I suppose I'll find me exit to the forums for the night,
But before I go I suppose I'll honor my quoters with answers, only fair.
gluv65: "We all understand that you've been told that ignorance is your best trait, in the cocoon you reside. But as a cyber friend and as someone who really cares about your mental state shut the fuck up."
At least we are keeping things civil. I appreciate your comments to help back any idea I ever had about how upset everyone gets about having someone of a different opinion. Down with democracy!
scorcho: "politics in Alaska is of a different degree then what a US Senator goes through. and can we all get past the reductive 'experience' 'change' memes? god."
A fair point, but I don't see how you can make either arguement one is better than the other for getting you ready to be the executive of the country. She has the decision making skills and has actually faught personally to get things done from washington, while he has dealt with millions of people and helped probably numerous lives. I can't make a solid argument for either.
reilo: "Let's see. Their experience during the same time period [Obama from 97 til 04 and then from 05 til present versus Palin from '00 til 06, and 07 til present]:
State Senator for a district of over 800,000 versus mayor of a town of 8,000.
Senator of a state of over 12mil versus governor of a state of 680,000.
Yeah, Obama had very little influence on the people he was representing."
See above.
MaizeRage25: "You're right, the PTA is a great training ground for the Vice Presidency."
The PTA? What's that make a senater from Delware, Little League Commishiner? Don't forget, Alaska is one of the 57 as well.