I'm Australian and I very much hope Obama wins (I worry for the US and rest of the world if he doesn't win). According to this so does the rest of the world too:
Aussies 'for Obama'
Tuesday, 7 October, 2008
If Australians could vote for US president, Democrat Barack Obama would win by a landslide, according to a survey that was part of a global poll.
In fact if the whole world could vote, Obama would win by a landslide in all but one of the 17 countries polled by Reader's Digest magazine.
The odd one out was the United States where Republican John McCain was preferred by a narrow margin, the magazine said in an article posted on its website.
However, the surveys - with about 1,000 participants in each country - were conducted from June 2 to July 7 and since then Obama has been leading in opinion polls.
Ten percent for McCain
In Australia, 76 per cent of respondents said they would vote for Obama, to McCain's 10 per cent.
When asked if they were paying attention to the campaign, 85 per cent of Australians said they were, with 24 per cent of claiming a high level of interest.
But a resounding 71 per cent said they would not want to live in the United States.
Of the global picture, the magazine's polling director John Fredricks said: "It's Obama by a landslide - except in the country in which he's actually running for president".
"What is most striking is the margin of his support."
Obama was preferred by more than 90 per cent in the Netherlands, by 85 per cent in Germany and by similar margins on all six continents, the magazine said.
Diverse opinions
Polling was conducted in Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, South Africa, Taiwan, and the United States.
An interactive reader survey by The Economist delivered another resounding victory for Obama.
The Economist has created a "Global Electoral College" in which readers in all of the world's 195 countries can cast votes on its website.
Mirroring the US system, each country is allocated a number of votes in proportion to its population.
In the US electoral college, a candidate needs to win 270 of a total 538 votes to win the White House. US voters cast ballots to decide who wins their state's electoral college votes, rather than voting for president directly.
"With over 6.5 billion people (worldwide) enfranchised, the result is a much larger electoral college of 9,875 votes," the Economist said of its global version.
"But rally your countrymen - a nation must have at least 10 individual votes in order to have its electoral college votes counted," it said.