Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice OT
howdy y'all. I cannot do graphics to save my life so I hope you're ready for One Heck Of A Texty OT
Spirit of Justice will be available exclusively on the Nintendo eShop on September 8th at the standard update time for each region. The game will cost $29.99/£24.99/29.99.
Spirit of Justice keeps the same gameplay as Dual Destinies: you'll collect evidence in the investigation phase and battle it out in court in the trial phase. DD's bevy of features return, including Psyche-Locks, Perceive, the Mood Matrix, and Revisualization; meanwhile, fingerprint dusting returns from Apollo Justice. New to the series is the Divination Seancés of the Khura'inese trials: here, Rayfa channels the victim and shows their final moments (from their perspective) to the court. You'll need to determine the contradiction between what the victim experienced and Rayfa's interpretation of events to make progress. In addition, free investigation (like the DS games) returns.
PHOENIX WRIGHT - The original Ace Attorney, and one of the two main protagonists of the game. Phoenix is as mature as he's ever been, and not even the laws of Khura'in and its Medium Trials can keep him from defending his clients with his all.
APOLLO JUSTICE - Apollo's had his share of ups and downs since starting his legal career two years ago, but with Phoenix abroad he rises to the challenge of looking over the agency with gusto - even if it means facing the familiar.
ATHENA CYKES - The junior member of the Wright Anything Agency, now in her second year as an attorney. Athena may not be as experienced as Phoenix or Apollo, but what she lacks in courtroom appearances she makes up for with determination and her analytical psychology skills.
MAYA FEY - Phoenix's old friend and partner has spent the past few years training in Khura'in in preparation for becoming the master of her hometown, Kurain Village. But with victory in sight, Maya finds herself trapped once again by circumstances beyond her control.
EMA SKYE - The forensics-obsessed detective of Apollo's early career has finally acheived her dream - she's a full-fledged forensic investigator now, no ifs, ands, or buts. Her work soon leads her to partner up with prosecutor Nahyuta Sahdmadhi, but when a friend is arrested, Ema isn't afraid to stand up for her.
TRUCY WRIGHT - Phoenix's adopted daughter and Apollo's old partner is as top-rate as a magician as they come. With a TV debut just around the corner, Trucy is ready to reclaim the Gramarye mantle and bring new glory to her family's troupe - but a death during the show soon threatens to crush her dreams for good.
RAYFA PADMA KHURA'IN - The princess of Khura'in, who has the power to channel spirits and show a victim's last moments to the court. For years she's been the only arbiter of innocence or guilt, but when Phoenix takes a stand against her, Rayfa begins to realize that he powers may not be as absolute as she believed.
NAHYUTA SAHDMADHI - An international prosecutor and Khura'inese monk, who soon crosses swords with both Phoenix and Apollo. His own past seems shrouded in mystery, but...
Phoenix goes to a foreign country and Apollo does stuff, I guess.
Case one: Phoenix is traveling in the mystic country of Khura'in! Where attorneys are outlawed. Also there's a revolution brewing. Also his tour guide was just arrested. Good job, Phoenix.
Case two: Trucy finally gets the requisite Ace Attorney Assistant Murder Charge leveled at her. Apollo and Athena set out to prove her innocence and try to avoid a 4-3 repeat despite the presence of Ema and stage magic.
Case three: Maya's back! And she's arrested for murder. Again. Just get out there and get this over with, Phoenix.
Case four: ██████████████████████████████ Blackquill takes to the bench ███████████████████████ behind the scenes?
Case five: Apollo and Phoenix face off ████████████████████████████████ a certain piece of evidence █████████████████████ the truth behind this "revolution".
DLC case: Larry claims he's getting married - but the bride disagrees. That and she says she can travel through time, and she's a murder suspect. Phoenix, you're up to bat.
Anime Prologue
Announcement Trailer
Maya Trailer
Character Abilities Trailer
Launch Trailer (JP with subs) (disclosure: I subbed this)
Downloadable Content
Besides a costume set available free for the first week, none of the Japanese DLC has been officially announced for English release. However, peeking at the English demo files reveals references to "Turnabout Time Traveller", "Phoenix Wright: Asinine Attorney", and "Apollo Justice: Asinine Attorney". So odds are good that both the full DLC case and the two non-canon mini-cases are coming over!
What GAFfers are saying:
Additional resources
Official Website
GAF spoiler thread
Court-Records, an AA fansite/resource site (disclosure: I help run this)
The Ace Attorney Wiki (warning: most AA6 articles contain spoilers in the introductions)
Is he named Tahrust or-
abbot is his title, tahrust is his name, don't look him up on the AA wiki if you don't want the case spoiled in the first sentence

howdy y'all. I cannot do graphics to save my life so I hope you're ready for One Heck Of A Texty OT
Summary said:One year has passed since Athena Cykes joined the Wright Anything Agency and the team took on a yokai, an orca, an academy, a bombing, another bombing, and a spy. When Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright hears from his old friend Maya Fey during her training in the mystical country of Khura'in, he sets off to visit her and leaves the agency in third-year attorney Apollo Justice's hands. But Phoenix soon finds Khura'in's legal system to be broken to the core, and Apollo finds himself facing a few too many old ghosts as he tries to protect those closest to him...
Spirit of Justice will be available exclusively on the Nintendo eShop on September 8th at the standard update time for each region. The game will cost $29.99/£24.99/29.99.
Spirit of Justice keeps the same gameplay as Dual Destinies: you'll collect evidence in the investigation phase and battle it out in court in the trial phase. DD's bevy of features return, including Psyche-Locks, Perceive, the Mood Matrix, and Revisualization; meanwhile, fingerprint dusting returns from Apollo Justice. New to the series is the Divination Seancés of the Khura'inese trials: here, Rayfa channels the victim and shows their final moments (from their perspective) to the court. You'll need to determine the contradiction between what the victim experienced and Rayfa's interpretation of events to make progress. In addition, free investigation (like the DS games) returns.

PHOENIX WRIGHT - The original Ace Attorney, and one of the two main protagonists of the game. Phoenix is as mature as he's ever been, and not even the laws of Khura'in and its Medium Trials can keep him from defending his clients with his all.

APOLLO JUSTICE - Apollo's had his share of ups and downs since starting his legal career two years ago, but with Phoenix abroad he rises to the challenge of looking over the agency with gusto - even if it means facing the familiar.

ATHENA CYKES - The junior member of the Wright Anything Agency, now in her second year as an attorney. Athena may not be as experienced as Phoenix or Apollo, but what she lacks in courtroom appearances she makes up for with determination and her analytical psychology skills.

MAYA FEY - Phoenix's old friend and partner has spent the past few years training in Khura'in in preparation for becoming the master of her hometown, Kurain Village. But with victory in sight, Maya finds herself trapped once again by circumstances beyond her control.

EMA SKYE - The forensics-obsessed detective of Apollo's early career has finally acheived her dream - she's a full-fledged forensic investigator now, no ifs, ands, or buts. Her work soon leads her to partner up with prosecutor Nahyuta Sahdmadhi, but when a friend is arrested, Ema isn't afraid to stand up for her.

TRUCY WRIGHT - Phoenix's adopted daughter and Apollo's old partner is as top-rate as a magician as they come. With a TV debut just around the corner, Trucy is ready to reclaim the Gramarye mantle and bring new glory to her family's troupe - but a death during the show soon threatens to crush her dreams for good.

RAYFA PADMA KHURA'IN - The princess of Khura'in, who has the power to channel spirits and show a victim's last moments to the court. For years she's been the only arbiter of innocence or guilt, but when Phoenix takes a stand against her, Rayfa begins to realize that he powers may not be as absolute as she believed.

NAHYUTA SAHDMADHI - An international prosecutor and Khura'inese monk, who soon crosses swords with both Phoenix and Apollo. His own past seems shrouded in mystery, but...
Phoenix goes to a foreign country and Apollo does stuff, I guess.
Case one: Phoenix is traveling in the mystic country of Khura'in! Where attorneys are outlawed. Also there's a revolution brewing. Also his tour guide was just arrested. Good job, Phoenix.
Case two: Trucy finally gets the requisite Ace Attorney Assistant Murder Charge leveled at her. Apollo and Athena set out to prove her innocence and try to avoid a 4-3 repeat despite the presence of Ema and stage magic.
Case three: Maya's back! And she's arrested for murder. Again. Just get out there and get this over with, Phoenix.
Case four: ██████████████████████████████ Blackquill takes to the bench ███████████████████████ behind the scenes?
Case five: Apollo and Phoenix face off ████████████████████████████████ a certain piece of evidence █████████████████████ the truth behind this "revolution".
DLC case: Larry claims he's getting married - but the bride disagrees. That and she says she can travel through time, and she's a murder suspect. Phoenix, you're up to bat.
Anime Prologue
Announcement Trailer
Maya Trailer
Character Abilities Trailer
Launch Trailer (JP with subs) (disclosure: I subbed this)
Downloadable Content
Besides a costume set available free for the first week, none of the Japanese DLC has been officially announced for English release. However, peeking at the English demo files reveals references to "Turnabout Time Traveller", "Phoenix Wright: Asinine Attorney", and "Apollo Justice: Asinine Attorney". So odds are good that both the full DLC case and the two non-canon mini-cases are coming over!
What GAFfers are saying:
Finished. That last case was a helluva ride. I'll try and write a bit more tomorrow after I had a bit of time to stew on it.
I will say that there are two problems that stand out for me. Recycling flashbacks and lack of planning in regards to the story arc for the game. The first is kinda obvious. It was a little annoying and kinda padded the game a little bit here and there. The second problem is an issue with AA5 as well. I don't think they're doing a good job of creating a storyline that runs across the entire game and presenting themes that are supposed to be a part of the game. This is especially apparent when compared to AAI1 and AAI2 but it's apparent even when compared to DGS. I think this game had a really good chance at doing something big with it all but wasted two cases on things that didn't involve the main selling point of the title.
Case 3 and Case 5 are amazing which makes the lack of a big picture a bit more frustrating.
Is it better than AA5? Hmm... This is fresh off of beating AA6 so I want to say it's better than 5, but not by a large margin. This doesn't hold your hand as much as AA5 but it telegraphs twists a lot earlier, but that is a subjective experience. You can do more exploration than you could in AA5. While AA5 ran the concept of "Dark Age of the Law" into the ground, it was consistent with its story focus. AA6 has a much more interesting premise with better villains and when it gives that premise time to grow it does some damn good work, but the bouncing focal points and superfluous cases hurt the flow.
The Séance Trials are a lot of fun but again, underutilized and the potential they offer is grazed and never fully realized which is a shame. The one in Case 3 made the best use of it, IMO.
I think it's a good game, but it's very rough. Not as bad as JFA but it is similar that it takes a while to get to genuinely good experiences. Case 1 has obnoxious writing but a fantastic killer while Case 2 has better concepts but suffers from bloat and drags its feet. But if you can muscle through them I think it's worth it. They're not terrible cases honestly, but they needed some more editing to keep them focused and efficient.
Better [than Dual Destinies], but it's also a complete mess, if that makes any sense.
Additional resources
Official Website
GAF spoiler thread
Court-Records, an AA fansite/resource site (disclosure: I help run this)
The Ace Attorney Wiki (warning: most AA6 articles contain spoilers in the introductions)
Is he named Tahrust or-
abbot is his title, tahrust is his name, don't look him up on the AA wiki if you don't want the case spoiled in the first sentence