With my current house setup, I have to have the internet modem upstairs, and my PS4 and media center is in the living room downstairs, all of it using wi-fi.
I really want to have better remote play connections when I'm outside the home, and I assume not being wireless on the PS4 will help this. I do have a really good wireless router though, and using the PS4 internet connection test I get 20 down and 4.5 up on wireless. On my hardwired PC though I get like 60 down and 8 up.
So it seems my options are:
1. Move my cable modem/router downstairs and use a splitter with my cable TV. It seems like this would degrade my connection though?
2. Purchase those powerline ethernet adapters to have it go over my electrical system. Would this honestly provide a better option than wireless?
I really want to have better remote play connections when I'm outside the home, and I assume not being wireless on the PS4 will help this. I do have a really good wireless router though, and using the PS4 internet connection test I get 20 down and 4.5 up on wireless. On my hardwired PC though I get like 60 down and 8 up.
So it seems my options are:
1. Move my cable modem/router downstairs and use a splitter with my cable TV. It seems like this would degrade my connection though?
2. Purchase those powerline ethernet adapters to have it go over my electrical system. Would this honestly provide a better option than wireless?