I can't compete with your boyfriend, he has 27 tattoos. From the cheesy lyrics to the formulaic chorus found throughout the whole album, I Would delivers another uptempo track that joins the ranks with the best songs on this album. It is not single worthy though because it does deliver the same type of sound that is only contrasted due to its lyrics. I Would still holds your attention and gives the album more life at this point. 4/5

  • Over Again – Another slow jam but I found myself surprisingly liking this one. I also have to say that the pacing of the album is great with including slow song in between the loud tracks such as I Would before heading back to uptempo. But wait you might say didn't you criticize RED for doing this, well yes but it helps when the slow songs are good to make the pacing work which is non-existent on RED and this late on Take Me Home the momentum hasn't stopped (though the album has peaked with Rock Me). 4/5

  • Back For You – The chorus is generic as you can get but it is the verse and pre-chorus that helps this song move along, especially when it gets to So tell me nothing’s going to change yeah you get an upbeat feel that is only slowed down by the chorus. Still the song is a jam. 3.5/5

  • They Don't Know About Us – Well at this point in the album I guess it was time to remind us that the love 1D sings about is the one found with the tweens. Too young to know about forever, this song is about a young couple that the world is against. Though the song might not appeal to you it does take you back if you ever experience that naive love. The song is still good and gives way to the end of the album 3.5/5

  • Summer Love – A nice closing to the album with 1D reminding you that you where theirs for the whole album and now its time to say goodbye. But unlike a summer fling you can always hit replay. 4/5

Take Me Home is a cute, bubblegum pop album that might cater to the teenagers girls but with its infectious hooks and well produced tracks it is listenable by everyone. You are not going to find any revolutionary sound or deep meaning within its lyrics, thats not what its trying to be. It is a mainstream pop album with potential hit singles that surprisingly delivers with almost every track. Though some lyrics might take you away from the album and it does feel like an extension of Up All Night, the pacing is great and the songs are catchy enough to stand on their own with almost no filler. Take Me Home won't change One Direction's sound but it gives them more momentum heading into 2013 and their future album. In the end it is a solid pop album, generic as it might be. 7.5/10
Continuing on my thoughts from popgaf.

Overall I am very impressed with the album. They don't try to reinvent themselves....but they shouldn't need to since they have only been big for less than a year. I see enough potential singles on the album that I am not worried. What they MUST avoid is becoming a novelty that sells albums but doesn't get radio airplay (Bieber has had this problem off and on). To achieve long term success they must have radio hits.

Also since they performed Little Things on the Today show (to 15k people) its being zooming up the itunes chart. As much as I dislike the song its nice to see it up there.
backstage should have no censor. needs more level of shirtless jonas type shiz.

Yeah. We will see.

Will probably rent/stream it at some point if it gets good reviews...still....not hyped lol.

What I am VERY interested in is if they change up their act on tour. They have pretty much done the same shtick since day 1 when it comes to performing, staging, flow, audience interaction, etc. Hopefully they can branch out.
Are you out of your mind?????


I have to see this in 3D.

I hate being pandered to......just something I hate (I also hate pandering to others).....and this will be 100% pandering.

Just meh.

Plus I am not sure I am brave enough to go to a theater filled with fangirls
can't get down to the brony level of creepy.

Yup.....there are lines I WILL NOT cross.

I may get to see 1D in concert in 4/5 years once they are no longer a pop culture phenom....concerts are not my favorite thing to begin with (I am a tall guy).....being there with 14 year olds would be too much.

I will love them from a distance.

Yup.....there are lines I WILL NOT cross.

I may get to see 1D in concert in 4/5 years once they are no longer a pop culture phenom....concerts are not my favorite thing to begin with (I am a tall guy).....being there with 14 year olds would be too much.

I will love them from a distance.


just take your niece or something. less creepy tbh.
just take your niece or something. less creepy tbh.


I suppose thats an idea.

Though not going to be able to go to a date this year either way....full time student + job and nearest tour stop will be in Vegas. Maybe next tour.

I suppose I could go in drag for the lulz. I have an excellent drag queen body if I do say so myself.
wut??? How's a drag queen body supposed to be??

I would have to post pics. Its pretty hilarious.

Anyways back on topic.

I always wonder how well the guys get along behind the scenes. Harry/Louis and Louis/Zayn are obvious good friends
or lovers
but I really don't think Louis/Liam get a long at all. You see all sorts of candids and videos of the tension between them. Hopefully it doesn't blow up. Its so hard to gauge since they have such a public persona that they maintain in interviews.

Also Itunes. If you combine both the single and album versions of Little Things the song would be #1 on Itunes.

My Review


The album is pretty much what one would expect from the group. Its formulaic but well executed. Even most of the songs one would call “filler” are generally quality and not throwaways. I feel that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts which was one of my problems with their first outing. I actually respect that they don't feel the need to pander to the hipsters out there by having a rap track, a dance track, and thank god there is no no veer towards R&B radio. Just pop...which is as it should be. The album is meant to be fun, and it is. That is not to say that it does not have issues. Some of the songs sound a bit too similar in style to the singles from “Up All Night” making them a bit redundant, and Little Things is a sellout and artistic flop if I have ever seen one. Still, they don't try to apologize for being what they are, which is as it should be.


The track on the album that is probably the most similar to the style/vibe of their hits on “Up All Night”. Its a solid pop anthem but I feel it lacks the something extra that made “You Don't Know Your Beautiful” a massive radio hit. Still a solid, fun song, that I can enjoy if I am in the right mood. The song captures the persona of the band very well and delivers what the fans expect.


Nice fast paced ditty with good rhythm. Supposedly this will be the next single and thats probably a good thing because, while its not groundbreaking by any means, it is a different style than their previous singles. Lighthearted and really plays to their base without coming of as pandering.


Speaking of pandering.....hi Little Things! First off this song is 100% pander. No way to get around that. It's lyrics are super uncomfortable and essentially are just taking the “What Make's You Beautiful” theme way to far. The song only exists because they wanted a super slow song that even the less uh....vocally adept....members of the band could sound good on solo. No one would ever actually want someone to sing this to them. Even if you move beyond the lyrics its just not a well put together song to begin with.


Nice song. Its a very archetypal ....nothing surprising here to be found. Its a solid attempy but it doesn't cause any emotion from me one way or another. Still, no major complaints to be had. I do think other songs on the album do a better job of what this one is attempting.


Mid tempo track that is pretty much exactly what the title implies. Its very obvious that this is going to be a fangirl staple for a long, long time. Would not be at all surprised if this end up as a single if their management does not want to mess with the formula. I personally don't find the song to be all that catchy so meh.


Reminds me of an Avril Lavigne track, especially at the start. Really nothing special about this song in my humble opinion. Very typical.


Blatantly inspired by “We Will Rock You” by Queen, but it is well executed. Fun song that isn't too “pandery” and no filler. I don't think this has much of a chance of becoming a single, but I think it is a very nice change-up in the middle of the album. I enjoy the song quite a bit. Also it's a showcase of the thinly veiled sexual innuendo that the band is slowly getting known for. This helps it have a broader appeal I think.


Another ballad in a similar vein to “Little Things”. Its a much better song though as it is has far less pander. Still......I see this song as mostly filler. Itt does pick up a bit at the end and I do enjoy it now and again.


Filler, but GOOD filler. Its very catchy and fast paced. This one has more pander than the average track and it is very, very obviously and blatantly appealing to school age girls. The lack of wiggle room with the lyrics makes it harder for the song to appeal to a larger base, but its not bad enough that I feel like complaining about it too much. Still a nice track.


The lyrics are a bit...all over the place and random. The song does get moving fairly quickly though so it doesn't bother me as much as it could. Of the three ballads that fill the same niche in the album.....this is by far the best. Nice heartfelt song with lyrics that lend themselves to a wide range of interpretations which broadens its appeal. I like it. It has a charm to it that Little Things lacks. It is very easy to tell who is singing, and their different voices actually improve the song (poor Louis).


This song is back to the original formula. Another song I don't have a hard time imagining on the first album. Filler. Still its a solid song.


One of those songs you swear you have heard before because its a very familiar sound. Still its a well executed song that I really can enjoy, and I think it is accessible to a broad audience. I REALLY liked it when I first heard it, but my enthusiasm has cooled a bit since then. Still, I have no major concerns.


Another song I could swear I have heard before.....however, I don't really care in this case. I really like the song as a well executed album ender. I love this type of track and can tell I will be listening to it for a very long time. Warm and fuzzy is how I would describe it.


I like the song. Sometimes the lyrics sound a little bit forced so there are fillers during the verse. Also another very familiar rhythm. Still its fun and fast paced with a catchy chorus. Solid if shallow.


Journey? I guess there is something to be said for just being blatant when copying another songs sound. I really can't get past that like I can with Rock Me. Meh.


The opening had my expectations low...... then the moment the song starts to pick up its amazing in my opinion. This is a song I will be listening to for a long time with its nice swing. I could totally see myself dancing on a beach to this song. It has just the right amount of pandering to make the song appealing without being uncomfortable/condescending. I like this type of rhythm in general and I won't apologize for that. Easily my favorite song on the album along with Over Again.


A different rhythm than any of the other songs on the album. Solid song but not one of my favorites.

ugh sorry...graphics turned out a bit larger than expected

Dr. Malik

Nice review, reading it made me feel that I might have been a bit to generous with some of the songs due to agreeing with some of your points

tho a 4/5 is higher than a 7.5/10
so it evens out

love the banner as well

Yeah. I alluded in the overview that I thought the album as a whole was better than the individual songs. I thought it was very well arranged. I really, really like the bonus tracks tho....I think they add alot. I would probably have done a 3.5/5 if it wasn't for them.

Hopefully not too many grammar issues
jackass in popgaf lol
. Thats something I struggle with as a result of a medical condition.

Actually not being sarcastic. Have aspergers syndrome :p

Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's syndrome or Asperger disorder, is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and atypical (peculiar, odd) use of language are frequently reported
oh. i didn't even know it affects typing lol.

never mind. i am picturing it now in my head.

Effects essentially all communication or taking thoughts from your head and projecting them into physical actions, whether that be speaking, writing, or any other precise motor function.

Though it varies drastically from person to person.

I am actually an English major 1 year from graduation...so if I slow way down and read what I am writing carefully I can catch the bulk of it.
Effects essentially all communication or taking thoughts from your head and projecting them into physical actions, whether that be speaking, writing, or any other precise motor function.

Though it varies drastically from person to person.

I am actually an English major 1 year from graduation...so if I slow way down and read what I am writing carefully I can catch the bulk of it.

Windows 8 includes a Spelling / Grammar feature built into the OS.

Everyone should get Windows 8
Windows 8 includes a Spelling / Grammar feature built into the OS.

Everyone should get Windows 8

Does it do comma's for you? I hate comma's lol......

I considered upgrading, but the reviews I read said don't bother unless you use a touchscreen or touch pad because many actions are more difficult than on Windows 7 with a mouse/keyboard.

Dr. Malik

4. Little Things - One Direction
13. She's Not Afraid - One Direction
15. Nobody Compares - One Direction
16. Still the One - One Direction
17. Loved You First - One Direction
21. Live While We're Young - One Direction
24. Kiss You - One Direction
27. Little Things - One Direction
35. Rock Me - One Direction
40. Heart Attack - One Direction
51. Last First Kiss - One Direction
64. I Would - One Direction
65. C'mon, C'mon - One Direction
66. What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction
73. Over Again - One Direction
80. Live While We're Young - One Direction
86. Change My Mind - One Direction
87. Summer Love - One Direction
95. Back For You - One Direction

slaying, most of these would be higher if it wasn't for the 2 versions
4. Little Things - One Direction
13. She's Not Afraid - One Direction
15. Nobody Compares - One Direction
16. Still the One - One Direction
17. Loved You First - One Direction
21. Live While We're Young - One Direction
24. Kiss You - One Direction
27. Little Things - One Direction
35. Rock Me - One Direction
40. Heart Attack - One Direction
51. Last First Kiss - One Direction
64. I Would - One Direction
65. C'mon, C'mon - One Direction
66. What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction
73. Over Again - One Direction
80. Live While We're Young - One Direction
86. Change My Mind - One Direction
87. Summer Love - One Direction
95. Back For You - One Direction

slaying, most of these would be higher if it wasn't for the 2 versions

Owning it.

Can't wait for numbers.


Will be glorious.


[*]Heart Attack – More upbeat than Last First Kiss, Heart Attack is a playful track of being jealous and getting over someone. The highlight of the song is obviously who I believe to be Niall saying 'Ow' throughout the chorus (I still have trouble distinguishing these boys' voices from one another).

Yep, the Ow is mostly Niall according to the producer.
I suppose it's because we like completely different types of music, but the two of you love Rock me and I don't like it at all. Sounds too much like mainstream pop for my taste. It's like an overproduced autotune fest. Feels like I'm listening to Rihanna with male voices or something like that. No offense, i just don't like it.
I like summer love a lot.
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