I love how Stunfisk's like "dat ass"
Dat donut!
Dat donut!
I know right? All dat manga entry not named Electric Tale of Pikachu.OT3 Baby! Great OP! One problem though, you threw that ugly fanfiction garbage in with the legitimate products. People might be deceived into thinking it's an actual quality product!
OT3 Baby! Great OP! One problem though, you threw that ugly fanfiction garbage in with the legitimate products. People might be deceived into thinking it's an actual quality product!
Poor Flareon. Hidden behind the Pokémon-GAF logo.
*pulls it out of hiding*
I was counting the posts until this would be pointed out.
When has Flareon never been doomed? Even if they make Sylveon crappy I doubt it'd be as worse as Flareon!
Just have to remember that sometimes you have to JPEG for the images in the OT. The manga covers... they're killing me on a 1 Mbps connection. (I'm not in my usual place.) 1.8 MB isn't healthy for page load times... and that's for one image!
Anyway, let's nominate the newest "cute" Pokémon! I'll nominate Noivern to start.
Masuda just put up a new blog post about the international release date, and how they have been trying to achieve this for 7 years.
Personally, the idea of playing the game on the same day as the rest of the world sounds very exciting.
Yeah, this is the most exciting thing the franchise has done in years.
I very much hope that I'll discover a few new Pokémon by myself through playing the game for the first time.
Trust Ike, he tried to make it as small as possible, but there were some areas where JPGs just killed the image.
EDIT: Whoops, a double post. Sorry!
I had a blackout for B/W, so I experienced new Pokemon all the time there.
But I also played B/W alone, since the English release was 6 month after the Japanese release, and I got the game a month after the English release, so I couldn't talk about it online in fear of getting spoiled.
(Actually, I played along with my brother. It was pretty fun.)
Hehe, perhaps only some of the images need JPEG-ification. Like, keep the Pokémon GAF art, logos, and headings PNG, and GIFs GIFs, but the posters, box arts, and manga covers... I suppose 95% quality JPEG can save a lot of space?
I have absolutely zero self-control when it comes to spoilers. If the release isn't simultaneous, I don't stand a chance.
So, yay.![]()
Ike tried using JPG for some. It turned out ugly. Anyway, you only need to load it one anyway, and it becomes moot after post 51/101 depending on your settings.
Unfortunately, that's how I've been so far with X/Y. So I'm thankful for the international release.
Ya know, wouldn't Oct 12 worldwide mean Eastern countries get it first?![]()
Ya know, wouldn't Oct 12 worldwide mean Eastern countries get it first?![]()
I wonder what kind of crazy stuff will happen in the third OT.
I wonder if this thread will be spoiler free from XY
We'll laugh together. We'll cry together. New friendships will be born. Hopefully we'll start a podcast.
Lots of stuff to look forward to.
Mmm, podcasts.I want in.
*missing reference*
Masuda just put up a new blog post about the international release date, and how they have been trying to achieve this for 7 years.
Personally, the idea of playing the game on the same day as the rest of the world sounds very exciting.
Exciting stuff, and October 12th is a Saturday. I hereby call Oct 12th World Pokemon Day.
It's in the danger of being sat on!
Hey, there's a Serpy in the OP that's cool, but that Torkoal needs a slap.
Exciting stuff, and October 12th is a Saturday. I hereby call Oct 12th World Pokemon Day.