Vert boil

Developer: Might and Delight, former GRIN devs.
Publisher: D3 Publisher
Release Date: PC/MAC & XBLA October 31st, PSN 6th Nov (US), 7th Nov (EU)
Formats: PSN, PC/MAC, Xbox LIVE Arcade
Price: 800msp, 10$. Deluxe Edition 20$.
Pid is a platforming adventure game with hand coded physics in which the player is given a rich set of features that he must use and combine to survive in the world. A wide variety of fast paced action, puzzles and precision platforming forces the player to creatively master the tools at hand. You play as a young boy named Kurt that gets stranded on an old remote planet. He must fight off a variety of malicious robots bent on stopping him and befriend unlikely allies to shed light on a huge conspiracy that keeps the planet mesmerized and prevents him from ever reaching home.

The Gems - You have two Gems at your disposal. Once thrown the Gem emits a repulsor beam that you use to traverse and interact with the world. The beams are only active for a limited time. Gems can be used in red areas and on red objects. If an area or object is blue the Gems will have no effect. The beams move yourself, enemies, objects in the world and they can also be used to attract ambient enemies.
Power ups - Power ups can be found in the world or bought using stars that you collect. You can have two power ups active at one time but they can be swapped out at any time.
- Anti Gravity boots - Weighs you down so you can walk through beams.
- Bomb - Blows up on contact.
- Burst beam - Thrusts you upwards three stories.
- Laser beam - A frickin' laser beam.
- Life vest - Each vest protects you from one enemy hit.
- Music box - Escape a tricky situation by paralysing enemies and projectiles .
- Sling shot - Used to place a beam in a precise position. It can't be used when you are travelling in a beam.
- Smoke bomb - Hides you from searchlights.
- Timed bomb - Bomb with a three second delay.
- Plus many more (I'll update once I've played the game).
Difficulty - Watch the Difficulty video. More
Co-op - 2 Players 1 Gem
Boss fights - The Bastard children of Bionic Commando Rearmed return. Repeating patterns that you must learn, exploit then precisely damage the sods.
Music - The music in the game was produced by Retro Family.

PSN Trophies - Steam Achievements - XBLA Achievements

Review Scores,
Game Informer - 6.5
Games Beat - 75
GamesRadar - 3.5/5
IGN - 7.8
Official Xbox Magazine - 8.5
PC Gamer - 5/10