I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'm probably heading out to college soon, which means my theater i have setup just won't "fit" in any dorm or rental.
So i'm looking for a speaker 5.1 setup for a smaller room. It needs to have Optical input for use with PS2 and Xbox. I have a video switcher with optical input/output so thats not an issuie.
Right now i'm looking at
I once owned a set of Creative 4.1 speakers, I was happpy with them.
But before I spend that much I figured i'd get a second opinion.
So i'm looking for a speaker 5.1 setup for a smaller room. It needs to have Optical input for use with PS2 and Xbox. I have a video switcher with optical input/output so thats not an issuie.
Right now i'm looking at
I once owned a set of Creative 4.1 speakers, I was happpy with them.
But before I spend that much I figured i'd get a second opinion.