Obama volunteers knocked on 350,000 doors today in the St. Louis metro area.
FURDGE RETORT: OBAMA RECRUITS NEW ARMY!!SecretDestroyer said:Obama volunteers knocked on 350,000 doors today in the St. Louis metro area.
Cloudy said:GOP's problem is that they are too undisciplined to stay with one attack. Every day it's a different smear and so far it looks like people are just blocking it out..
SecretDestroyer said:Only because I am so excited!
Trax416 said:
Minnesota IS a lock for Obama. The only somewhat populated place where the McCain support is close to Obama's is right here in central MN(yes, the district that elected Bachmann....). Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the suburbs will more than cancel that out.artredis1980 said:MN: Obama 49, McCain 46 (SurveyUSA-10/30-11/1)
McCain within 3 in Minnesota!!! I thought this was a Obama safe
:lol :lol I love those comicsTamanon said:![]()
Have a laugh folks!
they have some mighty fine editors/filmmakers working for them.DEO3 said:HOT new video from barackobamadotcom:
Yes, you are.Cloudy said:Am I the only one who thinks the Aunt story could have been disastrous if it had dropped like a week ago? Hell, I'm still kind of worried about it now since Couric brought it up in an interview with Obama that airs tomorrow..
Cloudy said:Am I the only one who thinks the Aunt story could have been disastrous if it had dropped like a week ago? Hell, I'm still kind of worried about it now since Couric brought it up in an interview with Obama that airs tomorrow..
his head should be a bit biggerPantherLotus said:
I need help changing his chest to "O" and the daily planet to change
Cloudy said:Am I the only one who thinks the Aunt story could have been disastrous if it had dropped like a week ago? Hell, I'm still kind of worried about it now since Couric brought it up in an interview with Obama that airs tomorrow..
Ohio sucksEvlar said:I'm writing a song. The title is Fuck Ohio. Give me some ideas for lyrics.
Fully 58% of those polled said they would be optimistic and confident or at least satisfied and hopeful if Sen. Obama were to be elected, compared to 46% who said that about a McCain victory. The Obama figure exceeds President Bush's on the eve of his twin victories and Bill Clinton's level just before he was re-elected.
Gruco said:Probably the full effect of the infomercial bumb + early voting turnout adjustments.
Honestly, going into this thing way back like most people I expected Colorado, Virginia, Ohio, and the demographic clusterfuck known as Florida to be competitive. But I honestly in NO WAY expected the map to be expanded to the extent it is today.
Chuck Todd mentioned that the Republicans should basically start using MI and CO as experiment pools to figure out a way to get a grip on the rust belt and the southwest. But what's great is that Obama's large baseline of support has shown another battleground that probably otherwise would not have emerged for a few years: The New South / South Coast. It's not just NoVa anymore, as time goes on the GOP is also eventually going to have to find a way to neutralize ATL and the research triangle.
Actually, this is one of the parts I really like about 538: the demographic analysis and regional groupings are also great for identifying areas becoming more effective.
Also, award for best post in the midterm thread goes to StoOge
StoOgE said:COME ON ST LOUIS.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE beat the rest of your state into submission.
VIRGINIA is still in play.. Montana looking good. Tennessee looks bad... its all about Mizzou. COME ON ST LOUIS!
Please, keep konex the **** away from this thread.
StoOgE said:Your president is a ****tard. Congrats on controling that branch of government.
for two years..
StoOgE said:Its looking VERY VERY VERY good for the dems. Missouri and Montanta look pretty Democratic right now.. they've got the lead currently, and the democratic precincts are the ones that are still outstanding. Hard to pick up votes outside of your base.
Virginia is currently Webb.. almost all the votes are in, and the ones outstanding are heavy democratic.. 30K in a SUPER blue area.
Howard Dean deserves some mad mad mad props. Did a great job.. now just get Obama not Hilarry to run for preisdent. He's much more electable.
Stoney Mason said:One of my earliest posts on Obama.
I took a rather interesting route since supporting Hillary on this board was essentially like supporting evil incarnate. If it all comes down as it should on Tuesday I'll be proud of my country for the first time in awhile. Probably since we started our BS adventure into Iraq.
I actually like seeing that screen now!HylianTom said:About 8 minutes late, but still..
YESSSHylianTom said:About 8 minutes late, but still..
SecretDestroyer said:I just got back from my legal observer training.
The Obama campaign will have a total of over 1,500 lawyers and law students at various polling places in Missouri on Tuesday.
Tamanon said:Nah, it's not someone he knows, it feels like a dirty story, plus it puts a face on the immigration debate. Drudge already dropped it for Coal instead, that's how important it is!
Trax416 said:
Dudes, save it until after Ohio gets called for McCain, if that even happens. I've been trying to avoid getting my hopes up, but I'm starting to not be able to avoid the hopium.SpeedingUptoStop said:Ohio sucks
Ohio sucks
Ohio suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckspleasesuceedfromtheunionsowecanaquireIcelandOhio sucks!
Same here. I worked for the Kerry campaign in '04, and it's hard work. I feel bad that I couldn't help Obama (outside of sending him a shitload of money,) but it's great to see others doing so. Thanks guys.Stoney Mason said:If I haven't said it before I also want to send an internet thanks to guys like Frag and Incognito and the others who've done a lot of hard work on the ground game. I really admire you guys.
HylianTom said:About 8 minutes late, but still..
Buba Big Guns said:I wish Canada had an Obama.
mckmas8808 said:TRADER!!!!!! I've always been proud of my country!
Hollywood Libruls amirite~Kinggi~ said:they have some mighty fine editors/filmmakers working for them.
IAAWTP but please obama, I know you are reading this, dont FCUTA with nafta when you are pressie kthxbai.Trax416 said:
HylianTom said: said:Where is the SONG. THE SONG from Majora's Mask's final day!
ezekial45 said:Are there as many people in other states doing the same?
Give us some idea of what sort of rhyming pattern you want to use.Evlar said:I'm writing a song. The title is Fuck Ohio. Give me some ideas for lyrics.
Thank you!AniHawk said: