I distinguish liberals from progressives, who can be recognized theoretically by their belief that The Man is as oppressive as ever, and operationally by their low-circulation magazines, their Volvos, and their Third World jewelry. :lol Of course, all liberal ideas started as progressive or downright revolutionary, but liberalism has always sought to reform the system; progressives want to replace it. (The contrast is social as well; I always find it amusing that the uptight, conventional guy in The Return of the Secaucus Seven is the Democrat.) If you want to see which faction each of the attendees at the wine and cheese party belong to, start a discussion on socialism, or on Bill Clinton.
Liberalism has spent the last twenty years under constant attack... which is puzzling, since it has been right in all its principles and has won all its battles.
Government regulation. People flirt with lunatic libertarianism... but the Fed, the FDIC, and the FDA are still in business. Laissez-faire capitalism is great for making a few people rich and the rest of the country miserable; if 1890s America is hazy in your mind, you can see the results today in Russia.
Liberal capitalism-- with government regulation of banks, financial markets, and product safety, and social nets and progressive taxation to prevent excessive concentration of wealth-- is simply the most successful economic system yet invented.
Conservatives feel most comfortable in an aristocracy. But aristocratic nations are poor nations. (The conservatives who realize this don't mind it, because they are or feel they should be part of the elite.)
A luminous exception: Henry Ford, who doubled the wages of his assembly-line workers-- earning the scorn of the 1920s business community. Ford, however, saw the potential of a huge class of consumers rich enough to buy automobiles. Liberal capitalism thrives because a huge middle class, as in the U.S., is a better market than a small wealthy elite, as in Brazil.
So, liberalism has been right in every one of its battles, and conservatives wrong. Shouldn't we then expect liberals to be fêted gurus, and conservatives laughed out of intellectual life, at least till they had apologized for their errors and revamped their philosophy accordingly?
I can't do justice to Lind, Lakoff, or Wills in a paragraph or two... and reconciling them would take a long essay in itself. Suffice to say that all three of them are worth reading.
I think Lakoff does an excellent job explaining to liberals how such seemingly disaparate elements as opposition to abortion, support for gun ownership, 'family values', and opposition to pro-family legislation, all fit together into one metaphorical package.
In particular, he's good at explaining why conservatives just don't get worked up about suffering, at least if it's not their own. They're like Calvin's dad: they think suffering builds character. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, son, and if the bleeding hearts really succeeded in making it as safe and nice as a kindergarten, what would become of the manly virtues? :lol
Tellingly, the best research shows that the 'strict father' metaphor actually makes for lousy parenting. The root problem: it produces children with an external conscience-- in other words, people who behave only when other people are watching.
The Christian morality play is as unsatisfactory as any of the other binary models; but at least it has the virtue of placing religion, which has been of primary importance in many an American political movement, at center stage. If you're irreligious and know only of the Religious Right, by the way, you're as willfully stupid as those right-wingers who see commies wherever they look. The civil rights movement, for instance, was based in the black churches; it's not an accident that Dr. King was a pastor. And to this day there is a religious left, which would be a natural ally of progressives if they knew where to look.
Meet the Rightists
If you look at the rhetoric of the Republicans, you'd think the party is the playground of the fundies and/or libertarians. But the Reps in power don't do what they say they will (thank God). If you look at what they actually do, it's pretty much dictated by what big business thinks will be good for it: free trade, except where foreigners can do things better than us; subsidies for business, reducing taxes on the rich, bailing out failed S&Ls, opposing minor impediments to business like universal health care, unions, and regulation.
The rich control this country; the richest 5% of families own 40% of the national wealth. Its only problem, really, is that to win elections you need not only money but masses of warm (or at least registered) bodies. So they need allies.
Fundies have always found something to despise in society; but I think the '60s snapped them out of their complacency. Jazz and cigarettes were bad enough, but for God's sake, these hippies were getting naked, taking drugs, and questioning authority :lol. Riots and bombings, increased crime, and lawsuits against school prayer showed that things were truly spiralling out of control. Feminism seemed like an attack on the way things should be. And above all there was abortion, which was not just perverse but truly evil.