I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It used to be Nvidia exclusive, but no longer 
And if you watched TV, some TV companies used a modified custom program just like this for the war in Iraq.
For a 7-day trial.
Its by far one of the coolest modern day programs to use higherend 3d cards i've ever seen.
Eventually the entire globe will be mapped in high res.. although BFE probably won't be mapped for a long time, just imagine the number of terrabtyes!
*For additinal atmosphere, cue up Sim City 4 regional MP3s.
And if you watched TV, some TV companies used a modified custom program just like this for the war in Iraq.
For a 7-day trial.
Its by far one of the coolest modern day programs to use higherend 3d cards i've ever seen.
Eventually the entire globe will be mapped in high res.. although BFE probably won't be mapped for a long time, just imagine the number of terrabtyes!
*For additinal atmosphere, cue up Sim City 4 regional MP3s.