To clarify, I mean you may reach a point in a game trying to solve a puzzle, or find where to go, only to find out that the answer was in front of your face the whole time!
Example: In Final Fantasy VII I was at the Temple of the Ancients, I spent a good 3 hours looking around and pressing the O button trying to find where to go. After awhile I finally looked at a FAQ only to find out all I had to do was go down an arch way that for some inexplicable reason I never thought to go through, even though it was right in front of me!
Example: In Final Fantasy VII I was at the Temple of the Ancients, I spent a good 3 hours looking around and pressing the O button trying to find where to go. After awhile I finally looked at a FAQ only to find out all I had to do was go down an arch way that for some inexplicable reason I never thought to go through, even though it was right in front of me!