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Pikmin 4 | Review Thread


Gold Member


Game Information​

Game Title: Pikmin 4
  • Nintendo Switch (Jul 21, 2023)
Developer: Nintendo

Review Aggregator:

OpenCritic - 87 average - 100% recommended - 10 reviews


MetaCritic - 86/100 - 31 Critic Reviews


Critic Reviews​

ComicBook.com - Logan Moore - 4 / 5
Pikmin 4 is largely a strong step forward for Nintendo and is a game that both longtime fans of the series and newcomers should find a lot of enjoyment with. Even though some new aspects that Nintendo opted to include in Pikmin 4 got stale quickly, the basic gameplay loop remains quite satisfying and features far more than ever before for you to sink your teeth into.
Console Creatures - Bobby Pashalidis - Recommended
As the most accessible and engaging entry in the series, #Pikmin4 is a treat. It’s like a summertime sorbet, light, flavourful, and made with only the best ingredients.
Enternity.gr - Nikitas Kavouklis - Greek - 8.5 / 10
Pikmin 4 refreshes the series with well-thought-out additions that will attract a new large group of players.
Game Informer - Kyle Hilliard - 9 / 10
Pikmin may never rise to the top of the Nintendo heap, and it’s probably unfair to expect it ever could, but the latest Pikmin is the best effort yet.
GamesHub - Edmond Tran - 4 / 5
Pikmin 4 exhibits the most demanding and multifaceted use of the series mechanics yet, with several situations and game modes that push your ability to strategically think and plan ahead under pressure. Pikmin 4 deftly accomplishes several things: staying true to the challenge and identity of the Pikmin series while expanding its ideas, making its concepts and obstacles more approachable, and simply being a beautiful and charming realisation of the Pikmin world.
IGN - Jada Griffin - 9 / 10
Pikmin 4 adds variety to the series' traditional gameplay by offering options other than the grab-and-throw formula of the past, and brings an extra helping of top-tier levels after the credits roll.
Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 8 / 10
Nintendo successfully reinvents Pikmin as a Stardew Valley style cosy game, that's both much bigger and more approachable than ever before.
Stevivor - Matt Gosper - 9 / 10
Just when you think you’ve done everything, Pikmin 4 is waiting to hand over another fun task for you to spend the next few hours enjoying, on the universe’s most crashed-on planet.
We Got This Covered - Shaan Joshi - 4.5 / 5
Pikmin 4 is a tour de force, carefully balancing the franchise's tried-and-true freeform structure with new mechanics and systems that don't force players into one specific playstyle. Our one big gripe? For some reason, you can't pet the dog.
WellPlayed - Mark Isaacson - 9 / 10
Just when you think Nintendo has drained the well of creativity, it once more releases a sequel that refines an already quality experience to another level. Pikmin remains one of its best franchises that deserves more time in the spotlight, and Pikmin 4 is no exception.
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Wait this is an RTS? On consoles?

Yes, but from the man that gave you Zelda so not really. Try it out lol

Edit: I see you're looking for an explanation so. In Pikmin you control your tiny character on the ground, but boss around minions called Pikmin to help you solve environmental puzzles, defeat monsters, make more Pikmin and ultimately help find all the parts to your crashed ship so you can escape the planet. 3 on Wii U was a rare good fit for the Gamepad, you could have the map on it at all times
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Gold Member
Gamersglobal.de (9.0 / 10)
Die Bezeichnung "Serienrevolution" ginge für Pikmin 4 gewiss zu weit. Denn völlig umgekrempelt wird das Spielprinzip hier nicht, wer die Reihe kennt, kommt gleich zurecht. Aber so gut wie jede der Neuerungen macht Pikmin 4 zu einem besseren Erlebnis.

Translation by yours truly:
Granted, calling Pikmin 4 a revolutionary entry in the series would be too much. After all, the core gameplay principles weren't touched in any way and so anyone familiar with Pikmin will feel right at home. But just about every new feature improves upon the formula and makes Pikmin 4 a better experience.

PCGames (9 / 10)
Pikmin 4 ist unvergleichlich – der zuckersüße Look, kombiniert mit dem außergewöhnlichen Spielprinzip rund um die Grausamkeit der Natur, ergibt ein Spiel, das ihr so nirgendwo anders findet. Wer mit der Serie bislang nichts zu tun hatte und mal was ganz anderes erleben möchte und dabei Wert legt auf einen hohen Qualitätsstandard, sollte den Ausflug auf den Planeten PNF-404 per Switch fest einplanen.

Translation by me, your Emperor:
Pikmin 4 is one of its kind - the cute look combined with the extraordinary gameplay expressing the cruelty of nature creates a game you won't find anywhere else. Anyone unfamiliar with the series, willingly or unwillingly, who wants to experience something high-quality yet completely different , should definitely plan a trip to planet PNF-404.

GameStar/GamePro (83/100)
Pikmin 4 ist wie seine Vorgänger ein echtes Wohlfühlspiel, das bestens für eine entspannte Runde am Abend taugt. [...]
Schade ist nur, dass Nintendo auf den so tollen Koop-Modus aus Pikmin 3 Deluxe verzichtet und sich beim generellen Spielgefühl vielleicht ein wenig zu sehr an der altbekannten, etwas zu repetitiven Formel orientiert.
Seid ihr Pikmin-Fans oder einfach nur auf der Suche nach einem wohldurchdachten, nicht allzu fordernden Spiel für Zwischendurch, dann könnt ihr dank des sehr guten Release-Zustands aber bedenkenlos zugreifen.

Translation by me, your favorite underwear:
Much like its predecessors, Pikmin 4 is a real feel-good game. Exactly the right thing for a relaxed gaming session in the evening.[...]
It's just a shame that Nintendo decided to leave out the great co-op mode from Pikmin 3 Deluxe this time around. And that the gameplay feels a bit too repetitive and overly familiar.
However,if you are a Pikmin fan or just looking for a well-designed, not too challenging game for in-between, Pikmin 4 won't disappoint (also thanks to its good condition on release day).

JPGames.de (Recommended)
Pikmin 4 beschneidet sich selbst durch seine manchmal überbordende Zugänglichkeit. Ich würde nicht sagen, dass das schlimm ist. Aber ss wird Pikmin-Fans geben, die das gut finden und Pikmin-Fans, die das schlecht finden. Es gibt viele sinnvolle Neuerungen und spaßige Angelegenheiten, aber einige der coolsten davon reduziert Nintendo auf ein Mindestmaß, mutmaßlich um Spieler nicht zu überfordern.[...] Das ändert sich erst im wunderbaren Post-Game – dann aber richtig.
Pikmin 4 ist bis dahin allenfalls Strategie-Light. Vielmehr ist es wohl ein Feel-Good-Game: Es passt auf euch auf, fühlt sich gut an, ist charmant und Nintendo-typisch absolut polished. Und deshalb habe ich am Ende eine super-gute Zeit mit Pikmin 4 und kann nicht anders, als es zu empfehlen. Jetzt widme ich mich dem Post-Game!

Translation by me, the creepy picture at your mother-in-law's house:
Pikmin 4 gets in its own way by being overly accessible at times. I wouldn't say it's a bad thing. But there will be Pikmin fans who like this and Pikmin fans who don't. There are plenty of useful new additions and fun things to be had, but utilization of some of the coolest has been kept by Nintendo to a minimum. Presumably to avoid overwhelming players.[...] Until the wonderful post-game, where it really starts to kick things up a notch.
Until then, however, Pikmin 4 is at best a "strategy-light" and much more of a "feel-good" game: It looks out for you, feels good to play, is charming and sports the typical "Nintendo polish". And that's why, at the end of the day, I had an awesome time with Pikmin 4 and cannot help but recommend it. And now on to the post-game!
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Yes, but from the man that gave you Zelda so not really. Try it out lol

Edit: I see you're looking for an explanation so. In Pikmin you control your tiny character on the ground, but boss around minions called Pikmin to help you solve environmental puzzles, defeat monsters, make more Pikmin and ultimately help find all the parts to your crashed ship so you can escape the planet. 3 on Wii U was a rare good fit for the Gamepad, you could have the map on it at all times
Cheers! Your explanation intrigued me so i decided to do more research. Looked up videos, still couldn’t wrap my head around it, turns out there’s a demo, just downloaded that haha. Hopefully that gives me a good feel for it


Just like Star Fox?
No sadly, Starfox has been remade multiple times without a proper sequel since Assault. It has not been taken seriously by nintendo since Starfox 64, they usually dont want to be the developer or utilize it for gimmicks like Zero, it skipped the Wii and Switch generations. It hasnt had a good video game since Starfox Adventures or a good Starfox game since 64, nintendo has no love for Starfox, either that or they really just have no clue why 64 was a good game.
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Apparently, I got Pikmin 4 and a Pikmin 4 water bottle for $0 from Walmart. Not certain what happened there.
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Gold Member
Wait this is an RTS? On consoles?
It is more of a task management and teamwork simulator. How well you manage your workforce and use their abilities to accomplish each goal is what determines your success in each situation. Story mode is kind of like an RTS but outside of story mode it's a collection of smaller objectives more than it is trying to devise a strategy to achieve a larger goal. If you're into that Pikmin can be addictive.
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Gold Member
Can you please describe it? I can’t seem to find a good explanation for what this is anywhere lol
It's basically a minion management game.

Pikmin, Overlord, Tiny Kin, and I'm sure others fit into this style of game.

Over the course of the game you get more and more minions of different classes or types that allow you to perform task, move objects, unlocks things, attack things, etc. In Pikmin you have different colored units that can do various things. Reds can do something blues can't and vice versa.
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Getting kinda excited, Pikmin was my first GameCube game, is it worth it to go back and play the old games, or.njsy jump in with 3 or 4?
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