kChiggs said:A few moments ago on Real Time, Michelle Martin (NPR) stated that Democrats are underestimating Palin. I think she's right.
kChiggs said:A few moments ago on Real Time, Michelle Martin (NPR) stated that Democrats are underestimating Palin. I think she's right.
SEGA SAMMY said:95% of the Earth believe in a higher power. And you would ban and censor that from public institutions. I love when the majority is silenced. But, you let Hilary have it both ways when she Lobbies with the churches.
ya, I forgot all about Crist...and while I wouldn't want him on the ticket in a million years, he'd be a better pick than Palin.Tamanon said:Jon brought up a good point, why wasn't Crist VP?:lol
Chiggs: They'd kinda have to, although at the same time, Republicans are overestimating her, that's kinda the way of things.
pxleyes said:
She's a creationist who wants to teach it in schools. That is the equivalent of psycho.Novid said:That for me shows she is not a pychopath. She doesnt have this egotism i see in the ghetto every day. If she was running for full office I would have placed it down for her. But since im against McCain for many reasons - i cant.
But I see it as thus - I see it as the wrong type of consertivism that you saw over the last 8 years. Thats the consertivism of the pychopath. Sarah Pailn is not one of them.
saying ok is dickish? jesus no need to be so sensitive.Chiggs said:Just commenting on the show. No need to be dickish.
pxleyes said:ya, I forgot all about Crist...and while I wouldn't want him on the ticket in a million years, he'd be a better pick than Palin.
pxleyes said:saying ok is dickish? jesus no need to be so sensitive.
lets slow it down. While she does support it being taught in school she has said she would not force it to be taught and it would be up to districts to decide.Rur0ni said:She's a creationist who wants to teach it in schools. That is the equivalent of psycho.
scorcho said::lol at Colbert
how cuteChiggs said:
Stoney Mason said:The base doesn't trust him.
no, in the year 2008 moderate should be accepting creationists for having views of their own but not letting it touch our school system.laserbeam said:lets slow it down. While she does support it being taught in school she has said she would not force it to be taught and it would be up to districts to decide.
Thats alot more moderate than most who would want to force it.
Zeliard said:Obama is also raising taxes on upper-income families.
tanod said:I highly doubt that a person making more than $250,000 a year gives two shits about raising a family.
I assumed he meant that people in that bracket aren't sweating financially, unless they've made some really unwise choices. Not that they'd trade one of their kids for a proper basement reno to turn into a home theater room.Frank the Great said:That's a pretty damn ignorant thing to say...and I support progressive taxation.
laserbeam said:lets slow it down. While she does support it being taught in school she has said she would not force it to be taught and it would be up to districts to decide.
Thats alot more moderate than most who would want to force it.
Ignatz Mouse said:I said this as a joke this AM on another message board-- and now it's coming out as truth! Good lord, how can this not collapse on itself? How can people continue to watch crap like this? Are people that dumb?
Chris Matthews said:I get a tingle up my left leg every time I hear him make a speach
From FNC said:Barack HussainObama
Mandark said:Politics is not an RPG. You do not automatically gain experience and level up.
Yeah...if not cheating on your wife makes you a psychopath...Ron Paul is a psychopath. He's a libertarian.
gkrykewy said:That is a ridiculous attitude. Why not let some districts decide that girls shouldn't take science or math classes at all?
Technically school districts could decide that. It wouldnt stand up in court but they could.gkrykewy said:That is a ridiculous attitude. Why not let some districts decide that girls shouldn't take science or math classes at all?
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/30/AR2008053002627.html?sub=ARStuart Spencer on George H.W. Bush's selection of Dan Quayle in 1988: Somewhere along the line, [Bush] was going to go with Quayle. He didn't tell [James A.] Baker that. . . . He didn't tell anybody that. I have no argument with his choice, but if you're going to pick a young, totally unknown senator from a state like Indiana, you'd better use the political process to see how it's going to work. . . . [He] should have made sure that Quayle's name was leaked so that it could be bounced around, so that the press could go do their vetting. . . . The first vetting Quayle gets is New Orleans [site of the Republican National Convention], where there are 5,000 animals who don't know who he is and are mad because they hadn't guessed who it could be. . . .
I go to Baker and Bush, and I say, "What do you want me to do with this guy?" By this time, they're in a state of shock. . . . I don't get any good answers. The answers were sort of a shrug: "Do what you want to do."
I looked at them and said, "Okay, I'm going to go out and bury the son of a bitch. We've got 90 days, and all they can do is harm you. He's going to every burg in America. He's not going to any high press level towns. He's going to do nothing." They didn't say no. . . .
After about 10 to 15 days of that, Quayle figured out what I was doing. . . . I don't lie very much, so when Dan asked me, I told him, ". . .You got off to a bum start, and it's not your fault. But you can't save George Bush. You can't win for George Bush. You can't do anything but be a problem for George Bush unless we do this right."
gkrykewy said:You really seem to be a few sandwiches short of a picnic, but I'll reply anyway. Neat, I get to use my favorite GIF again. Behold, our national shame:
Note that it is quite a leap from "believing in a higher power" to being a batshit willfully ignorant reactionary who wants their peculiar idea of religion taught in the science classroom. That is some madrassa-level bullshit (look it up).
laserbeam said:The Point is her personal belief is not being forced on anyone. In fact her comment basically says the status quo is how it goes. School Districts decide policies.
gkrykewy said:You really seem to be a few sandwiches short of a picnic, but I'll reply anyway. Neat, I get to use my favorite GIF again. Behold, our national shame:
Note that it is quite a leap from "believing in a higher power" to being a batshit willfully ignorant reactionary who wants their peculiar idea of religion taught in the science classroom. That is some madrassa-level bullshit (look it up).
:lol :lolSEGA SAMMY said:agreed, "Religion should not be be taught as fact in science class, but neither should evolution. You wouldn't need to worry about creationist science sneaking into class if evolution wasn't forced on kids as a statement of fact in schools"
SEGA SAMMY said:survey of surveys confirms that America truly is one nation, under God—or at least Americans say it is. In survey after survey, overwhelming majorities say they believe in God. More than nine in 10 Americans—95 percent—told ABC News polltakers that they believe in God. A Gallup Organization survey for CNN and USA Today last December found much the same thing: Nearly nine in 10—86 percent—said they believed in God, while another 8 percent said they believe in some form of "Universal spirit or higher power."
agreed, "Religion should not be be taught as fact in science class, but neither should evolution. You wouldn't need to worry about creationist science sneaking into class if evolution wasn't forced on kids as a statement of fact in schools"
I'm watching CNN and MSNBC and I am losing my shit. She wants to outlaw Abortion even in cases of Rape or Incest.
Hell. Fuckin. No.
gkrykewy said::lol :lol
I rest my case. If only there were a way to prevent enemies of the fundamental tenets of biological science from benefiting from its medicinal advances.
SEGA SAMMY said:LOL great! Actually I want all points of view discussed in school. I enjoyed talking Darwin and creationism in class. My atheist friends and I would have some great discourse. When I was a kid I was allowed to. I am not the side advocating censorship.
But modern science is becoming a politically hijacked mess, and scientists who even question things like global warming are black listed and discredited. Where the very nature of science is to question and doubt.