Jonsend said:This one is great.
yoshifumi said:holy shit.
LakeEarth said:Yeah, the colour isn't perfect but still, it's awsome. But I don't see any camera on the jacket. Is the camera somewhere else?
jiji said:What the fuck is with the "bone" video? That's downright creepy. Very cool, though.
LakeEarth said:From the diagram on the site, it looks like the camera is completely seperate from the actual jacket, which is kinda dissapointing, but I'm sure they'll come up with a solution eventually.
scola said:Yeah now you can sneak into CIA headquarters.
as long as they don't see the 400 pounds of cameras, mirrors, projectors and 1 human operator you are creeping around with.
The Promised One said:This is cute and all, but it require a projector. What do you plan to do, constantly carry one around with you?
*YouÕre sneaking around in some base*
"Oh crap, here comes a guard!"
*You quickly place a projector on the opposite wall, and hope that the guard doesn't notice the light it's emitting as it projects the image on you.*
This is cute, but it's not practical for any type of personal stealth-camo.
IT is emitting a specific image that isvisible when reflected by the material on the coat.LakeEarth said:See, I don't get how it's a projector. You don't see any reflection on the guys face or his tie, or anything else that isn't made of that silvery material.
LakeEarth said:See, I don't get how it's a projector. You don't see any reflection on the guys face or his tie, or anything else that isn't made of that silvery material.
scola said:IT is emitting a specific image that isvisible when reflected by the material on the coat.
Similar to those secret code things where when you cover it up with a red film you can read what is written. The image is not visible until it is modified, in this case relfected by a certain material, if it were projected normally you would get a far better correction on the colors etc.
Otaking said:Still, my dream of having stealth camo to sneak around into certain places and do certain things to certain people is one step closer to reality.
Hahahahah...actually I don't have a sister. I'd probably do the same thing you people would do with stealth camo. Admit it. I could see a few of you using it to chase after a few celebrities out there.....LakeEarth said:certain people = his sister
certain things = ...