Official Site Links:
- Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds EN Site! <[ 2/26/13 The site has been updated! Contains some spoilers though!
- Game Blog (Japanese}
- Facebook Page

A spinoff to the fighting game "Phantom Breaker", "Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds" is a cooperative action game for up to four players.Cute versions of the series' characters dash around the screen in this action packed title.Defeat enemies to raise your characters' levels and freely assign skills to your liking.Also enjoy head to head fights in the Battleground mode.
Facts Sheet:
- XBLA Release, Feb 27th, 800msp.
- 4P Co-Op available Online and Offline, for Co-Op and BattleGrounds Modes.
- The game has 4 main playable story characters, and
46 additional unlockable sub characters that can be played exclusively in the Arcade, CO OP or BattleGround Modes. - 8 stages (0 through 7), each divided into subsections, with unique enemey types and boss battles.
- Online Multiplayer for the Co=Op and Battleground (4p arena VS) modes.
- Character leveling, including new attack and defensive moves.
Rots of Engrish!Actually, the english is pretty good. VA is all Japanese, though.
Why Should I care?:
- First off, online play out the gate. Scott Pilgrim nor Double Dragon Neon accomplished this!
- Guardian Heroes style line shifting. The best movement type for beat-em-ups ever concieved. No, I'm not bias, it's a fact!
- Masaki Ukyo (Of Guardian Heroes / Code of Princess fame) assisted with Programming, so some actual Guardian Heroes dev. DNA in this game!
- It legitimately is a very solid game. Character Graphics, Chiptune Music, and multi-layered gameplay that has a wealth of sub-systems to play around with.
- Apparently a better quality game than the fighter it was spun off from! While it's battle engine seems to have all the details that game had! So it's a Beat 'em Up with a Fighters DNA!
- The developers admit that they made a "1200 MSP" game, but decided to charge 800 instead, to get as many playing as possible. Support such wise decisions!
- Original 2D sprite-style based Beat-em-ups are rare in this day and age. Support the Genre!
- Master Higgin's / Takahashi Meijin Himself Supports it!

Character Special Moves (Main Cast):
Character Super Moves (Hidden / Sub Characters):
Battlegrounds Mode:


- Kurisu Makise from the Stein's Gate game and anime series, is the DLC character.
- Releasing March 12th
- 400 MSP
- Allows all characters to lvl to 99
- Adds Kurisu, who is playable in Arcade, Battle Ground, and Co-Op Modes.
- 8 New Achievements worth 100 gs
** Note that people with the DLC won't be able to play as those without it, as the ".Net" version of the game will change. However, if you wish to play with people without the DLC, simple delete the DLC file itself: you save file should be fine, but you'll be back to the previous cap, and without Kurisu. Re-download to play with Kurisu-owners again.
** The Developers are aware of compatability patches and the like, but admited that doing such for this content would just be too expensive for them.
BIG UPDATE! Game Patch / Bug Fixes In Upcoming Patch! (As of 4/10/2013)
Thanks to A HUGE BATTLESHIP for bringing this info to the attention of the thread!
//Added Features———
-Added Net. Version change functionality.
-The current “NAT type” is displayed on XboxLive Menus.
-Added a new game mode: “Nightmare+” (Recommended for lv. 50 or higher on cooperative mode):
A lot more challenging than Nightmare mode.
No experience is rewarded in this mode. (Red Gems)
Greater coin drops.
-On the Skill Set screen, added a button func. to clear the learned character skills.
//BUG Fixes—————-
-The silver accounts were not being able to see the leaderboards.
-A silver account was not being able to access the “Buy Full Game” button on the main menu.
-Improved network performance.
-Fixed a bug that clears a character’s experience points.
-Fixed a bug after a boss event that caused the game progress to stop.
-Modified the time that the Cancel Armor lasts when there is still no counter burst learned.
-Fixed the color palette combinations of bosses and NPCs.
-Fixed the Enemy A.I.
-Fixed the grabbing moves.
-Fixed an issue with the throw-able bananas of the character Kurisu.
-Modified the character Infinity’s speed attributes and made some changes in order to balance more the character in general.
-Fixed a bug with an Infinity’s special ability cut-in.
-Fixed Kurisu’s “number 4″ special ability.
-Fixed a bug in Cocoa’s Special Grabbing cancel ability.
-Cocoa’s Phantom Breaker special cancel has been fixed.
-Itsuki’s EX+down+SP trajectory has been modified.
-Itsuki’s Dash+EX+SP trajectory has been modified.
-Yuzuha’s forward+SP jump modified, and her shuriken’s damage slightly increased.
-Added a invulnerable timing on Nagi’s forward+SP attack.
-Modified the condition on which Waka’s dash+EX+SP attack was executed.
//Changed Battle Ground Mode Rules———–
-Item boxes appear randomly on each stage.
-Items fall in a timely manner.
-When low on HP the Burst gauge will charge more rapidly.
Originates from HERE.
New difficulty, Improved Netcode, Changes to Enemy AI, The ability to change the game version from within the game (no deleting of the DLC file anymore!), Easy character reset options, and a bunch of balance / bug fixes, among other things! Sounds like a very solid patch update!