
Firstly, we figured out the game’s playtime length, which is 20-30 hours for the main story and 20-30 for the side content. This means there is much side content for Phantom Blade Zero. As far as the main story is concerned, it’s in the average range that most AAA games target.

Furthermore, the interview also provides more developmental insights, such as the statement that more than 100 developers are currently working on the title, hinting that the game’s development is going smoothly.
While the developers already said that Phantom Blader Zero is not a Souls title but a fast-paced action RPG title, the report now says that there are four difficulty options for players, including easy, ordinary, difficult, and extremely difficult. This suggests that the game will be more accessible and that various types of players will enjoy it, whether they’re casual or hardcore gamers.
Meanwhile, like Souls games, it has 2 phases of boss fights, and if players die in 2nd phase, they will resurrect directly into 2nd phase, making the combat a bit easier compared to others in which players have to restart from the 1st phase if you die in 2nd.
Like Sekiro, it also includes the repeat boss challenge mode” Li Wulin” if you have defeated the boss the first time, and there are certain hidden bosses that can only be accessible through this mode. This will make the combat more interesting, as when players get fully upgraded, they can use their new skills to beat the previous boss in a fancy new way.

Phantom Blade Zero Main Story Is 20-30 Hours Long, Revealed In An Interview
The Phantom Blade Zero main story is 20-30 hours long, with 20-30 more hours of side content, suggesting large side content as well.

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