So if you haven't heard anything about these, you might be wondering, "why the heck did they skip Tsumi?". Well, unfortunately for North American audiences, Tsumi was full of controversial stuff. Everything from Hitler, to Gays/Lesbians, to terrorism is within this game. Atlus, Working Designs and Agetec didn't want to even *touch* this game.
The game really isn't all *that* bad, but considering how a lot of things in North America are it makes a lot of sense. Not many North Americans are really fond of Hitler and the nazis so that would be a large strike against it. The game is centered around a weird theory that Hitler was rescued and he and some nazis went to the South Pole. There they lived and created advanced technology. So in the timeline of Tsumi, there are around 2 million nazis in the South pole and they have created robots and a gigantic spaceship. Alone, the game probably still would have made it here, but unfortunately there is more.
The 'terrorism' in this game is an orchestrated idea of someone to blow up the police and fire stations so they can carry out their plan without any interference. Considering all that happened to the USA around the time this was released...It makes a LOT of sense why these companies said no.
Then there are the many perverse jokes, perverted undertones, gay undertones, etc. All in all, this game didn't have much of a chance.