The PlayStation Network Thread is a monthly discussion thread for everything related to

June 2
- Class of Heroes 2G (PS3)
- Skulls of the Shogun: Bone-A-Fide Edition (PS4)
- Sparkle Unleashed (PS4, PS3, Vita)
- Super Exploding Zoo (PS4, Vita)
- The Escapists (PS4)
- Wander (PS4)
- Operation Abys (Vita)
- The Elder Scrolls Online (PS4)
- LEGO Jurassic World (PS4, PS3, Vita)
- Payday 2: Crimewave Edition (PS4)
- Batman Arkham Knight (PS4)
- Devil May Cry 4 (PS4)
- Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Heavensward (PS4, PS3)
- RIDE (PS4,PS3)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Generation (Vita)
- J-Stars Victory Vs+ (PS4, PS3, Vita)
See a more comprehensive list of future releases at PSNStores.

Free games for PlayStation Plus subscribers this month:
- Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (PS3)
- Cloudberry Kingdom (PS3)
- Futuridium EP Deluxe (PS4, Vita)
- Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4)
- Skulls of the Shogun: Bone-A-Fide Edition (PS4)
- Super Exploding Zoo (PS4, Vita)

Sayonara UmiharaKawase+ is interesting due to its odd mechanic; you use your fishing rod like a grabbing hook in the vain of Spencer's Bionic Arm from Bionic Commando. It leads to some fun level design and from its physic's and pulling mechanic, creates fun platforming and level designs. The visuals look nice on the Vita screen, the music is very relaxing and the game including its original SNES version is a great bonus. Overall great platformer that while difficult to fully grasp is well worth the time.

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