Ealier this week the notorious DJ Whoo Kid stopped by MASS APPEAL HQ for a very rare interview. The legendary mixtape master chopped it up with us about the making of his landmark tape 50 Cent is the Future, which will soon mark its 15-year anniversary. The conversation was everything we hoped it would be, and more. Much more. So much more that we had to break you off with a little preview to hold you down till next week.
Lets go back to a time when 50 Cent was on his way to becoming the realest and biggest rap star on the planet, with fans from Muammar Gaddafi to Donald Trump. Who, it turns out, is actually a clone! But let Whoo Kid tell it
DJ WHOO KID: I used to take movies and sample all the best gun sounds and remix them into the mixtapes, instead of using the cheesy generic shit. When you went to the show, it was like you were in a movie. The whole movement was kind of like an action movie. I wanted to protect 50s image by making the tapes gangster too.
Thats the only reason I was cool with [Muammar] Gadaffi. Cause Gadaffi and his sons had all the G-Unit mixtapes. He was like, Yo, I like 50 Cent, but I like the fact that you mixed it in a gangster way. When I was hanging with him, he was like, Yo, my mangunshots, killing. Im talking to a so-called terrorist, but he was my homeboy. We did a lot of events with him. But imagine like, Gadaffi fucking telling you I dont know man. It gets really too crazy sometimes.
It gets to the point where Donald Trumps son, who was so young at that time, he was a super G-Unit fan. Like, beyond a fan. Trump Jr. was so fucked to the point where he talked to Donald Trump about 50 all the time.
When I was got hired to do Shade 45, they gave me Saturdays. Thats the only place you could find me or hear me or catch me. So Trump Jr. was addicted to the show. He used to tell Donald Trump so much about the show, where Donald Trump was like, Yo, alright! He was on The Apprentice at that time. And he was like, Im gonna go up there!
Donald Trump came, not only because he was a fan of 50, but he wanted to look cool in front of his son. Like, Yo, I can go on that show and be cool and hang out.
So I was doing Drug Dealer Weekend. Like, I had ecstasy dealers, I had like, all kinds of dumb shit. But they didnt say their real names. They came up hereit was like a tutorial to tell you: Yo, these are the drugs we sell, and this is what can happen if you do it. We dont know whats in ecstasy. Dont do it. Weed can be addictive. Yeah, its cool with Snoop, butdont do it. Everything ended with Dont do it!
But my boy was downstairs, like, Yo, theres a Donald Trump downstairs for you.
I was like, What? What are you talking about? So Im doing my show live. Im like, What the fuck are you talkin about?
Yeah, Donald Trump is downstairs. Hes with some guy who say he know you and he just came up here.
Im like, Well Im doing, like, a Drug Dealer Weekend. [Laughs] So Im like, Yo, fuck that. This is the only time I could have him, and I couldnt tell the drug dealers to leave. So I had security bring him up, and Donald Trump comes in.
You could tell this is the scenario of a white guy uncomfortable with niggas everywhere. And this white guy, who is super-rich, is not leaving. Because its uncomfortable for him to leave. Hes like, You know what? Im gonna knock this out. Fuck it.
But he doesnt know that this is Drug Dealer Weekend. This is like, Tony Yayo is up there, this drug dealer from Connecticut, and Donald Trump and this other weed dealer. Were all partying for like an hour. I never told Trump that it was Drug Dealer Weekend. He hung out and 50 Cent called in to keep him comfortable.
How am I supposed to know, from a mixtape guy, that Im gonna have the future dickhead president of America?
And yes, Whoo Kid blessed us with the exclusive video. Smell the money!
I think we have officially concluded on MASS APPEAL that Trump is a goddamn clone! He looks exactly the same as he did 10 years ago.