Nuno Pinto
Do Mei's icicles have a damage fall off? Just double headshot a widowmaker and it wasn't a kill
Yes. Don't know the distances though.
Do Mei's icicles have a damage fall off? Just double headshot a widowmaker and it wasn't a kill
Sure, but that's a different thing than what the poster I quoted suggested.
More they push expensive in-game credit items more they inflate value of it while promotes using shortcuts. Especially after they demolish level XP requirement reset model.
Yes. Don't know the distances though.
Do Mei's icicles have a damage fall off? Just double headshot a widowmaker and it wasn't a kill
Sombra seems terrifying. Meet the new Ana.
One gets the sense that, in a year, the original twenty-one heroes will never see serious play, having been replaced by a gaggle of new kids who all have ridiculous kits that work in all kinds of crazy ways.
A kid on a hovering wheelchair will float over to McCree and say "I shoot homing discs that target supports before DPS or tanks, prevent enemies from using their ults, shield my entire team from any damage for fifteen seconds, and can teleport though walls while doing area-of-effect damage all around me!"
McCree will say "I can shoot things real purdy."
"Oh. Oh that... sounds super-fun, man."
"I can also throw out a flashbang for a half-second crowd control!"
"Suuuper fun... oop, did you hear Doomfist calling? I gotta' go!"
"I didn't hear nothin'."
"Super fun though!"
So someone said this in the other thread:
So I propose this fun positivity activity:
What retooling/buffs would you like to see to make a character more fun to play as, assuming we forget balance for a bit?
- Not just damage/health increases, I'm talking entirely new moves and mechanics, or changes that are fundamental to the experience of controlling them
- "Make *Blank* immune to hacking" is not a good answer either
- Throwable turrets that stick to walls and deploy when they land
- Let her put stationary orbs that have to be avoided and disappear after a while
- Make grapple a multi stocked ability like Blink so you can Spider-Man around
- Switch to bolt action style gun and make quick scoped headshots a viable killing method for non tanks
- Taking souls prevents Mercy from resurrecting them
- Turret targets supports first, and targets people outside of shields first, switches targets to the optimal one
- Increase game rating to M, make kills from body shot rockets have gibs
- Right click that works like the Beggar's Bazooka in TF2
Sombra is up on PTR
Hell, I'm sitting on 5K monies waiting for Sombra to show up.
It's about the same distance as Torb's Turret range. I know because yesterday I found a turret I could see perfectly, but wasn't attacking me. But I was only doing like 25HP a shot. I barely walked forward, the turret started shooting at me, but I was doing like 3x more damage.
To be more direct, I believe Blizzard will eventually be releasing characters with at least one 1000-credit "Legendary" option in each major category of cosmetics besides just the skins.
We might see Sombra with not only legendary skins, but also a possible legendary emote with a legendary voiceline and a legendary highlight animation. It's absolute speculation, but I suspect it's one way for Blizzard to implement a 'credit sink' without enraging too much of the community.
No idea how you would make a legendary voice line without it being too much of a ripoff though.
This might be a problem with the vanilla characters moving forward. I suspect Ana and Sombra are just a start. Soon we'll have heroes with multi-class abilities that can fit of roles with multiple heroes that make the OG characters very lacking.
I shudder to think how strong Bastion would have been if he was a DLC character. His turret mode would have been passive, he would have a shield, and has an ability to move him quickly on the field.
PTR started an update B O I S
Out of curiosity,
1. Have you guys gone up or down in rank from your placement?
2. What role do you normally play? (Instalock dps? Support? Tank? Wait and fill as needed?)
3. Are you comfortable playing any role?
Ehh. I'm still in the party that believes Sombra's kit sounds way more powerful than it is. She's very much a utility character, but I think her damage options being so limited hurt her. She doesn't have any high DPS output abilities. Even her Ult doesn't actually do Damage to anyone. It's going to be challenging for her to get Ult energy because of this.
As I understand it, she fires a lot like Tracer, but Tracer has the ability to get in, deal damage, and get out, with multiple escape methods.
Sombra has a way to get in, and get out, but both methods are on longer cooldowns, and aren't as quick of an option.
PTR will be interesting because we'll get to really learn what all counters she has.
I actually agree. Her kit is much more elaborate than the vanilla characters but she doesn't seem like a game changer like Ana. I still don't get why she is an offense character. Everything about her screams defense class. Hanzo is more offensive than her.
Out of curiosity,
1. Have you guys gone up or down in rank from your placement?
2. What role do you normally play? (Instalock dps? Support? Tank? Wait and fill as needed?)
3. Are you comfortable playing any role?
Cyberspace is the clear standout.
No Boop voice line.
Out of curiosity,
1. Have you guys gone up or down in rank from your placement?
2. What role do you normally play? (Instalock dps? Support? Tank? Wait and fill as needed?)
3. Are you comfortable playing any role?
Out of curiosity,
1. Have you guys gone up or down in rank from your placement?
2. What role do you normally play? (Instalock dps? Support? Tank? Wait and fill as needed?)
3. Are you comfortable playing any role?
No Boop voice line.
No Boop voice line.
Victory Poses: